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gsa32 gsa32

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood. Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Posts 559
Comments 175
FACT: Operating Starlink in Ukraine costs Elon $100 million [1]. FACT: The USGOV only gave SpaceX $3 million for equipment sent to Ukraine [2].
  • ?

    Funny how i've been called both a rightoid and leftist by wingcucks from both sides.

  • FACT: Operating Starlink in Ukraine costs Elon $100 million [1]. FACT: The USGOV only gave SpaceX $3 million for equipment sent to Ukraine [2].

    cross-posted from:

    > The fact is that Elon, one man, has done more to support Ukraine in the fight against Putin than most countries on earth. > > In fact even if Ukrainians weren't receiving it for free Elon would still deserve credit FOR CREATING Starlink in the first place. Thereby allowing Ukrainians to have critical infrastructure in wartime. > > The Russians would be parading Zelenskyy’s corpse through the streets of Kiev, if not for Elon’s help. > > Sources: > > [1] > > [2] > > Tired of the echo chamber? Just click that subscribe button on the sidebar!

    'The Donald' forum user gets more than 6 years in prison for battling officers at Capitol riot
  • B-B-But I thought all cops are white supremacists who defend Trump supporters. That's what Ressitors and Lemmings told me, and we all know that all Redditors are high-IQ intellectuals.

  • 'The Donald' forum user gets more than 6 years in prison for battling officers at Capitol riot

    Jose Padilla, 43, a disabled Army veteran, received a sentence far below the sentencing guidelines.

    'The Donald' forum user gets more than 6 years in prison for battling officers at Capitol riot

    The Good Space - Mastodon user shares their findings about use of the fediblock lists and finds huge flaws in using fediblock lists

    cross-posted from:

    > cross-posted from: > > > Mastodon discussion > > > > and one lemmy instance with queer furries ( were mentioned in the article.

    Hypothesis: Insufficient moderation tools lead to instance protectionism, which leads to a decline in the overall discussion quality on Lemmy
  • Do you have any plans to add support for showing when a Lemmy or Kbin instance has defederated from Mastodon, Pleroma, Peertube, Soapbox, Misskey, etc. instances? That seems to be the only flaw when tracking Lemmy deferations.

  • The Good Space - Mastodon user shares their findings about use of the fediblock lists and finds huge flaws in using fediblock lists

    cross-posted from:

    > Mastodon discussion > > and one lemmy instance with queer furries ( were mentioned in the article.

    FediLore + Fedidrama gsa32

    Another day, another defederation due to inactive admins Defederated from -

    Lately we have been dealing with a few abusive members from [] and we were unable to get in touch with the instance administrator. Part of the problem is the instance’s open registrations which do not require you to enter an e-mail address during signup. This in combination...

    0 Just because Americans love Google doesn't make it a monopoly. Biden lawsuit goes too far.

    DOJ's antitrust lawsuit rests on the paternalistic theory that Google's search dominance must be bad – even though consumers overwhelmingly prefer it.

    Just because Americans love Google doesn't make it a monopoly. Biden lawsuit goes too far.
    Legacy Artist gets dunked on (AI art is a good thing btw)
  • Helps people with disabilities create art. Some may not be able to draw, but with access to a powerful enough computer, you can create art without needing to draw.

    It also helps people with horrible drawing skills create beautiful art.

  • Drama in the Fediverse gsa32

    Beehaw considering Leaving Lemmy and the Fediverse

    cross-posted from:

    > cross-posted from: > > > A few days ago, Beehaw posted an announcement in their Chat community about the challenges of content moderation and the possibility of leaving Lemmy. That post was eventually locked. > > > > Then, about two days ago, Beehaw posted an announcement in their support community that they aren't confident about the long-term use of Lemmy, due to so-called concerns about Lemmy. > > > > RedditAlternatives discussion > > > > If you currently use Beehaw and want to stay on the federated Lemmy network, consider migrating your account to another instance like

    *Permanently Deleted*
  • Thus the reason for [email protected]

  • We now have an AutoMod!
  • Nice! Imma test this soon

  • Redditors side with landchads in surprising turn of events.
  • Looks like the downvote brigade has come, time to pin this post.

  • She/Her Army Frightening A Chud
  • Lmao that's hilarious! Saved

  • Redditors side with landchads in surprising turn of events.
  • Not when it comes to rentoids. If you give them an inch, they take a mile.

    You gotta keep them on their toes and remind them their place.

  • Redditors side with landchads in surprising turn of events.
  • Landphobia is the bigotry and intolerance towards landownership and People of Land. People of Land (PoL) is one of the most marginalised minority groups in modern day society and is constantly subject to microaggressions (e.g. not paying rent plus tip on time); hateful bigotry (e.g. ‘being a landlord is not a rEaL jOb’); and at times even systemic discriminations such as property tax and eviction moratoriums.

  • Redditors side with landchads in surprising turn of events.
  • More like he was being too generous to that rentoid. They're lucky the landchad was being too generous to give them time to move out. They should've been evicted immediately + demanded the tip.

  • Redditors side with landchads in surprising turn of events.
  • Wrong!

    Landlords serve a very important role in society, and you are landphobic if you disagree.

  • Redditors side with landchads in surprising turn of events.
  • Sad! 😢

    c/drama is like the leftwing outcast brother of r/drama, r/deuxrama, r/zweirama, r/dtama, r/dosrama, and

  • Redditors side with landchads in surprising turn of events.
  • I too remember when I was 14.

    Get better material, landphobic child.

  • has shut down

    cross-posted from:

    > When trying to open the site it reads the message: “Hey, I apologize but for the time being this instance must go down. I cannot deal with two instances at once during the ongoing issues with lemmy and people spamming illegal content into the federation. I don't know when or if this instance will be back, but I will try my best to bring it back up when I can. For continued info, please go to, I love and appreciate you <3”


    YSK: There is a new Reddit search tool that replaces Camas Search Reddit Search Tool

    Advanced search tool for Reddit posts and comments

    If you ever wanted to search something on Reddit but didn't want to use Reddit or if you wanted to look back on your post/comment history, now you can again!

    Pullpush is the spiritual successor of Pushshift for those who had use Pushshift before.

    4 X sues Calif. to avoid revealing how it makes “controversial” content decisions

    X decried law's "draconian financial penalties" up to $15K per violation per day.

    X sues Calif. to avoid revealing how it makes “controversial” content decisions

    Orange site venture capitalist got pranked REAL good!!

    cross-posted from:

    > ! > > ! > > > > This is all the information at this time. A VC dropped this thread and another VC responded saying pls delete. May develop into more drama. Big money involved.

    0 Navy SEAL who claimed to kill Bin Laden arrested in Texas

    Robert J. O'Neill, the former Navy SEAL who claimed to be the one who killed Usama bin Laden, was arrested in Texas on misdemeanor assault and public intoxication.

    Navy SEAL who claimed to kill Bin Laden arrested in Texas
    1 Navy SEAL who claimed to kill Bin Laden arrested in Texas

    Robert J. O'Neill, the former Navy SEAL who claimed to be the one who killed Usama bin Laden, was arrested in Texas on misdemeanor assault and public intoxication.

    Navy SEAL who claimed to kill Bin Laden arrested in Texas