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Guide to Consent
  • Define flirtation? How do you separate it from just having a nice conversation with someone? I’m also not sure how the ambiguity of interest when talking to someone is related to the conversation about consent surrounding sexual activities. The law also doesn’t criminalize consensual sexual activity between similarly aged minors. Certainly not a couple 17yo’s. Sipping wine doesn’t mean you can’t drive a car so it doesn’t incapacitate you from making a consensual sexual decision. Besides the fact that the law is not really what we’re talking about here. The law will always be imperfect. We’re talking about being real here. Being a real human being who sees other people as human beings and wants to do the right thing. And to your last point, I can’t speak to different cultures. But I would be against sexual acts that don’t confirm enthusiastic consent no matter what culture someone is from. Ultimately your language comes across like that of someone who has studied dating academically without much practical experience.

    With your permission, I'll ignore this bc I feel I cannot address the actual core point of what you're saying in there. I can write thousands of words and most likely you won't be convinced.

    I’m not really sure what your point is after all of this. That we shouldn’t worry about consent from our partners? It feels a little trollish to expect anyone to just be like yeah ok

    I think the theory of consent is a bad tool for the job. Instead of contextual, implicit, natural, inherently risky decision making, it is trying to assign the blame for breaking "the rule of consent". Rather than worrying of your partner's consent, I suggest listening to your partner's state. I invite people to acknowledge and embrace risks of communication; to carry the burden of potentially being wrong; to learn how to be more in-tune with your partner.

    Specific words and general rules of thumb just don't cut it for that purpose. Chances are your partner is complicated person with her/his own ways of expressing oneself; And as a good partners you both need to learn emotional languages of each other.

  • Guide to Consent
  • Indeed, behaviour might be inappropriate and potentially dangerous for both partners but it is present and quite prevalent.

    Consider the act of flirtation: it's conscious projection of ambiguity aimed to see oneself as desireable partner. In that regard, it's self gratifying -- people might not even want any relationship/friendship. They just like the act itself. Which makes it even messier -- people flirt in any age, not matter how mature they could be in other areas of life.

    If you take it at face value, you'd see what it is: a dating game. We implicitly project our enthusiasm (consent?) to a stranger and yet given plausable deniability if things go south. We play pretend and wear masks all the time. It's been this way for thousands of years -- and that alone throws consent theory out of wack.

    On top of that no matter age, maturity, or any other characteristic, noone is rational 100% of the time, some people are unable legally to consent at all. Are we going to be that kind of society that jails (both of) 17 y.o. teenagers for few years just because they slept together? Or married couple who each sipped a glass of wine before sex? -- they're no longer able to consent therefore technically it's a double rape

    Lastly, many cultures (not talking about individuals here) even within one society are very different. For some asking about consent is a sign of weakness, for others expressing sexual consent (especially publicly) is associated with promiscuous behaviour. Simply enrolling this theory on such people may cause a lot of turbulence between\within generations and cultures.

  • Guide to Consent
  • It's indeed inappropriate, yet, this behaviour is deeply ingrained in dating world.

    For example

  • XKCD: Geohydrotypography
  • The lengths Americans go to not use metric 😁

  • Guide to Consent
    1. Risk is inherent to human communication: risk of miscommunication, risk of someone dropping you midsentence, risk of violence if you unknowingly and deeply offended the opponent, etc
    2. When adding extra layer bureaucracy over human interaction we must ask ourselves "will it actually solve the problem?"
    Now let's consider a metaphor of consent theory -- contract

    When you sell or buy stuff, you can request a contract where the terms are going to be explicitly stated. Yet in ordinary life contract is used only in special circumstances when parties don't know each other and stakes are relatively high.

    Now imagine you'd have to make this contract every time you interact with your friends. They buy you food? Can't accept it until the contract is signed. They give you a ride? can't have before the contract. etc etc That's very inconvenient, isn't it?

    Theoretically you can create all encompasing contract that will provision to do anything by anyone in accordance with law. So, what's the value of such contract then? why do we have it in the first place if it doesn't actually protects parties from abuse?

    1. Malicious agents don't care about consent
    Contract metaphor

    Have you been ever tricked into signing contract that's not beneficial to you? I certainly have. More knowledgeable agents are always at the advantage in signing and creating contracts.

    Example: Every day I agree to cookie agreement I didn't read, so what's the point of the contract that's impractical to read and understand?

    So, striving to protect the user, GDPR actually forced users to agree to random agreements they cannot be ever expected to read, let alone to understand.

    And that's just bits of data. Imagine you could become a sexual slave to someone just because you unknowingly consented?

    For better or worse, in personal relationships people rely on vibes. There's a reason for that: not everyone (in fact Idk who actually) has the capacity to solve moralistic riddles every time there's communication ambiguity.

    1. Theory of consent is assuming that morality can be objectified
      Well, bad news, morality is not objective. So if you force your own moral vision as objective one, governing body actually not respecting consent of people.

    2. Lastly, this theory is only an idea. There's no real implementation structure as of now, there's no clarity how it supposed to work and what will be the actual result. Once it progresses let's talk about that particular implementation.

    Now, fast and loose:

    Is that risk acceptable to you? If so, why?

    I am responsible for my own actions and ready to defend those actions according to state's law

    Would you be ok with that risk if you were the physically smaller/less strong person in the interaction? Assuming you’re a straight man, would you be ok with a gay man using your approach to consent with you?

    This person is also responsible for his own actions and legally we're on similar grounds regardless of weight. In fact, usually physically smaller person has legal upper hand: he's risking by years in prison while I am (the victim) risking by half an hour of humiliating experience. Yes, it could be traumatizing experience but it's nowhere near as traumatizing as post-con life

  • Do people still write philosophical novels?
  • Someone once said that philosopher is a failed writer: you wouldn't do philosophy if you are talented enough to write a good novel.

    From the lens of writing almost every novel has bits and pieces of author's philosophy. However, in modern world there's not a lot of demand for modern philosophy (same as with other deep academic field).

    Consider how many novels were written about gas thermodynamics? About zero and the reason is simple: there's little demand for it to afford hundreds of hours of professional writer

  • Guide to Consent
  • That's moral stance of the author, I wish them the best of luck applying it in reality

  • You can jot it faster by voice! - Joplin introduces voice typing in 2.11

    This feature inspired me to finally transcribe my pile of handwritten notes 😳 😉

    Here's more about it

    What's new in Joplin 2.11 - News - Joplin Forum

    > The Android mobile app now support offline voice typing - it means your voice recording does not need to be uploaded to Google or Samsung server - it all takes place on your device for added security. To make use of it, open any note, tap on the three dots menu, then "Voice typing". > > ! > > The first time, the app will need to download the language files to your device: > > !

    > Once they are there, simply record your message and it will appear in the note: > > !](


    Is SteamOS a future default for handhelds?

    Given many new handhelds coming on the scene and general disinterest of Microsoft to support the market, do you think SteamOS will take place of default OS the same way Android did on phones some time ago?

    89 Tab Master Steam Deck Plugin For Custom Library Tabs

    Tab Master is a Steam Deck plugin that allows you to have full control over your Steam library tabs. Create, Hide, Filter, Reorder.

    Tab Master Steam Deck Plugin For Custom Library Tabs

    > Available Filters: > > - Collections: add games in a collection to the tab > - Multiple: will restrict it to games in all specified collections > - Regex: filters game titles using a regex (for testing, use this website) > - Installed: filters games by if they are installed or not > - Friends: filters games by if they are owned by a friend as well > - Multiple: depending on mode, either game must be owned by all friends, or at least 1 friend > - Mode: “and” means all friends must own, “or” means any > - Tags: filters games by if they have a given tag associated with them > - Multiple: depending on mode, either game must have all tags, or at least 1 tag > - Mode: “and” means must have all tags, “or” means any

    eXtremeRate Emerald Green Build Complete
  • Approximately how much time did it take?

  • How to create your own community on (even if you're a remote user)!
  • Wow, shows your incredible commitment really! Keep up the good work!

    I'll let you know if I find such bot, since creation of remote communities is implied by Lemmy design, I think people will come up with it

  • My top 10 Steam Deck Games

    cross-posted from:

    > *** > My 10 most played (and enjoyed) games on the Steam Deck over the last year. What are your favorites? > > Here’s the list with basic Performance and overall ratings (No particular order): > > \*Shadow of Mordor - 8.5 > > Highly recommend. Great Story, Smooth gameplay with a low skill floor and high skill ceiling, and tons of fun to be had with the Orc Nemesis system. I hear great things about the sequel, but I just had to get this off my backlog because it’s been there since launch. Glad I had this gem to kick off my SD journey. It Runs almost flawlessly with good settings. > > \*No Man’s Sky - 8.75 > > (if it’s your thing, incredible) For a colorful space-feels survival game, look no further. Relaxing or challenging depending on what you’re looking for, the game setting are yours to command. Superb exploration mechanics and a dev team that only gets better with age. 100% worth the go. > > \*The Witcher 2 - 8.0 > > Oldie but a goodie. Runs locked 45 with high graphics start to finish. Or 60 FPS with some dips. Honestly, I just turned the frame counter off and I stopped noticing. Story is awesome, and for a medieval bang-me simulator, no one does it better. The combat and controls take a little getting used to, but there are some great community layouts (including mine). It’s an often overlooked game that is worth your time, and money — especially because it goes on sale all the time. > > \*The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind - 9.999 > > Needs no introduction. It’s Morrowind — Nuff said. It runs perfectly with maxed out everything. You can even get all your favorite mods going with a little guile and elbow grease. I’d give it 10 but nothing is perfect, and let’s be honest this game has a lot of jank. It’s really just rated highly because of what a perfect fit it is on Deck. Also, it’s one of my favorite games of all time, so I’m biased. Any complaints about the game I’ve long since come to terms with. The animation is whacky and stiff even for the time, and the character models are bizarre and disproportionate. The textures need updating, but with a few mods, this game is gorgeous, and even without it’s still an absolute masterpiece of story music and voice acting. The RPG mechanics are deep and satisfying. Truly, they don’t make games like this anymore. You’re almost meant to be able to break it using the in game systems, turning you eventually into an omnipotent god. What a great game on the go, and it gets bonus points for the nostalgia feels. > > \*Elden Ring - 9.25 > > Graphics 10, Story 10, Gameplay and Controls 10, Sound and music 9 (a little crunchy sometimes and needs some balancing between the music and sound effects. It comes with the volume WAY too over cranked so I recommend having a fiddle to get it where you like it) Performance 8 (It’s a newish Next Gen AAA game. It’s a miracle it runs at all. I just lock it at 45 and turn off the frame counter and don’t notice the dips. It’s had substantial updates since the SDs launch that have really optimized the performance, I’ve only recently noticed some hiccups during a cutscene as the camera cut to different angles. Might have something to do with stream loading) Overall 9.25. Worth the time and money, and the performance issues were minor, few and far between. > > \*Hogwarts Legacy - 9 > > WHOA. What a game. So surprised by this. Can’t believe it runs on The Deck. Similar score to Elden Ring. I give it maybe a 9 overall, simply because the main story is kinda Meh. However the side quests and NPCs and world building more than makeup for it. Gameplay is phenomenally great. Flying on a broomstick, check, tight combat, check, exploring Hogwarts fully and unhindered, check. They’ve somehow managed to Souls-Like-ify Harry Potter, and I’m not mad at all. Pick it up and live your best Wizard life. > > \*Kerbal Space Program - 7.75 > > Get weird and build some rockets bro. Great building, physics and flight sim, with a silly little green men from space twist. Runs perfectly unless you get a little too carried away with parts, but dude… this game can make even modern PCs chug if you get know how. Fun pick up for the Deck, though the controls needs a touch of love from the community layouts. Have a look there and you won’t go wrong. > > \*Mass Effect Trilogy - 8.75 > > It’s Mass Effect, finally in a full trilogy on steam, and all three games run great on deck. This was BioWare at its best, and if you’re missing out on one or all of these games in the series, it’s worth a go in deck. Graphics are great, sounds and music are amazing, gameplay is a great balance of shooting and magic, with fun exploration and incredible story telling. Romance options are a huge feature— for a Space-Age bang-me simulator, this is your best bet. Go romance a tentacle headed alien and save the universe from the Reapers. THREE TIMES. Overall great value. > > \*Halo Infinite (multiplayer only) - 8.5 > > I couldn’t be bothered with the campaign, but this was great for my FPS fix. Gyro controls make quick work of the console plebs, and keep toe to toe with the PC master race. If you like Halo, well… it’s Halo. Go forth and SLAY, Spartan!! Graphics are great, performance is great, sound is meh — but who cares it’s Halo, and controls are muah chef’s kiss. > > \*PREY - 9.25 > > Yikes. I had never played this game before. What a mind-fuck. Graphics are a insanely good, sound, music, lighting, all perfect for the story telling which is absolutely king in this. Story is literally out of this world. I can say no more —play it yourself. Controls are great for a Bethesda mini-action-RPG. It’s basically Bioshock… in Space. Great fun. Only draw back is that it’s a bit short in my opinion. Still, it’s perfect on the deck, suspend your game anywhere and pick it up in bits and chunks. Would you kindly give it a go on your Steam Deck? > > There it is. My top 10… for now. > > > ##### This is an automated archive made by the Lemmit Bot. > The original was posted on /r/steamdeck by /u/inspiredtobeinspired on 2023-06-26 12:39:38+00:00.

    How to create your own community on (even if you're a remote user)!
  • Could you share a repo with the bot you use for receiving dms and creating communities?

  • Why has Mastodon adoption stalled?
  • Unfortunately, there's noone who would respond to that. Everyone knows about ux problems yet noone knows how to approach them. Those who can help, usually do so with pull request -- and even if not merged right away, they give base for future attempts.

    Open source needs quality contributions to move further. However if one cannot solve any "good first issue" by themselves, tossing $5 into the donation bin allows devs to hire those who can solve those.

    Once critical mass of contributions is achieved, you get wikipedia, vlc, blender etc: dominant players with no close proprietary rivals

  • How to get people come to your community: instance agnostic links for federation
  • You're a gem, thank you for updating the post 🤗

  • How to get people come to your community: instance agnostic links for federation

    If you created a sub, by default not a single person get notified about it: it can only be seen in the communities list of your instance. But don't worry it's pretty easy to change it

    How to get people see your community

    1. Write good description of what it is about, what is going to be posted, what's to be expected
    2. Craft instance agnostic link to it. Replace "!sub-name@instance" for yours in this link (see the footnote for Lemmy 0.18+)[^1] [Search to federate this sub to your instance](/search/q/!sub-name@instance/type/All/sort/TopAll/listing_type/All/community_id/0/creator_id/0/page/1). It will direct people to search for your community on their own instance.
    3. Post it to meta/main community of your instance: for example [email protected]
    4. Also post it to lemmyverse community-promo sub
    5. Start posting!

    That's it, by reposting it just twice you dramatically increase discoverability of your community. Of course you may find additional community-promo subs but posting in at least these basic two is a good start

    Good luck!

    [^1]: Lemmy 0.18.0. [This link will fetch CommunityName to your instance](/search?q=!communityname%40instance&type=Communities&listingType=All&page=1&sort=TopAll) Change communityname with community name, and instance with instance link (without https://)

    New furry communities on (2023-06-21)
  • Thanks for the info, TIL

  • New furry communities on (2023-06-21)
  • Idk if you know this additional trick without the search Instance agnostic link to meta of sopuli

    It doesn't work on mobile, in fact internal linking isn't stable on mobile at all, so..

  • New furry communities on (2023-06-21)
  • Thanks for the tip about instance agnostic search, it's pretty cool! Where did you get the info? Did you figure it out yourself?


  • The Reddit blackout has started for /r/joplinapp
  • Responded to the user above. I understand that fediverse as a whole might look gated within itself but there's a good reason for that. As of now, sadly, there's no viable way to ensure quality of content without instance blocks

    The underlying protocol fediverse works on (activitypub) allows to move subs to different servers and I'd be happy to hand this community over to the instance of your choosing once the suitable candidate is found

  • TOTK Steam Deck Settings
  • noice! gracefully and appreciatory snatched to Steam Deck - Sopuli

  • TOTK Steam Deck Settings

    kindly cross-posted from:

    > Since the subreddit got killed, I'll post the settings I'm currently using. I'm getting a mostly-ok 30fps, with dips down to 20. Definitely playable. Shrines can spike to 50-60 fps, which is nice. If anyone has tweaks to improve performance I'd love to hear it. > > > Using SteamOS 3.4.8 with Stable OS Updates and Beta Client Updates > > > Yuzu EA 3691 Settings: > > Add-Ons- > > 'Update 1.1.1' > 'Graphics - Shadows - 512x - performance boost' > 'NoFog - Performance' > 'Steamdeck UI Mod v7- Normal - White' > 'Ratio - 16-10 (Steam Deck)' > 'FPS - DynamicFPS++-60fps, DynamicFPS, Cutscene-Fix, Vertical Sensitivity Fix' > 'Graphics - Island Fix' > 'Graphics - LOD Improvement > > General- > > Limit Speed Percent: 100% > Multicore CPU Emulation: [x] > > CPU- > > Accuracy: Unsafe > Unsafe CPU Optimization Settings: [all checked] > > Graphics- > > API: Use global configuration (Vulkan) > Use disk pipeline Cache: [x] > Use Asynchronous GPU emulation [x] > Accelerate ATSC texture decoding [x] > Vsync mode: FIFO > NVDEC emulation: Use global configuration(GPU Video Decoding) > Fullscreen mode: Exclusive Fullscreen > Aspect Ratio: Force 16:10 > Resolution: 1x > Window Adapting Filter: Bilinear > Anti-Aliasing Method: None > FSR Sharpness: 88% > > Advanced Graphics- > > Accuracy Level: Normal > ATSC recompression: Uncompressed > Enable asychronous presentation: [ ] > Force maximum clocks: [ ] > Decode ATSC textures asyncronously: [ ] > Enable Reactive Flushing: [x] > Use asyncronous shader building: [x] > Use Fast GPU Time: [x] > Use Vulkan pipeline cache: [x] > Sync framerate of video playback: [ ] > Barrier feedback loops: [x] > Anisotropic Filtering: Default > > > SteamOS Performance Settings: > > Use per-game profile: On > Framerate Limit: Off > Refresh Rate: 60 > Allow Tearing: On > Half Rate Shading: Off > TDP Limit: Off > Manual GPU Clock Control: On > GPU Clock Frequency: 1200 > Scaling Filter: Linear > > > PowerTools Settings: > > CPU- > SMT: On > Threads: 8 > Frequency Limits: Off > Governor: performance > GPU- > Powerplay Limits: Off > Frequency Limits: Off > Downclock Memory: Off > Persistent Profile: On > > > CryoUtilities 2.1.4 Default Settings > > > > > I apologize if some of this is superfluous or if I missed something, its been a couple weeks since I set this up. I got these settings from a post on the subreddit and tweaked them a bit. I'd love to credit that user, but subreddit nuke :( > > EDIT: formatting


    [Game] How to install Diablo IV on Steam Deck How to install Diablo IV on Steam Deck

    Here is how you can play Diablo IV on Steam Deck, including a guide for installing on SteamOS.

    How to install Diablo IV on Steam Deck

    > - On your Steam Deck, go to desktop mode. Click the Steam button, go down to Power, and then Switch to Desktop. Wait for your Deck to reboot. > - Next, open up the browser of your choice, go to the Blizzard download page (or just search for it on Google), and download the Windows installer. > - Next, we need to add the downloaded .exe file to Steam. Open up desktop Steam, go to Library, and at the bottom left corner, click on the plus sign, then Add a Non-Steam Game.... Navigate to your downloads folder by clicking on Browse, and then go to home/deck/Downloads and add the installer file to Steam. Don't forget to show All Files under File type: if you can't find the installer. > - Now, navigate to the newly added entry in your Steam Library. It should be called something along the lines of Don't launch it yet, but instead click on the cog wheel icon, then Properties... and under Compatibility, toggle the Force the use of a specific Steam Play compatibility tool option. During the beta, it was important to choose GE-Proton 7.51 or Proton Experimental. Follow our guide here to learn how to install GE-Proton. But it seems, it now works without pre-selecting a compatibility layer. > - Now hit Play to launch the installer, follow the different steps, and wait until it's done. When the installation process is done, you can remove the from Steam again. Right-click it, go to Manage, then Remove non-Steam game from your library. > - Next, we want to add the installed launcher to Steam. In Desktop Steam,  go to Library, and at the bottom left corner, click on the plus sign, then Add a Non-Steam Game.... Now we need to look for the file. Click on Browse and navigate to the following folder by going through the folder structure: home/deck/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/compatdata/.  Don't forget to show All Files under File type: if you can't find the installer. > - Here you need to search for the latest added folder under DATE MODIFIED. It should be a 10-character long number. Open it, and go to the following folder: pfx/drive_c/Program Files (x86)/ Here select the Launcher.exe file. Add this one to Steam. If you can't see it, be sure you have All Files selected under File type:. > - Don't launch it yet, but instead click on the cog wheel icon, then Properties... and under Compatibility, toggle the Force the use of a specific Steam Play compatibility tool option, like we did in step four. > - Phew! We're finally done. Launch now. If you want to customize the artwork, I propose you check out the following guide, but don't forget to rename the non-Steam game we've added.

    Lemmy instances graphito

    Eco Collapse instance is here

    I've just set up a new instance and I'm looking to expand off the back of the Reddit API fallout. I'm currently working on making sure the server is secure and everything's functioning correctly. Looking to take on users and mods, ideally from Reddit but also from anywhere else too. The overarching theme of the instance is collapse/environment/ecosystems etc.

    r/collapse, r/permaculture, r/preppers

    0 Dolphin on Steam Indefinitely Postponed

    It is with much disappointment that we have to announce that the Dolphin on Steam release has been indefinitely postponed. We were notified by Valve that Nintendo has issued a DMCA against Dolphin's Steam page, and have removed Dolphin from Steam until the matter is settled. We are currently investi...


    🐕‍🦺💨 Lemmy Chaser: bookmarklet to open foreign community on your native instance

    > With just a click, this bookmarklet will redirect you to a foreign community on your native Lemmy instance > > > It brings your favourite lemmy back home! > > If you don’t know what it is, it’s a bookmark that runs a small piece of code that works in all desktop or even mobile browsers > > ___ > > javascript:(function(){ > var url = new URL(document.URL); > var baseURL = url.hostname; > var pathname = url.pathname; > window.location.href="" + pathname + "@" + baseURL; > })(); > > ___ > > ## Usage > 1. Copy the code, replace "" in the code to URL of your native instance (for example to "") > 1. Create a new bookmark, paste the code from previous step into URL field > 1. Go to a non native lemmy community > 1. Click the bookmarklet in your bookmarks bar to activate it. > > ## Limitations > - it doesn't work on pages of foreign posts: only main pages of communities

    main graphito

    🐕‍🦺💨 Lemmy Chaser: bookmarklet to open foreign community on your native instance

    > With just a click, this bookmarklet will redirect you to a foreign community on your native Lemmy instance > > > It brings your favourite lemmy back home! > > If you don’t know what it is, it’s a bookmark that runs a small piece of code that works in all desktop or even mobile browsers > > ___ > > javascript:(function(){ > var url = new URL(document.URL); > var baseURL = url.hostname; > var pathname = url.pathname; > window.location.href="" + pathname + "@" + baseURL; > })(); > > ___ > > ## Usage > 1. Copy the code, replace "" in the code to URL of your native instance (for example to "") > 1. Create a new bookmark, paste the code from previous step into URL field > 1. Go to a non native lemmy community > 1. Click the bookmarklet in your bookmarks bar to activate it. > > ## Limitations > - it doesn't work on pages of foreign posts: only main pages of communities


    🐕‍🦺💨 Lemmy Chaser: bookmarklet to open foreign community on your native instance

    With just a click, this bookmarklet will redirect you to a foreign community on your native Lemmy instance

    > It brings your favourite lemmy back home!

    If you don’t know what it is, it’s a bookmark that runs a small piece of code that works in all desktop or even mobile browsers

    ___ javascript:(function(){ var url = new URL(document.URL); var baseURL = url.hostname; var pathname = url.pathname; window.location.href="" + pathname + "@" + baseURL; })(); ___


    1. Copy the code, replace "" in the code to URL of your native instance (for example to "")
    2. Create a new bookmark, paste the code from previous step into URL field
    3. Go to a non native lemmy community
    4. Click the bookmarklet in your bookmarks bar to activate it.

    🪧 Social flashcards

    Usually using flashcards is quite isolated activity: you compile your own list of terms, you study it, and that's it. There's very little engagement with either your teacher/mentor or peers.

    Could it be different? Do you know how to share flashcard studying with others? Any tips how to encourage your peers in their flashcard progress?

    Bonus question: do you know a card game that utilizes flashcards?

    Male female power cable keeps on coming loose while riding ebike. Help?
  • I think at this point you might need a new cable, since the connection socket most likely loose on the inside. Once you got a new one, try ziptying the ends below the connection joint (to ease the stress on the joint), ziptie it to the frame (as you did last time) and bonding the connection itself with epoxy resin (could be found in hardware stores).

    While using adhesives (epoxy), make sure you cleaned the surfaces very well

  • The Reddit blackout has started for /r/joplinapp
  • This sub is used mostly for providing support to those who didn't want to register on official forum. It has little traction, memes, shitposting and engagement in general

    So its value stems from users providing support to the main product -- rather than being engagement farm which is profitable to reddit