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emuspawn David of the Ferns

I'm David. I live in Tacoma, Washington. I do square foot gardening, home automation with Home Assistant, and have too many cats.

Posts 13
Comments 22
Harvested potatoes today!
  • Thanks! These were experimental so I'm glad I got some eatable ones! A shame about the beetles.

  • Harvested potatoes today!

    cross-posted from:

    > Back in January, I had a small potato from the market that went green, so I decided to quarter it and plant it in this old wicker basket. The soil eventually got heaped up to slightly over halfway. Not too bad!


    Harvested potatoes today!

    Back in January, I had a small potato from the market that went green, so I decided to quarter it and plant it in this old wicker basket. The soil eventually got heaped up to slightly over halfway. Not too bad!

  • "I'll take a bit of kibble and EAT IT!!"

  • jellyfin binaries: "aight im out ✌️🤟"
  • Do you run an antivirus or just the built-in? Windows Defender, after an update, has been known to peer at Jellyfin and say "Absolutely Not".

  • I'm setting up off-site backup, how?
  • If you are all linux, perhaps you'd like Borg. It's pretty easy to set up, and perhaps it offers the de-duplication you crave. It's also got some GUIs you can run, if you are into that kind of thing. If you don't feel inclined to use any backup software, then using rsync over ssh (scp, yes) instead of SFTP is a solid way to go.

  • I'm setting up off-site backup, how?
  • I personally run a ProxMox cluster. I run both Windows and Linux servers. I perform local full-VM backups using the hypervisor to a USB disk. That gives me a fast way to restore VMs if I need to. I also run Veeam, which handles the offsite copy and provides granular file restores. It's nice because the community edition supports hardened disk immutability, which can help prevent ransomware attacks and Unfortunate Incidents. That just runs over SSH, and installs a Veeam agent/repo on the remote linux box.

  • I'm setting up off-site backup, how?
  • Tell us a bit about your environment! Are you all linux or do you have Windows as well? Are you running a hypervisor like Proxmox or VMWare or using containers? Are you just making complete backups, or can you forsee yourself needing granular file restores? There are a number of ways you could go, depending on your setup.

  • A gorgeous dragonfly in the garden.

    It's lovely to have these critters flying around the garden. I really need to get on iNaturalist and start learning the names.

    Moving to new house. Start from scratch or reuse?
  • I recently moved, and did not start over from scratch, as I had most of the same rooms/sensors/setup. It went well! I added in new rooms and sensors as necessary. I did recently move from the Nortek combined stick to a separate SONOFF 3.0 for Zigbee and a Zooz 800 stick for Z-Wave, which also went well, but left things named a bit oddly. Reading some of the other comments about how often they blow out their environment makes me think maybe I should!

  • Why I started my own food forest garden. (NW Europe - Zone 8) More pics in comment.
  • I was considering a dwarf cultivar to keep it small-garden sized, but I haven't put too much though into it yet.

  • Why I started my own food forest garden. (NW Europe - Zone 8) More pics in comment.
  • No fruit trees, although I might try planting some next year. There will be a number of food, uh, shrubs, I guess, going into my native plant garden that I'm excited about, like serviceberry and salal!

  • Boost for Lemmy is happening!
  • That's what it was for Boost for Reddit. I used it for years adfree after a one time purchase.

  • Garden Planners?
  • I hear the "" Garden Planner is decent, but requires a subscription. I've personally started developing an open source garden planner, as I'd like a companion plant planner/compendium, but it's still in the very-early mostly-conceptual stages.

  • What's blooming in Tacoma?

    cross-posted from:

    > The picture up top is a Sugar Pie pumpkin that I'm going to try and trellis vertically. Look at that flower! > > My pet cilantro is flowering as well. It's been hot and dry, so it decided to skip the 'lets make herb' part, understandable. The flowers still can make a nice pesto! > ! > > We've got marigolds going around the property! > ! > > The nasturtiums are in full bloom, and delicious in our salads. > > ! > > The tomatoes are doing their thing, yay! > > !


    What's blooming in Tacoma?

    The picture up top is a Sugar Pie pumpkin that I'm going to try and trellis vertically. Look at that flower!

    My pet cilantro is flowering as well. It's been hot and dry, so it decided to skip the 'lets make herb' part, understandable. The flowers still can make a nice pesto! !

    We've got marigolds going around the property! !

    The nasturtiums are in full bloom, and delicious in our salads.


    The tomatoes are doing their thing, yay!


    Scientists use Exotic Stars to Tune into Hum from Cosmic Symphony
  • Talk about a massive wave. You got it, a wave period of decades. Space is big, mind-bogglingly big....

  • Webamp: cross-platform implementation of Winamp 2.9
  • Whoa! This truly whips the llama's ass! Winamp forever!

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • My kale(and arugula!) was under attack by cabbage moths. BtK stopped them dead in their tracks!

  • My square foot garden

    Here's my square foot garden! It's a new as of this winter. Currently I have:

    • Tomatoes
    • French Filet Beans
    • Jade Bush Beans
    • Spinach
    • Lacinto Kale
    • Red Leaf Lettuce
    • Little Gem Lettuce
    • Leeks
    • Onions
    • And Scallions, Oh My!
    • Radishes
    • Carrots
    • Early Jalapeño, but it's very sad :(

    Also: far too many vegetables in pots and bags in Garden Overflow Nexus One: like pumpkins, arugula, potatoes, more tomatoes (oh no!), strawberries, parsley....

    Local officials say now is the time to be prepared for wildfire smoke
  • I dunno, I think I might wait til August and then try to buy an air conditioner on an impromptu whim this year.

  • Welcome to Tacoma at Fernery Chat

    Hi, I'm David. I'm a weirdo who recently moved to Tacoma, Washington and find it rather pleasant (shh, don't tell). I'm entertaining myself with gardening, home automation, and goldfish tending in this part of the Sound.

    Are you a refugee from another internet site? Are you just a curious local with a Fediverse account? Are you some other inscrutable being from the Net with motives beyond my ken?

    Well, come on in and start chatting.

    Just be cool, Grit City!


    Today's harvest

    cross-posted from:

    > Today's harvest! Red leaf lettuce, little gem lettuce, radishes, and carrots I picked too early because I was too curious!


    Today's harvest

    Today's harvest! Red leaf lettuce, little gem lettuce, radishes, and carrots I picked too early because I was too curious!

    First Tomato day!
  • Looks like your hardiness will vary by your location!. I'm growing Oxhearts besides the gardener's delight but they are taking their time, they've just put out flowers.

  • First Tomato day!
  • Yeah, you should probably pluck it and plant it. It'll help focus energy to the roots and leaves.

  • Redditors, how do you like Lemmy?
  • I put up a guide on my instance to help deploy with Portainer and Nginx Proxy Manager on a separate Docker. I suspect it might help you with the federation bit, as I struggled with that too.

  • Deploying Lemmy with Nginx Proxy Manager and Portainer

    >Note: this is my crosspost from reddit. Hello folks! I've been trying to get my own Lemmy instance up and had some problems figuring out how to set it up for realsies in production.

    Perhaps you like to play self hosting on hard mode like I do. Perhaps you looked at the ansible playbook for Lemmy and said 'absolutely not'. Perhaps you saw you could also build it from scratch, and oh nevermind there's a docker, cool. That's what Portainer is for, you crazy son of a gun!! Perhaps you then looked at the Docker guide, saw that nginx was part of the deployment and said 'I could probably move that to my currently existing Nginx Proxy Manager!'

    You'd be right, but it might cost you hours of time, tears, sweat, and some sanity. Like me! I hope this helps someone!

    To start:

    SSH into your docker box. You'll need to create a few volumes and download some stuff. I elected to create my files at /docker/lemmy. mkdir /docker/lemmy/ cd /docker/lemmy/ mkdir -p volumes/pictrs sudo chown -R 991:991 volumes/pictrs Download the 'lemmy.hjson' config file by doing a


    Edit that sucker.

    Change the stuff between < > (and remove the <>s). If there are ""s it's intentional. Here's how mine looks. Take note: It starts and ends with { } brackets. ```


    for more info about the config, check out the documentation

    only few config options are covered in this example config

    setup: { # username for the admin user admin_username: <"astronguser"> # password for the admin user admin_password: <"astrongpassword"> # name of the site (can be changed later) site_name: <"acoolname"> }

    the domain name of your instance (eg "" or "")

    hostname: <"">

    address where lemmy should listen for incoming requests

    bind: ""

    port where lemmy should listen for incoming requests

    port: 8536

    Whether the site is available over TLS. Needs to be true for federation to work.

    tls_enabled: true

    pictrs host

    pictrs: { url: "http://pictrs:8080/" # api_key: "API_KEY" }

    settings related to the postgresql database

    database: { # name of the postgres database for lemmy database: <"databasename"> # username to connect to postgres user: <"astronguser"> # password to connect to postgres password: <"astrongpassword"> # host where postgres is running. This needs to match the postgres hostname in the portainer stack host: "postgres" # port where postgres can be accessed port: 5432 # maximum number of active sql connections pool_size: 5 }

    See the documentation for available config fields and descriptions:

    federation: { hostname: <> allowed_instances: <lemmy_ml> }

    email: { # Hostname and port of the smtp server smtp_server: <""> # Login name for smtp server smtp_login: <"[email protected]"> # Password to login to the smtp server smtp_password: <"12345"> # Address to send emails from, eg "[email protected]" smtp_from_address: <"[email protected]"> # Whether or not smtp connections should use tls. Can be none, tls, or starttls tls_type: "tls" } } ```

    Download the docker-compose.yml to your computer. Go to Portainer, and create a new stack.

    Paste the content of that files into the stack, edit it, and create it.Here's how my compose file looks. This keeps the database on the lemmyinternal network. It exposes the UI and lemmy to the LAN. My Portainer IP is Update the variables inside < >!

    ``` version: "3.3" networks: #Keep the database safe, dawg lemmyinternal: driver: bridge internal: true lemmyexternal: #Everything else services:

    lemmy: image: dessalines/lemmy:0.17.3 networks: - lemmyinternal - lemmyexternal ports: - 8536:8536 restart: always environment: - RUST_LOG="warn,lemmy_server=info,lemmy_api=info,lemmy_api_common=info,lemmy_api_crud=info,lemmy_apub=info,lemmy_db_schema=info,lemmy_db_views=info,lemmy_db_views_actor=info,lemmy_db_views_moderator=info,lemmy_routes=info,lemmy_utils=info,lemmy_websocket=info" #Set RUST_BACKTRACE=1 if you have problems, or if you just want to feel clever looking at log files - RUST_BACKTRACE=1 volumes: - /docker/lemmy/lemmy.hjson:/config/config.hjson depends_on: - postgres - pictrs

    lemmy-ui: image: dessalines/lemmy-ui:0.17.3 networks: - lemmyexternal ports: #Always keep em guessing - 1236:1234 environment: # THIS SHOULD BE 'lemmy'. IT'S THE NAME OF THE DOCKER SEVICE NOT A HOSTNAME - LEMMY_UI_LEMMY_INTERNAL_HOST=lemmy:8536 # set the outside hostname here. I use 1236 as the port, make sure you have 1236:1234 for your lemmy-ui port if so. - LEMMY_UI_LEMMY_EXTERNAL_HOST=<> #Nginx Proxy Manager will get this. - LEMMY_HTTPS=false depends_on: - lemmy restart: always

    pictrs: networks: - lemmyinternal image: asonix/pictrs:0.3.1 # this needs to match the pictrs url in lemmy.hjson hostname: pictrs # we can set options to pictrs like this, here we set max. image size and forced format for conversion # entrypoint: /sbin/tini -- /usr/local/bin/pict-rs -p /mnt -m 4 --image-format webp environment: - PICTRS__API_KEY=API_KEY user: 991:991 volumes: - /docker/lemmy/volumes/pictrs:/mnt restart: always

    postgres: networks: - lemmyinternal image: postgres:15-alpine # this needs to match the database host in lemmy.hson hostname: postgres ports: - 5432:5432 environment: - POSTGRES_USER=<strongusername> - POSTGRES_PASSWORD=<strongpassword> - POSTGRES_DB=<databasename> volumes: - /docker/lemmy/volumes/postgres:/var/lib/postgresql/data restart: always ```

    > Note: if this fails the first time and you get database errors in postgres, or lemmy won't shut up about being unable to access the database or settings, you may need to destroy the stack containers, remove all non-persistent volumes, and do a rm -rf on the /docker/lemmy/volumes/postgres folder.

    If you check the database logs in Portainer, you should see the database initalizing for the first time, and lemmy should be running a migration process.

    Pop over to Nginx Proxy Manager and create a new site. In my case, I'll be pointing towards

    Enable Websockets Support.

    Under SSL, acquire your Lets Encrypt Certificate

    (or install your own, you crazy admin!).

    Enable 'Force SSL' and 'HTTPS/2 Support'.

    You may enable HSTS if you'd like.

    Under Custom Locations, you'll need a few! ```

    location: /api

    location: /pictrs

    location: /feeds

    location: /nodeinfo ```

    Then, go to the advanced tab, and paste in this block. This makes the federation all federationy. ```

    location / { # The default ports: # lemmy_ui_port: 1235(not used here) # lemmy_port: 8536 # The cooler port: # lemmy_ui_port: 1236

    set $proxpass ""; if ($http_accept ~ "^application/.*$") { set $proxpass ""; } if ($request_method = POST) { set $proxpass ""; } proxy_pass $proxpass;

    rewrite ^(.+)/+$ $1 permanent;

    # Send actual client IP upstream proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr; proxy_set_header Host $host; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for; } ```

    Hit save. In theory, you should have a working Lemmy instance. See you in the fediverse!


    The Fernery Garden

    Hello and welcome to Tacoma Gardening. I'm David, just look for the nearest large fern - I'll be behind it! I'm running a new 4' x 4' Square Foot Garden this year, with intents to expand to a second raised bed in the fall. I've also got a lot of container pots! Keep tuned to this community for pictures of me bragging (or sobbing!) about my plants!


    First Tomato day!

    Howdy, gardeners! Exciting day, the first tomato of the season! This is particularly heartwarming for me as this is a new home, new garden, new tomato cultivar! This is a Gardener's Delight, in a felt pot! I'm in Tacoma, Zone 8b. How are your tomato babies doing?
