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frauddogg Black AOC 2.0

“For the hoes in the back, and the crackers in they slacks; if I tweet, then delete, then I meant it.” – JPEGMAFIA. || I don’t address myself to settlers, their adjacencies, or those who sound like them. Unhousebroken .world and .works users get blocked on sight.

Posts 6
Comments 14
Blizzard Locks Overwatch 2’s Hotly Anticipated Diablo 4 Skins Behind $40 Bundle, Sparking Backlash
  • While normally I'd shudder to even up Paladins in regular gaming conversation with the state that's in right now... Even Paladins is better than the husk that OW2 became.

  • Blizzard Locks Overwatch 2’s Hotly Anticipated Diablo 4 Skins Behind $40 Bundle, Sparking Backlash
  • Forty dollars? Tell Blizzard what, when a non-canon reference skin pack priced at the same value of three months of sub to my MMO of choice can mirror the quality and constant usability of the money spent at the MMO, maybe then we'll talk about 'deserve'-- but as it stands? This is just another avaricious grasping from a flailing company, long past its prime, long past having worn out its welcome, and ready to die.

  • Tensions rise on college campuses as students react to Israel-Hamas war
  • Oh, America's been laying this groundwork for 30 years. "How to let Zionists Manifest their Destiny, just like we did, and NOT get accused of apartheid!" Difference is, I refuse to bothsides it, considering the brutal, inhuman colonization of my people is a still-living memory for us; and still continues to this day. Occupied Palestine is being settled by a malevolent, murderous movement that claims Judaism as its aegis the same way the Nazis claimed socialism while being straight up fascist.

    Genuinely, I despise this existence.

  • The Black Alliance for Peace Condemns the Murderous Assault on Occupied Palestine — The Black Alliance for Peace

    The Black Alliance for Peace Condemns the Murderous Assault on Occupied Palestine   We say that a colonized people have a right to resist occupation and fight for self-determination by any means necessary !   The Black Alliance for Peace stands in solidarity with the people o

    The Black Alliance for Peace Condemns the Murderous Assault on Occupied Palestine — The Black Alliance for Peace

    cross-posted from:

    > > The Black Alliance for Peace stands in solidarity with the people of Gaza and all Palestinians under occupation in the racist, apartheid settler state of Israel. We recognize the right of Palestine to exist and the right of the Palestinian people to resist occupation. We call on African/Black people to remember our long tradition of solidarity with Palestine. > > > We condemn the monstrous and cowardly actions of the racist Zionist entity which is committing mass atrocities against the two million people who are locked in the open air prison of Gaza. As the crazed Zionists indiscriminately bomb civilians in Gaza, while characterizing Palestinians as “animals,” we are witnessing an international crime in real time - a genocide. This is a genocide that is fully supported and celebrated by other Western racist settler states - the morally depraved “international community.” > > Full text at the link.

    1 The Black Alliance for Peace Condemns the Murderous Assault on Occupied Palestine — The Black Alliance for Peace

    The Black Alliance for Peace Condemns the Murderous Assault on Occupied Palestine   We say that a colonized people have a right to resist occupation and fight for self-determination by any means necessary !   The Black Alliance for Peace stands in solidarity with the people o

    The Black Alliance for Peace Condemns the Murderous Assault on Occupied Palestine — The Black Alliance for Peace

    > The Black Alliance for Peace stands in solidarity with the people of Gaza and all Palestinians under occupation in the racist, apartheid settler state of Israel. We recognize the right of Palestine to exist and the right of the Palestinian people to resist occupation. We call on African/Black people to remember our long tradition of solidarity with Palestine.

    > We condemn the monstrous and cowardly actions of the racist Zionist entity which is committing mass atrocities against the two million people who are locked in the open air prison of Gaza. As the crazed Zionists indiscriminately bomb civilians in Gaza, while characterizing Palestinians as “animals,” we are witnessing an international crime in real time - a genocide. This is a genocide that is fully supported and celebrated by other Western racist settler states - the morally depraved “international community.”

    Full text at the link.

    That one time when Sister Souljah schooled Cornel West
  • She's 100% on point; and it's killing me how that Steve Carrell-looking white-hair peckerwood kept trying to yell over her to sideline her points. "Where is the white outcry...? Who are these 'white good people?' I want to see them. I want to meet them." I feel like I've been quoting her without having seen this debate for the past ten years.

  • That one time when Sister Souljah schooled Cornel West

    Sister Souljah says public schools, private education, and college failed to teach her about culture, business, or organizing institutions in the black community.

    That one time when Sister Souljah schooled Cornel West

    cross-posted from:

    > From what I read, and forgive me if I am wrong, Sister Souljah may not have been an explicit communist as someone like Angela Davis, but I came across this video today and found she was very on point. Solidarity to all of my black comrades. <3

    “Where is the white outcry…? Who are these ‘white good people?’ I want to see them. I want to meet them.” Positively prophetic.

    what about rule
  • Yeah, that's where I got the idea lmao

  • what about rule
  • that gaussian blur netanyahu is the most cursed thing i've ever flattened into a render and it will haunt my nightmares.

  • what about rule

    Hip Hop Black AOC 2.0

    Zack Fox - IHY2LN + Marinate

    You ain't my son.

    Hip Hop Black AOC 2.0

    Zack Fox - Fafo


    Reddit censoring any content from the Hammas apparently. Big thanks to @dessalines and @nutomic !
  • Nazi spawn? No no no, comrade; those are the full-grown ghoulish ideal by this point.

  • We all know here that it's always the same use of atrocity propaganda, systematically(, and only from one side of course). No need for arguments.
  • Why every time I see Israeli sympathy-porn, all I can think, all I can say, is 'Nayirah wept'. These idiot crackers keep falling for the SAME EXACT PLAY-- all the 24/7 news cycle vultures have to do is get their marching orders from the State Dept, talk about the most deranged fabricated bullshit that Opfor is allegedly doing; and then you can watch as the "innocent until PROVEN guilty" just flies straight out of the settler bastard's ear canals until they're a rabid, frothing parody of humanity.

    At what point does it stop being general Amerikan ignorance and start being concerted, willful evil?

  • Bernie Sanders Arrests Anti War Protesters for Holding up His Own Word
  • Sheep. Dog. Sheep. DOG.

    Not even just unaligned protestors, motherfucker sent capitol police after CODEPINK. Fuck that old crusty ass cracker, fuck anyone who still thinks he's salvageable; fuck anyone who's still clinging to Democrat skirts and titties. Cop-callin-assed honky motherfuck.

  • In today's world a colonial genocide is acceptable.
  • Honestly, it always was when no one opted to even TRY holding Amerika responsible for all they've done.

  • Tensions rise on college campuses as students react to Israel-Hamas war
  • AOC as usual out here being faker than bodega Gucci. How they gonna keep trying to mash ThE sQuAd's "progressive" "bonafides" in our faces when Ocasio-Cortez is out here conflating antizionism with antisemitism? I fear for the 85...

  • Absolutely terrible take from a "leftcom"
  • Workers have no-- fuckin what?!

  • Are there any Fallout 4 mods that remove the anti-communist propaganda posters?
  • Less one that removes the anti-communist posters, I found one that added communist and socialist posters instead. More for the player homes than actual in-world replacers, but it also gave my homes the vibe of 'the one sanctuary from capitalism in the post-apocalypse'. I'll try sifting through my modlist to see if I can't find you some direct links, but they WERE findable on Nexus.