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Chrome’s next weapon in the War on Ad Blockers: Slower extension updates
  • Bing nowdays result is better than Google,just DDG result still not 100% good as bing.. so.. I choose bing for now..

  • which distro and why do you prefer it over others?
  • Fedora over Ubuntu. Ubuntu nowdays seems lost it's soul...

    Fedora and Gnome workstation is the best ootb Distro I ever hold.

    Also Fedora Xfce spins ovrr Linuxmint or Xubuntu. They are first class, stable, and bleeding edge.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • Ini dari dulu sih. Di PTN banyak.. bahkan orang NU sendiri ada yang bilang di beberapa kampus gede kek ITB, ITS, UI, yang namanya HTI dan Ahmaddyah ga bener2 ilang.. berubah form aja dan kadang ndudukin Masjid deket kampus.

    Mereka biasa sarankan jauhi masjib kampus kalau minoritas, karena mereka emang kek koersif begitu..

  • Fatwa Haram Beli Produk Pro Israel, Apa Efeknya ke Pengusaha?
  • Ambil aja mumpung diskon. Kita diskon enjoyer

  • How was church?
  • What.. I'm not dead... how you can even felt something for someone that you never seen.. hmm..

  • How to disable S0ix and enable S3 Sleep on Ubuntu 22.04 on Dell Latitude 3410
  • it's mem and other, I forgot, but it's normal I think.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • that's it my man! no extension!

  • GNOME Recognized as Public Interest Infrastructure
  • But I'm using xfce here... :') and It doesn't even get some funds :'(

    Wayland on XFCE is still farr farrrrrr :')

  • How was church?
  • Thanks for reaching back man!

  • Gibran Jadi Kandidat Cawapres Prabowo, Anies Ngaku Siap Lawan Siapapun
  • Sadly none. Ga ada, cuman bisa milih yang terbaik diantara terburuk.

    Manta jendral dengan kasus HAM Petugas Partai yang well dengan Mantan Hakim? Dan terakhir Professor gila kuasa, jualan agama dan buat masalah, wakil nya juga gila juga. Wkwkw 😂

    Negara odni dagelan

  • Gibran Jadi Kandidat Cawapres Prabowo, Anies Ngaku Siap Lawan Siapapun
  • Memilih diantara yang terburuk. Sedih. 🥲

  • Indonesia SALT

    Mencari Titik Temu antara Iman dan Jiwa - Christian ways of portraying depression Mencari Titik Temu antara Iman dan Jiwa

    Oleh Tabita Davinia Utomo Pada tahun 2017, aku bertemu dengan seorang hamba Tuhan dalam salah satu ibadah yang diadakan di kota asalku. Kami pun berkenalan karena temanku—yang mengajakku—mengenal b…

    Mencari Titik Temu antara Iman dan Jiwa
    Disini Siapa saja Pindahan Dari Reddit ?
  • I'm active on lemmy instance and using lemmy ID as my main instance. Yang pasti federated instance adalah masa depan

  • Linux way way slower than Windows?
  • Fedora KDE is also a great option. Bleeding edge but stable.

  • How to disable S0ix and enable S3 Sleep on Ubuntu 22.04 on Dell Latitude 3410
  • Thinkpad still has it? T14?

    On dell I already check it, they don't have it sadly.

  • How to disable S0ix and enable S3 Sleep on Ubuntu 22.04 on Dell Latitude 3410
  • All are good, still draining sadly :')

  • How Do You Combat Anti-Adware Blockers on Android?
  • Using UBO. ehehe... HEHEHE

  • How to disable S0ix and enable S3 Sleep on Ubuntu 22.04 on Dell Latitude 3410
  • I'm not familiar with gnome, is there any option on gnome for it? I never seen it.

  • How to disable S0ix and enable S3 Sleep on Ubuntu 22.04 on Dell Latitude 3410
  • It doesn't have any ability to change to S3. I already tried all on that page, include suspend freeze

  • How to disable S0ix and enable S3 Sleep on Ubuntu 22.04 on Dell Latitude 3410
  • I check that C2 the only one has value when on battery.

    Others are zero. Hmmm...

  • How to disable S0ix and enable S3 Sleep on Ubuntu 22.04 on Dell Latitude 3410

    Hello. I just want to ask, I already tried search many resources, but I still can't find a way to reduce battery drain while sleep on Ubuntu on Dell laptop.

    I seen that it use S0ix, the new standard that many manufacturer use but when sleep it drains a lot battery, in just 6 hours the battery gone 0.

    Any help is appreciated. This is company laptop and it requires me use ubuntu (I don't like it but I don't have options to changes OS/distro).


    Bank Mandiri Lepas Seluruh Kepemilikan Saham di Asuransi AXA
  • Mandiri dengan Axa suka jual unit link, dan boncos semua nasabah nya. Ya kalau tiap kali boncos mulu, gimana nasabah ga ngomel. Padahal janjinya dapet asuransi tradisional atau malah bilang ini instrumen investasi... Kan ya lucu..

  • Run Shell Script without sudo and with special bit permission using suid-wrapper

    We always remember chmod u+s or special permission bit on an executable means when we run the executable it will run as the owner of the executable (read this). There are a problem with it, it will…

    Run Shell Script without sudo and with special bit permission using suid-wrapper

    A tricks on how to run a script as root without sudo, in case someone needs this. I use this for toggle on and off camera without pkexec. It's useful imho

    Berita SALT Ulah Anggota TNI Lawan Arah Sebabkan Tabrakan Beruntun di Tol MBZ, Alasannya Masih Misteri Halaman all -

    Mobil yang dikemudikan anggota TNI berinisial GDW putar balik di jalan tol, lalu melaju ke arah berlawanan. Belum diketahui alasan GDW melawan arah. Halaman all

    Ulah Anggota TNI Lawan Arah Sebabkan Tabrakan Beruntun di Tol MBZ, Alasannya Masih Misteri Halaman all -

    Alasan : Misteri. Keren



    Sadly source isn't from lemmy

    see more

    Berita SALT Siswa Mojokerto Bunuh Bendahara Kelas karena Ditagih Iuran Rp 40 Ribu

    Korban Aura Enjelie (13) siswa SMPN 1 Kemlagi, Kabupaten Mojokerto meminta pelaku, AB (15) untuk membayar tunggakan uang kas sebesar Rp 40 ribu.

    Siswa Mojokerto Bunuh Bendahara Kelas karena Ditagih Iuran Rp 40 Ribu
    Berita SALT Luhut Instruksikan Semua Kementerian WFH Tekan Polusi di Jakarta

    Menko Marves Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan menginstruksi semua kementerian menerapkan WFH untuk mengurangi polusi udara di Jakarta.

    Luhut Instruksikan Semua Kementerian WFH Tekan Polusi di Jakarta

    Lord Luhut

    Yang Dirahmati Tuhan yang Maha Esa, Sang Maharaja dari Segala Raja, Yang Mulia Dipertuan Agung, Yang Pertama Dalam Namanya, Yang Mengurus Segala Urusan, Yang Menguasai Tujuh Dunia, Yang Harum Namanya dari Empat Penjuru Mata Angin, Yang Dihormati dari Seluruh Penjuru Alam Semesta, Pelindung Ibu Pertiwi, Pembasmi COVID-19, Pelenyap Krisis Iklim, Penyelamat Danau Prioritas, Penguasa Pulau Zamrud, Penakluk Tata Surya, Penakluk Bumi dan Bulan, Penguasa Delapan Tribun, Prokonsul Dunia Ketiga, Penjaga Dua Candi Suci, Pontifex Maximus Kultus Nusantara, Penguasa Segala Binatang di Bumi dan Ikan di Laut, Pembela Iman pada Tuhan yang Maha Esa, Paduka Tuan Keberuntungan yang Tak Terkalahkan Bapak Negara dan Pemulih Dunia Jenderal Besar Pahlawan Pembangunan Perdana Menteri Bayangan Imperator Kaisar Abadi Luhut Binsar Panjaitan, Opung Tertinggi Kerajaan Nusantara.

    r/Indonesia copy pasta

    Berita SALT Kronologi Tewasnya WN Jepang Usai Terjatuh Saat Bermain "Fly Fish" di Bali Halaman all -

    Saat berada di ketinggian 40 meter dari pantai, fly fish yang mereka naiki tiba-tiba oleng dan miring ke kanan. Halaman all

    Kronologi Tewasnya WN Jepang Usai Terjatuh Saat Bermain "Fly Fish" di Bali Halaman all -

    Movie-web: Sebuah aplikasi web hosting sendiri untuk menonton film dan video dari penyedia pihak ketiga GitHub - movie-web/movie-web: A small web app for watching movies and shows easily. Based on movie-cli by @JipFr.

    A small web app for watching movies and shows easily. Based on movie-cli by @JipFr. - GitHub - movie-web/movie-web: A small web app for watching movies and shows easily. Based on movie-cli by @JipFr.

    GitHub - movie-web/movie-web: A small web app for watching movies and shows easily. Based on movie-cli by @JipFr.

    Catatan : Sedikit mengarah ke Pembajakan. LK21, Look at you.. ehem.. Jogja (ehem citranet dan UII)








    Meme Indonesia SALT

    Hasil percakapan di pos ronda

    Crossposted from /r/Indonesia

    Meme Indonesia SALT

    God's Cross : Mixue Inventory Protector

    Quite strange yet funny, Jesus's cross in the Mixue warehouse, colourised

    This isn't inflammatory, and OP is Christian. 😂

    Meta & Support SALT

    Small instance has to shut down - Sunsetting

    Kelihatan nya @[email protected] perlu persiapan lebih lanjut :/

    Makin banyak serangan terstruktur ke instance-instance kecil.. hadeh...

    cross-posted from:

    > cross-posted from: > > > Hi there, > > > > I have decided to take down There are too many nefarious actors trying to break it and I don't have the time or energy to keep fighting them off. > > > > For your information: Over the pas month I have had to: > > > > 1. Add various DDOS prevention measures to block unwanted (repeated) signups. > > 2. Delete a bunch of literal white noise uploads that filled my 4TB picture storage... Twice. > > 3. Repair Lemmy (or rather pictures) after it crashed because of full storage. > > > > I will keep active until Friday next week so you can pull data from here, though I expect most of it has been federated to other servers anyway.

    Firefox SALT

    Where about:perfomance gone? Are we now only have about:processes?

    As title state, seems since 115.0.2 it disappear?


    Is there any PHP Builder that target JS like Clojurescript? I think it will be game changer for PHP.

    As title state, seems clojure gain traction. I seen many US and EU Corporate project now days require this.

    Is there anyway in our way in PHP to implement PHP to JS?

    Seems will be interesting project.






    Housing Only For The Rich
