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Writing Club - July 2024

Welcome to the inaugural writing club update! This is a brand new writing club, first proposed here. I have some ideas about what I want from this club, but where we go from here is open ended.

So feel free to start new posts or spinoffs in between my monthly posts, as long as they jive with the rules in our gracious host community's sidebar, you have my full support. :)

On to the whole point of this club! The following brave things set to text concrete goals for themselves (linked beside their names, just below). If you'd like to join their number, simply say so in the comments, along with your goal for this month. Okay, here are the stars of our show: πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘


You don't have to share any of the actual material you've worked on unless you want to (you could even use our local Etherpad to share writing stuff - for example).

Here are some questions to start you off. I'm genuinely interested in your answers, but don't feel you need to follow my script. This is just a prompt:

  • How do you think you did on your goal(s)?
  • What would you like to accomplish for our next check-in in August?
  • Is there a part of your project that you'd especially like feedback on?
  • Is there anything about this writing club you'd like us to do differently?

No stress if you didn't accomplish everything you set out to (I fell short and I'm still here hehe). I would love to hear your updates no matter how things went!

I'll share my own progress in a comment below. What I'm hoping from this step is that we treat this as part check-in, and part conversation. This is your chance to really dig into each others' projects (and if someone has done so for you, maybe it would be nice to return the favour and take an interest in their own project? ;))

  • For my part, I set out to draw a fairly detailed map of the part of the fictional world that my story takes place. Here's what I came up with:

    A map of two mountain ranges with orange at their tops, paths going into them from the left, and out at the right, leading to an outpost, and further still some buildings labelled "Bunks." (Please DM me if you would like more detail)

    I'm pretty happy with it, but it still feels like just an outline/draft/unfinished. But maybe it's enough for now. Does this image make sense to anyone else? I imagine it's pretty vague if your brain isn't loaded up with all the context I've been soaking in for the past year (!!!).

    My second goal was to connect two scenes together, which I didn't even start on. But I have a good reason (lol)! Previously, I was working this material into a WIP Twine game, but since reading about the "Snowflake" method of writing, I realised I don't even have an outline - which has been making the writing of these Twine game scenes harder than it has to be (because I essentially have to invent motivations on the spot to puppet my characters around).

    So I'm doing a slight pivot. I'm going to write this story as a short story first, then maybe adapt it into a Twine game. I'm hoping to use the Snowflake method to my full advantage this way (yes, you guessed correctly, I do like structure hahaha).

    So my goal for this month is to finish my short story outline: characters, plot/events, worldbuilding (enough for the story anyway), beginning, conflict(s), and end.

    Good luck, me!

  • I think I made some good progress on the campaign I'm writing for the Fully Automated TTRPG. I've built up some of the history around the mystery the players will be investigating, some of the characters and their interconnections, and places where the players will be able to access that information. I've also built out the locations a good bit more, most of which aren't directly related to the plot, but at least it means there'll be answers ready for any GM who has to field questions about how the community handles this or that aspect of life. I've started gathering up all the characters I've mentioned in various sections so far and organizing them in the characters section of the doc, and have started building out details for them.

    At this point, my goals are to build out the mystery further, to add more slip-ups and connections to the cold case murder mystery, more ways for the players to find the long-forgotten toxic waste dumping. I've done a lot of work on the nearby modern village where they start off, but the abandoned town itself is still light on landmarks so I need to build those out. I also have a lot more characters to describe and eventually stat out.

    Eventually I want to polish up the feel of it, to give it a bit of an adventure-movie feel, full of exploring lost ruins and wild forests, unraveling a mystery and searching for buried treasure. But the treasure is illegally-dumped industrial waste, the ruins and forests are in the Northeast United States. Building out the art assets included with the module book should help with that a bit.

    • Whoa! Your project and world sounds super interesting :) sounds like you made really good progress this month too!

      Is the setting part of the mystery? Like as the game goes on little hints are given as to the setting?

      Looking forward to seeing more of your project! Sounds like the type of thing my sister's and I would play together :)

      • In that case I'll try to answer without giving too much away! The campaign uses the setting from the game Fully Automated! but is set in a region of the former United States which the rulebook largely overlooks. So general stuff like the history of the world still applies, and the players are free to read up on it, but I'm writing my own historical events when it comes this specific fictional, abandoned town and the area around it.

        The players are on a quest to find a forgotten buried treasure (several tons of illegally-dumped industrial waste now useful in the production of geopolymers) in a mostly abandoned town currently undergoing deconstruction and rewilding. Their search will unearth many forgotten details of the region's chaotic history from during the setting's Global Climate War 60 years before.

    • You mentioned art in your last comment too, and from creeping your posts I see that you've got some art chops! Are the art assets a big part of your project, or are they more there to illustrate the writing? I know a lot of writing begins with images and other aesthetic media (like in my case, with maps).

      I'm also wondering if you have a kind of "moral" that you want your players to come away with. Even in interactive projects, I usually have some values or concepts I'm trying to get across to the player. Sometimes it's my secret purpose, and other times it's pretty on the nose hehe.

      • This project has actually been a bit of an extension of my Postcards from a Solarpunk Future project! Building out all the places and options for the players to explore has allowed me to write in way more worldbuilding than I could get away with in a normal fiction project (though the players won't see all of it). Similar to the postcards where each is just a picture and little worldbuilding essay, no plot. It's also let me focus on aspects of solarpunk that I realized really interests me while working on the postcards. Stuff like reuse, rewilding, deconstruction, and generally what rural areas might look like in a solarpunk world, especially current-day bedroom communities.

        As for the art, I'd been running out of ideas I was excited about for the postcard series, but since starting in on this, writing all these new locations, I've found a bunch of new scenes I'm really excited to do the art for.

        I wouldn't say it's critical to the campaign exactly, but the scenes and maps will be something the GM can put up on screen on Roll20 to set the tone and feel, or to help the players picture their surroundings. Character portraits might help them remember who's who.

        As for a moral, I've definitely got things I want to explore: the motives for and consequences of a sort of negative peace, the shifting value of things like industrial waste based on use (and generally the very rare win-win where a waste product from one process becomes a useful input in another), the priorities of society and how it might look when one has very different goals than profits. Generally I want to explore what very rural places like my hometowns might look like when society has moved away from cars. And to generally tout values like thrift and reuse. But I'm not sure if I have a specific moral in mind.

  • So my goal was to work on actually editing some of the scenes I'd already written for a sci-fi story. I have tons of scenes drafted out, but am a huge slacker when it comes to editing. Unfortunatly, I ended up deciding to move houses & haven't done much writing at all this month.

    I'm finally all packed though, and am basically just in waiting for closing dates in my current and future house to arrive. I'm hoping having all my distractions packed up & nothing to do will help make July a much more productive month.

    I'm hoping to have my opening chapter edited, maybe write a few more scenes, and tighten up my proposed timeline to match with my outline.

    & just for more information: The story centers around a protagonist who creates a way of augmenting the human mind. This opens up many new possibilities for what humans can be, but of course there are those who seek to monitize and control the technology. The story will take place over an extended period of time as humanity is radically changed by technology. Themes include the necessity of understanding and controlling the tech we use, boundries of the self, and what it means to be human.

    I have another project that takes place in the same universe but instead centers around a found family of heavily modded space travellars. It's a much more playful series focusing on queerness, counter cultural spaces, & creating meaning in a meaningless universe. I bring it up because the two stories are closely linked & I often jump between the two. The queer space story is one I daydream about more, but the augmented mind story has a stronger plot and is a more traditionally sci fi story.

    Heres to hoping this month is one with lots of time spent writing the days away :)

    • The story centers around a protagonist who creates a way of augmenting the human mind. This opens up many new possibilities for what humans can be, but of course there are those who seek to monitize and control the technology. The story will take place over an extended period of time as humanity is radically changed by technology. Themes include the necessity of understanding and controlling the tech we use, boundries of the self, and what it means to be human.

      Thanks for sharing this high level synopsis. The absolute breadth of this project sounds intense - do you have a length in mind for your book yet?

      I love these kinds of stories that take place over a long period of time, since by the time you get to the end you have so much context all loaded up in a kind of emotional tsunami. Anyway, it's really affecting.

      Not sure how much detail you can give, but how many time periods are you thinking of writing?

      I also love how your queer space story and this "main" one can kind of feed off of each other. IMHO it sounds like a smart way to hijack the "shiny object syndrome" (or SOS, lol) that so many creative folks experience. Actually it kind of reminds me of @[email protected]'s Postcards from a Solarpunk Future in that way! (Here's an example)

      Maybe there's a little bit of it in my obsession with maps too, hehe.