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fernandofig fernandofig
Posts 3
Comments 59
Elon Musk has another secret child with exec at his brain implant company
  • To the extent that a boss demanding sex in exchange for career advancement, I agree that makes them sex offenders. But those women still have a choice. They making the wrong choice doesn't mean they aren't the victim, but they still should be accountable for their choice.

  • Microsoft won't update your Windows 11 PC if it has these apps
  • Apparently it's not that the software is broken, it's that the software being installed breaks Windows Update. There are reports from people that uninstalling StartAllBack, updating the OS, then reinstalling it back (renaming the install executable first) works fine.

    As much as being affected by this is frustrating to me (though this is all happening still on the dev channel, so for me it'll be a problem for the future), I understand Microsoft's rationale here. They can't be expected to support every third-party tool that can break the OS, and it's known that both ExplorerPatcher and StartAllBack relies on many hacks using undocumented APIs to work.

    In the last few decades that I've been using Windows, I never felt compelled to use shell replacements or customizations - the default experience always worked fine for me with a few tweaks. So, if anything I'm more frustrated at Microsoft that I'm forced to use StartAllBack, because MS went and removed options from the shell that existed forever and always took for granted, and then some.

  • Reddit: 'We Are in the Early Stages of Monetizing Our User Base'
  • Not to take Reddit's / spez side, but to clarify, that's not actually what he got in cash - what he got in cash on 2023 was something around 600k.

    Those 193mil was in stock. Which kind of explains his drive to monetize users and kick out third-party apps: that piece of paper is only worth that much as long as he can keep the stock value afloat.

  • Nginx gets forked by core developer
  • Thank you for digging this out. Turns out it's even worse than what I gleaned from my surface-level take.

  • Nginx gets forked by core developer
  • This sounds like dev sour grapes but what the company was asking them to do seems better from the customer pov and for cyber security I'm general.

    As a developer myself (though not on the level of these guys): sorry, but just, no.

    The key point is this:

    [...] we did not issue CVEs for experimental features and instead would patch the relevant code and release it as part of a standard release.

    Emphasis mine. In software, features marked as "experimental" usually are not meant to be used in a production environment, and if they are, it's in a "do it at your own risk" understanding. Software features in an experimental state are expected to be less tested and have bugs - it's essentially a "beta" feature. It has a security bug? Though - you weren't supposed to be using it in a security-sensitive environment in the first place, it sounds perfectly reasonable to me that it should be addressed in a normal release as opposed to an out-of-band one.

    We can argue if forking the project is or isn't extreme, but the devs absolutely have good reason to be pissed. This is typical management making decisions without understanding technical nuances and - from what is being told by the devs - not talking it through before doing it.

  • Stop using Opera Browser and Opera GX
  • Good. We think alike 👍

  • Stop using Opera Browser and Opera GX
  • Yeah, and it's not Mozilla either.

    Which one do you think it is, then? Genuinely curious here. I don't disagree with on most of what you said - I find the simping for Mozilla (and sneering towards chromium) here in Lemmy rather annoying. Mozilla and its browser both have shortcomings as well, and choosing a web browser these days is, as most things in life, choosing the lesser of evils vs. one's own needs.

  • Authy authenticator apps for desktop are being discontinued in August 2024 (Apple Silicon not included)
  • I did it all using this. Took me about half an hour to migrate all my 15-something accounts to KeepassXC.

  • Can Chromium resist Manifest V3 or is it doomed to disallow adblockers?
  • Why don’t you want to go back to Firefox? If you hate Mozilla just use a fork like Waterfox

    Nothing specifically against Mozilla. As far as big techs go, they all have their hands covered in mud in some way. If anyhing, Mozilla would be one of the less dirty of them. As most everything else these days, rallying behind a big tech (as if that made any sense at all) is a matter of picking your poison.

    My peeve with Firefox is that I think that it's just an overall worse browser, in terms of design and architecture, than Chromium, and it shows as it being mostly behind it in performance. As a software developer myself, this is important to me for an application that is a central part of my everyday life. I do use it sometimes as an alternate browser, and I realize that Firefox got a lot of improvement in the last few years, and that it's performance nowadays is really close to Chromium, but it all feel like lipstick on a pig kind of thing. I also quite dislike Mozilla's choices in UI design - every time they change it, it seems to be for the worse, as opposed to Chromium that has kept pretty much the same since its inception, with just relatively subtle changes since then.

    I know I'll eventually get used to it, I guess I just dislike being forced to change.

  • Can Chromium resist Manifest V3 or is it doomed to disallow adblockers?
  • There are a few more layers to this problem that no one seems to acknowledge.

    What if someone DID come out of the woods and provided a Chromium fork that put Mv2 support back in. Then what? How do you install those extensions? Google won't be allowing Mv2 extensions in their store anymore. Supposedly you'd need to download it directly from the developer and install it manually. That's not great UX.

    Maybe if the dev community came up with an alternative web store implementation that allowed Mv2 extensions, but that comes with a lot of other problems, to name a few: dev effort, costs for hosting the web app for the store and hosting the extensions themselves (which wouldn't necessarily be expensive, but wouldn't be free either), approval workflows for the extensions, etc. Thing is, though, all of that would require from devs a clear roadmap and a level of coordination that from my seat here, I don't see a hint of it happening.

    All of the above: either having a Chromium fork that allows installing Mv2 extensions manually, or implementing an alternative web store, is not a trivial effort, and then how many people will actually benefit from it? Those really concerned with effective adblocking, like us, are a tiny minority of the user base. Would the effort of maintaining a Chromium fork and/or a free(dom) webstore be worth it if very few people will actually use it?

    I hate to say it, but yeah, Mv2 is doomed. I didn't want to go back to Firefox, but I guess I'll have to.

  • Apple’s MacBook Pro memory problem is worse than ever
  • What? Macos Sonoma is compatible with MacBooks from 2017. Hackintoshes are absolutely still possible on Intel, and from a cursory googling it appears they're out there. Apple will eventually cut off support for Intel Macs on some future (major) release, sure, but there's probably a few more years until that happens.

    With that said, hackintoshes are a suboptimal solution to OPs problem. Ideally they should really move to other applications properly supported on multiple platforms.

  • Epic win: Jury decides Google has illegal monopoly in app store fight
  • Look, I despise Google as much as anyone these days, and I'm glad they're taking a beating this time around, but at the same time, it's also kind of bullshit. And it's not even because you can sideload apps, or have alternate appstores on Android, but because we have yet to see the same standards being applied to Apple.

  • Alternate UIs offline again?
  • Thanks a lot once again Tiff!

  • Alternate UIs offline again?

    Sorry to be that guy, but looks like the alternate UIs are offline again. And btw, on status.reddthat it says old.reddthat (which I use) has been offline over a month, which is not correct :-)

    Youtube has started to artificially slow down video load times if you use Firefox. Spoofing Chrome magically makes this problem go away.
  • Have you read past that screenshot of the code, though? It says the problem was not limited to Firefox, it seems Edge users reported problems as well. Anecdotally, I did experience that delay problem on Thorium this weekend as well. I have seen a variation of this problem almost a month ago, where sometimes the video would take a long time (like, over a minute, sometimes) to load, or often just not load at all. So I just chalked it up to Youtube having done something stupid on their end.

  • Is it too late to date for me?
  • You have plenty of time to fall madly in love, get married, fall madly out of love, get divorced, and repeat.

    As a 43yo, fuck did that hit hard. Well, except for the "repeat" part. I have a lot of issues to work through before I get to that, if ever.

  • MS Edge browser wants really hard to stay
  • Not the guy you're replying to, but I have been using Thorium for the past couple of weeks. It's pretty nice, kinda like what Edge was before going to shit for the past year or so. But being a Chromium browser, it eventually will be hit with the ManifestV2-no-more hammer. The maintainer said the best he'll be able to do is use some patches to keep ManifestV2 active through enterprise group policies, but it's expected google will eventually remove the ManifestV2 code entirely, at which point he said he's not going to be able to maintain a fork to keep ManifestV2 in.

    I dislike Brave for some of its sketchyness in the past, and the other Chromium forks haven't made clear guidelines on what they're going to do when ManifestV3 is made the default, so I'm bracing because I think I'm going to be forced to go back to Firefox because of AdBlock shenanigans.

  • What's a fact that sounds totally made up, yet is completely true?
  • there's almost nobody with 3 legs

    Hol up there, tell me about those people with 3 legs!

  • What were some movies you had to look up explanations of after watching?
  • I mean, it was groundbreaking for its time and it redefined the genre and a lot of moviemaking in general, but it really didn't age well as far as moviemaking goes. Yeah, it has severe pacing issues, is undeservedly way too long and it got way too trippy and abstract by the end. Frankly a whole lot of it feels like Kubrick masturbating over how great he is, with a lot of scenes being way too long and serving no real or useful purpose on on the movie.

    I could say pretty much the same about Solaris too (the original Tarkovsky version which cinephiles always rave about, not Soderbergh"s, which I actually prefer), and if rumors are true, apparently Kubrick took a lot of ideas from it.

    And I say all that as an avid sci-fi fan. The books from Arthur C. Clarke are more enjoyable.

  • Me dêem sugestões de notebooks para linux
  • Bom, isso explica um pouco - esse notebook tem uma CPU Atom. A especificação desse notebook é mais ou menos uma evolução dos extintos "Netbooks", que prezavam mais a portabilidade/mobilidade do que performance, então faz sentido a bateria ter boa durabilidade. O meu comentário foi partindo do princípio que você está atrás de um equipamento com performance entre mediana e alta, e nesse caso, como eu disse, não é muito fácil conseguir boa durabilidade de bateria. E revendo seu post, de fato você mencionou que potência não era importante, então o erro foi meu mesmo.

    Agradeço por mencionar o tlp, não conhecia. Instalei aqui, vou ver o quanto ajuda.

  • The Amazon Is Getting So Hot That Dolphins Are Dying En Masse
  • Actually, we just entered spring, on late September. And we did so in the midst of a heatwave that broke heat records for this year - we had days with 37C, which is high even for summer, and it won't be summer here until December.

    Yes, I'm scared af as well. My family is sort of ignoring my warnings and actually planning to move to the coast (Santos), which is even hotter.

    Some guys here in the comments said about migrating to the north, and that's something that has been on my mind as well as a long term plan, although I find it unlikely I can move to North America in the short term, so I'm thinking more realistically maybe southern Argentina?

  • Alternate UIs offline?

    See title. I've checked the announcements community and here, but couldn't find anything mentioning this. I normally use old.reddthat, so I initially noticed the problem there, but then I looked into voyager.reddthat and alexandrite.reddthat and they're giving out cloudflare errors too. www.reddthat still correctly opens voyager though, so maybe it's just a DNS issue?


    Is it me or post sorting has gone haywire?

    I'm not sure if that's only on Reddthat and 0.18 servers (I'll go check out my account on beehaw now), but I'm getting shown posts very near the top of the list from, like, 20-30 days ago, sometimes even going as far as a year or two ago. They haven't that many upvotes or comments either. Anyone seeing that?
