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eduardm eduardm
Posts 9
Comments 30
openSUSE addresses supply chain attack against xz compression library
  • If you didn't explicitly open the SSH port during the install, you are okay.

  • What thing do you love that you can never get anyone else to check out?
  • Star Trek. Every friend I have only knows about Star Wars.

  • Spotify Aero mockup
  • This looks slick

  • Do you have any funny names for your network gear?
  • It hurts when IP Courtesy of my networking instructor

  • Linkwarden - An open-source collaborative bookmark manager to collect, organize and preserve webpages
  • Do you have any particular way of organizing the links themselves? I've moved to hosting all my bookmarks in Obsidian as well and am curious as to how others go about it

  • My mod list

    I have been playing this game for a while now, and after losing track in one of my saves, I decided to try some mods. Boy was that a good choice.

    Big thanks to all the mod's authors, especially xpazeman for hosting the mod list website from where I found them.

    These are the mods which I've found fantastic to use, along with a short description:

    • Ambient Lights: tweaked lighting, useful indoors mostly so you can see at night better
    • Camping Tools: a lot of items for.. camping
    • Fire Pack: new tools for starting fires
    • Indoors Greenery: farm plants indoors!
    • BetterBases: reorganize any interior to your heart's content
    • Crafting Revisions: improved crafting UI
    • Developer console: saving the game quickly if I have to leave (and definitely not cheats..)
    • PlacingAnywhere: adds very powerful functionality while moving items
    • QoL: UI keyboard control, highly useful
    • Things To Do: API for programming custom actions in UI, includes getting paper from books, unloading lanterns for fuel, crudely repair items without tools, etc

    These mods also require the following dependencies:


    ModData, ExamineActionsAPI, GearSpawner, KeyboardUtilities, LocalizationUtilities, ModComponent, ModSettings,

    Low Tech eduardm

    How To Make Clay At Home (It's Just Dirt)

    Video notes

    Clay is just dirt. Clay can be found in the cracked soil texture or on tire tread tracks.

    If the harvested clay is gritty (full of rocks and other impurities) it can be filtered through a regular strainer screen after adding water. After settling for an hour, decant and move into cloth and let dry.

    Good clay can be dry processed by just gently pound into powder.

    Levigation is continuous decanting after adding water until left with good clay. The resulting good clay can then be left to dry in a trough, for example.

    All clay shrinks when it dries, so it needs temper added, which is non plastic material practically: crushed up pottery (clay after firing), volcanic ash or just sand, most common. A good mix is around 20% temper.

    Lookout at neuschwanstein castle
  • The contrast in the sky looks heavenly

  • Appropedia, the sustainability wiki
  • Thank you for the follow-up info!

    My land is fortunately blessed with a multitude of potable water springs which (in the distant future) I hope to turn into a full hydroenergy solution. In the following weeks I will finally have time to travel to my homestead and do some real work. I first need a hut!

  • Low Tech eduardm

    Survival guides

    A bunch of handy survival guides I found online. Some are not necessarily related to living off the grid, but useful nonetheless.

    Low Tech eduardm

    A useful resource for living OffTheGrid. I especially like the greywater section which I hope to implement in my homestead.

    Low Tech eduardm

    Old brick house in ASTRA Museum, Sibiu, Romania

    John Plant?
  • Updated sidebar info, thanks and sorry for the confusion

  • A good place to get started?
  • Thank you for the quick reply! hamstudy seems to be a very good resource for general radio information and I'll definitely learn a lot from there.

    As for country-specific info, I may have found a club that I will contact in the following days. Problem is, I don't think there are many radio amateurs still operating in my hometown.

    Thank you very much for all the help!

  • Ham Radio eduardm

    A good place to get started?

    Hello everyone.

    I recently learned on this very community about SOTA and immediately fell in love with the concept because it combined my two favorite things: hiking and technology/radio. Problem is, I don't actuatlly have any formal knowledge or qualification, but I would very much like to start learning.

    I don't know the exact laws about ham radio in my country (Romania) but I will look them up if that helps.

    Thank you in advance for anything.

    How is a company like Reddit “not profitable” yet?
  • This is the simple, plain truth right here. There is no other way to "fix" the internet now. It's all infected with freemium and shitty subscription based services.

  • iPhone 5G standalone and reliability in the countryside?
  • I apologize, my comment was not very clear. Normally, a (good) phone should automatically optimize for the best signal, regardless whether it's 5G, LTE or anything else. If you do experience frequent signal loss, just disable 5G. Most areas do have LTE coverage, at the least 3G.

    So, yes, if you're asking whether it's right to disable 5G, in this case, you have no choice. (Which, again, is wrong, the phone should do it's job in the first place)

  • Lacul Bodi, Ferneziu
  • A, păi mă bucur că nu-s pe Reddit:)) Free speech.

  • How to work up from Stalker to Interloper?
  • I have been playing this game on and off like you but never have really looked into any videos on it. I'm glad I did though! Saved my hide countless times.

    I agree, an overview is definitely useful to have. No problem, glad to help!

  • Lacul Bodi, Ferneziu
  • N-am fost, dar presupun că e mai superb. Păcat e că vin mai mulți oameni vara și na, mai mult gunoi și maneliști

  • iPhone 5G standalone and reliability in the countryside?
  • I believe for iPhones you can turn off 5G in settings, as OP stated they did, but that would negate the whole advantage. Even so, isn't 4G (or even 3G) more battery friendly?

  • Introductions! Introduce yourself, your OC, your pet, or whatever!
  • It's time to create those communities! Be the change you want to see!

    Edit: remembered

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • Whatever you do, DON'T visit

  • Is there a food that is cheap, delicious and healthy at the same time?
  • I don't even like french fries that much. Steamed potates, or baked ones by the campfire, I'm all in.

  • What's your most favorite android games right now?
  • Trials Frontier. I love the atmosphere, I imagine myself riding off into the sunset with my crappy bikes and this game's fantastic soundtrack.

    Krafteers: tomb defenders (the old version, from Deonn, before this shittty company bought it and turned it into an ad fest)

  • Can I just talk about the atmosphere

    This game makes me want to live in a hut near a stream in the winter and just plop logs on the fire, listening to that crackling sound and wondering how I'm gonna survive tomorrow. Life seems so simple when you're away from everything and your only worry is what you're gonna eat for breakfast. It just makes me get away from it all.


    I just bought the Kazotsky kick taunt.

    I feel so good. I can dance whenever I want to now. I can cheer up my team in a split second. I can kick off a massive dance party on 2fort (and other maps) whenever I just press G and 1. Amazing

    Dishonored eduardm

    Weird flipped versions of the Outsider's Mark

    Just realized you can get some pretty interesting designs when you mirror the Outsider's Mark. Here are a few variations:



