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Comments 2 Huntington Beach wants to make sexually explicit library books inaccessible to children

The Huntington Beach City Council has passed a proposal to look into making obscene or pornographic books inaccessible for children to check out at public libraries.


TIL a fishing boat crowded with migrants traveling from Libya to Italy sank in Greek waters last week. While hundreds are still missing and feared dead, it has garnered far less attention and resource A tale of two disasters: Missing Titanic sub captivates the world days after deadly migrant shipwreck

A fishing boat crowded with migrants traveling from Libya to Italy sank in Greek waters last week. While hundreds are still missing and feared dead, it has garnered far less attention and resources than the Titan rescue efforts for five people.

Why do some people still have hope for Reddit?
  • some people still poop in holes in the ground.

  • EU will regret making farmers scapegoats for climate change

    Brussels is well on the way to losing rural Europe — and it only has itself to blame.

    1 Identifying native plants

    Identifying native plants can be tricky! Scientists base their decisions about identifying, naming and classifying plants on a variety of features.

    0 Stinky smell warning: Corpse flower to bloom at NC State, here's how to see it

    The plant could start blooming as soon as Monday or Tuesday this week, the university says.

    0 Libraries Are For Everyone: Pride in the Library Goods | Book Riot

    Libraries are for everyone, no matter your background, identity, or experiences. These pride in the library goods highlight that.
