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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
Posts 7
Comments 143
Why do people wear shoes inside the house?
  • We do have a lot of rain, specially in this time of year, but we have something here that is called a schoonloopmat which cleans/dries your shoes quite good. That together with hard wooden floors throughout the house makes I never take off my shoes at home.

  • Study finds anti-piracy messages backfire, especially for men
  • There's one thing that's preventing me from doing exactly that and that is, as a non-native English speaker with tinnitus, the constant struggle to find good subtitles that are properly synced. My lazy ass just wants to enjoy a movie at a normal volume without having to force myself to be super-focussed in order not to miss the whole goddamn plot of the movie.

  • All karma lost since v. 0.19

    Has anybody else experienced this? Ever since Lemmy was upgraded to 0.19, all of my sweet internet points are gone. I know you're not supposed to care about that, nevertheless am I the only one?!


    Tips voor goede podcasts?

    Misschien been idee om dit een terugkerend topic te maken? Kom je interessante goed gemaakte podcasts tegen, post ze dan hier.

    Een greep uit mijn favorieten:

    • Moordzaken, de podcast (uiteraard!)
    • Daders (interviews met veroordeelde ex-criminelen)
    • De zaak ontleed (met Saskia Belleman)
    • Takedown (bestrijding van cybercriminaliteit)
    • De verdwenen SS'er
    • Oorlogswond (artsen in WOII)
    19 Voorlopige prognose: PVV wint extra zetels en komt op 37, D66 zakt naar 9

    Verkiezingswinnaar PVV lijkt nog iets groter te worden in de Tweede Kamer. Volgens de voorlopige prognose haalt de partij van Geert Wilders 37 zetels. D66 levert nog een zetel in en komt voorlopig op 9 zetels.

    Voorlopige prognose: PVV wint extra zetels en komt op 37, D66 zakt naar 9

    Eerste kabinet Wilders? Wat denken jullie? Eindelijk echte actie op terugdringen van de asielstroom of wordt Nederland het volgende land waar een Trump-achtige populist de boel eens flink gaat opschudden?


    No Refresh option?

    This may be a really dumb question, but why can't I find a Refresh button or option?

    Upon returning to Voyager after some time I always want to refresh to see if there are new posts. Now I have to scroll back up all the way before I can "pull to refresh" or I have to leave Home, go to All and then back to Home to force a refresh. An option under the 3 dots at the top right would be very helpful in this case. Am I missing something really simple or is this indeed not possible at the moment?


    Missing thumbnails

    Help! I'm not sure if requests for help are allowed. If not, I apologise and please let me know where to ask this. Since a day or two, my Google TV is missing about 90% of the preview thumbnails. Only the "continue watching" section and the YouTube links is still showing them. Deleting various caches didn't solve it and I have no idea what to do next. Preferably I don't want to factory reset due to various settings and logins I not sure I'm able to restore. Also I should mention that I side-loaded SmartTube and about the same time the issue started occurring. Not sure if related though. Help would be much appreciated.


    Missing thumbnails on Google TV

    Help! I'm not sure if requests for help are allowed. If not, I apologise and please let me know where to ask this. Since a day or two, my Google TV is missing about 90% of the preview thumbnails. Only the "continue watching" section and the YouTube links are still showing them. Deleting various caches didn't solve it and I have no idea what to do next. Preferably I don't want to factory reset due to various settings and logins I'm not sure I'm able to restore. Also I should mention that I side-loaded SmartTube and about the same time the issue started occurring. Not sure if related though. Help would be much appreciated.
