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Generator Jam for September! Make something about celebration/ a celebration/ celebrations/ celebrating!

Starts on September 11th, and ends on September 31st.

Perchance Data

```perchance_data // This Part is Required for the Perchance Hub // This would be where the Event Organizer would change the data to update the Hub // Remember to indent with two spaces!

// List About the Event to be displayed on the Hub metadata title = Celebrations! description = Generator Jam for September 2024 - Make something about celebrations/ a celebration / celebrating type = Generator Jam image // Can be multiple pictures to randomize the banner image :) // Must end with the '.png', '.webp', or any valid image format.

start = 11 September 2024 12:00:00 UTC+0000 // strict data formats see: end = 31 September 2024 12:00:00 UTC+0000 color = linear-gradient(77deg, #386945, #30aa34) // background color of the banners any valid CSS colors rules // Just some rules or constraints for the event Make something about celebrations/ a celebration / celebrating. // For Generator Jams with Perchance URL generators // The generator's $metadata is also parsed // generator-name // must be the 'dashed' generator name // author = Author // author's name // type = Text // type of generator, Text, Image, Plugin, Template, Preprocessor, Games, Community/RP, Experiment




The BluePower stuff drawing is finally done!
  • Making a bunch of mini flags around the place is a cool idea

  • Links
  • k

  • Commenting Issue
  • Try hotspot from your phone at work

  • Commenting Issue
  • Try a different vpn. If you aren't using one, try a a different network like switching from home Internet to Mobile data and vise versa.

  • [Pre-release] v0.2.1-alpha.3+12
  • test Edit: can edit on ,

  • [Pre-release] v0.2.1-alpha.3+12
  • test

  • [Pre-release] v0.2.1-alpha.3+12
  • Probably because of material you , there isn't enough contrast .

    I think it would be a good idea to make the text white on a darker color and black text on lighter backgrounds (not sure if that's hard or not if it is then you should just add a manual toggle)

  • Just a test post from liftoff
  • Other instance test: all the comments don't show up

  • I don’t belong here?
  • That's not a problem.

  • Massive spam account wave?
  • Bots can basically solve captchas tho

  • Can ActivityPub save the internet?
  • If the Lemmy devs added it every Lemmy instance would probably support it

  • This community will get an icon once the perchance dev sends me them
  • It's actually really cool. I've made tons of stuff there

  • This community will get an icon once the perchance dev sends me them



    [email protected]

    c/[email protected]
