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gamermanh gamermanh

I do things sometimes, on YouTube usually

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Comments 72
This still baffles me, but I guess it's good for federation?
  • Can literally have the spores shipped to your door for shockingly cheap so long as you press the "I pwomise not to do what the link you have here says cuz that leads to mushies" box

  • Mega Thread: Trump Fourth Indictment and 18 co conspirators into the 2020 Georgia Election Investigation (41 Counts, 13 against Trump)
  • Not even 3 years yet, chill on the exaggerating

    Court takes time, this is just a fact

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • Failed to deliver*

    *Because of conservative fuckery

    Wonder why you'd leave that out...

  • Kinkservative
  • Wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy too late

  • Is there a more politically conservative part of the fediverse?
  • IDs cost money, require visits to DMVs (which conservatives work hard to shut down in poor areas, or other fuckery with their hours or such), and if you want the federal level one cost more and require more paperwork

    We use the garbage and not-designed-for-this social security number for major IDing

  • [image] Both cars fit the same amount of people
  • Professional delivery truck with a lifting bed to slide the earth off the back easily wherever you ask them to

    A specialized vehicle, not a crappy pickup truck

  • [image] Both cars fit the same amount of people
  • The places around me will deliver it for quite cheap so the uh, 2 times in my life I need that I'll just do that?

    How often does the average person haul tons of earthen materials around?

  • How do I explain to a person that the "red pill mentality" is stupid?
  • Works quite well in person unless the person is literally beyond logic and saving

    It's really hard for people to completely deny close friends with hard evidence in person (usually saying your line results in them asking why and then you can search stuff up on your phone or something), much easier with the distance of social media

  • What's some really unpopular opinion you have?
  • Not understanding what words mean isn't an unpopular opinion, you're just wrong

    Not about the first bit, that's arguable

    You definitely DO need more labels than straight, gay, and bi. For example: asexual or sapiosexual, those don't fit into any of the 3 you listed

  • Got asked current salary, when I'm in CA and that is no longer legal. How can I report?
  • "what's the problem with an employer breaking the law, guys?"

  • I'd rather have a "Would you like to hide all Sports related Content?" button than a "Would you like to hide all NSFW content?" button
  • Does your instance federate with lemmynsfw?

    If so, go follow a community there and you'll see them soon enough

  • Nothing infuriates me quite like anti working class propaganda being pushed by the eilte
  • And whose fault is it that those doctors aren't working?

    Could it be... The people not paying them enough?

  • Cosy MMO Palia now out in public beta
  • The game isn't through Steam, so no to that part

    And no, it's not a sale, they've never sold these bundles for the crossed-out price, and never intend to

    ETA: Ive had others ask me on different platforms how I can say they didn't intend to ever sell them at the crossed out price. Simple: they removed them from the main menu of the shop, now they're only visible IN the actual bundles. If they intended to charge those higher prices ever, why remove them from the most obvious spot and say nothing?

  • Massachusetts couple denied foster care application over LGBTQ views, complaint says
  • Who cares? Their point is to treat gender dysphoria, they don't fucking want their nuts anymore

  • Stop using Brave Browser
  • Did you just ignore Firefox? Or any of the other non-chromium browsers?

    And you're acting like people don't care about URL takeovers and garbage crypto?

    And lol, if it's chromium, it's attached to Google

  • After 27,000+ Steam reviews, Overwatch 2 is graded as 'Overwhelmingly Negative'
  • Not out, on PTB

    So close to out but not really

  • After 27,000+ Steam reviews, Overwatch 2 is graded as 'Overwhelmingly Negative'
  • "Theres no grinding in Overwatch if you ignore the grinding in Overwatch"

  • rule
  • Each log is painted a different primary color from the rainbow

    A rainbow is carved out of wood above the door

    And the inside is full of proper BDSM mounting equipment properly installed
