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Why aren't US voting machines open source?
    1. People will be mean at anything. There's a fact.
    2. You can manufacture your eletronic urn with an Arduino or somethink alike
  • Why aren't US voting machines open source?
  • TSE in my country already do this. With months in advance. To anyone to see and try to hack. We have almost 30 years of using it, and if there's one leak or scam, or fraud, or something is a lot.

    TSE invites people to try. They don't 'coz they knew the result. The system works. Now the right wing atacks who controls the system, the men fallible. All the judiciary and democratic system is to blame.

  • Why aren't US voting machines open source?
  • this video has 3 years.

    3 years is a lot to somethings to be mature. He tells about Trust & Anonymity. You can't trust anonymity 'coz you can trace the vote and bla bla bla. Well, you can trace the regular method too. Trust, you can't trust the way the vote leaves the booth to the central. You know the Hash initiative? Even a small number change will be shown to everyone.

  • Being on linux
  • sudo dnf unzip