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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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Michigan outlaws the 'gay and trans panic defense' in criminal trials
  • Thanks for posting this but I'm not sure I understand it.

    What if it was a material part of the case? In the article linked, it wasn't even "gay panic" as much as self defence that started from an unaccepted gay advance that turned into a fight.

    For example, what if two people went home from a bar preparing to hook up, then one discovered the other wasn't the biological gender/sex they expected. It gets heated and they fight. The gay or trans person receives the worst of it. Police get called.

    Can you not include that as a part of the defense?

    Is that what they are calling gay/trans panic?

    This seems weird to me because in court you should be allowed to admit facts and evidence. If one of the parties was gay or trans, and that played a role in the event, it seems wrong to not allow it as it's very relevant.

    I feel like I am missing some legal nuance.

  • Author left the job
  • My thoughts on it are: as a developer, if you flag the issue for your management, and they want to move forward, then you've done your part.

    Maybe put an extra comment in the code for posterity's sake.

    It's not ultimately your problem and what else are you going to do? Work unpaid nights and weekends to fix it for some guy who might run into a problem 8 years from now?

  • Our tax dollars so this mf can try to arrest librarians
  • This reminds me of the south park sting episode where the cop is just blowing dudes (dressed up like a hooker) and yelling "busted!"

    This guy's is just reading whatever smut he can find then yelling "busted"


  • Mom didn't go to school
  • Dude. It's pretty fucking easy to get a gun. You walk into a store, say "I'd like that one please", they take your license and another form of id (literally could be a piece of mail), you fill out a form that says you aren't a felon like Donald Trump, on drugs like Hunter b, a non-citizen, etc, run the most cursory of cursory background checks, and they hand you the gun.

    It can take like 10 minutes.

    Its harder and takes much longer to get your car registered than to buy a gun.

    The barriers are super low. And if you lie on the form, it's typically not something people can check/vet and is only used after the fact so people can say "but he shouldn't have gotten one,! He lied on the form!!"

  • Make it stop.
  • I've started to do that. If I don't see 10-20% options, I've started doing no tip--even if I would have tipped more.

    It irks me.

    They'd done some data analysis and I guess if you show higher percentages people just click them. So I am bringing it back to reality with my 0%.

  • Windows PCs crashing worldwide due to CrowdStrike issue
  • I don't know exactly how crowd strike works, but this sounded like a "virus signatures" update (IE not a software update per se). And thats what caused the issue.

    I think "real time virus protection" is why people use it so they expect the signatures to get updated asap/with little to no human intervention.

    This is a crowd strike epic fail...for how they let their software blue screen systems with a virus signature update.

  • Today I'm grateful I'm using Linux - Global IT issues caused by Crowdstrike update causes BSOD on Windows
  • And roll it out in a controlled fashion: 1% of machines, 10%, issues? Do the rest.

    How this didn't get caught by testing seems impossible to me.

    The implementation/rollout strategy just seems bonkers. I feel bad for all of the field support guys who have had there next few weeks ruined, the sys admins who won't sleep for 3 days, and all of the innocent businesses that got roped into it.

    A couple local shops are fucked this morning. Kinda shocked they'd be running crowd strike but also these aren't big businesses. They are probably using managed service providers who are now swamped and who know when they'll get back online.

    One was a bakery. They couldn't sell all the bread they made this morning.

  • Ex-Porsche Lawyer Sentenced After Throwing Her Newborn Out Window So It Wouldn't Disrupt Her Career
  • I read that the hormone swing from pregnancy to "back to normal" the month or so after is the fastest swing in hormones a human can experience.

    It can absolutely fuck up your brain during that time + lack of sleep + stress. It's a recipe for this kind of thing.

  • Switzerland mandates all software developed for the government be open sourced
  • It depends on the software and situation of course, but if you are paying a contractor to develop/write a solution for you aka "government built" then the contractor that writes the code owns 0 of that code. It's as if it was written by Uncle Sam himself.

    Now, if the government buys software (licenses), the companies will retain ownership of their code. So if Uncle Sam bought Service Now licenses, the US doesn't "own" service now. If service now extended capability to support the govt, the US still doesn't own the license or that code in most cases.

    Sometimes the government will even pay for a company to extend its software and that company can then sell that feature elsewhere. The government doesn't get any benefit beyond the capability they paid for--ie they don't own that code. That can work to the governments benefit though, because it can be used as a price negotiation point. "we know you can sell this feature to 50 different agencies if you develop it for us, so we only want to pay 25% of what you priced it at".

    But like it said, if it's a development contract and the contractors build an app for the government, all of the contracts I've ever seen, have Uncle Sam owning it all. The govt could open source it if they wanted and the contractor would have no say.

    That's what we call GOTS products off-the-shelf (,for%20which%20it%20is%20created.

    Vs COTS:

    With COTS, that's where you'd see the ownership (depending on the contract/license agreement of course) remain with the vendor.

  • Nginx 502, ssh not working.
  • If it's working again all of the sudden I would lean towards f2b. I don't know what your "timeout" is, but if f2b got tripped it would explain why you couldn't get in yesterday but today it works (assuming your ban expires in 24hrs or so).

  • Anyone else having issues with Apex Legends the last few weeks?

    Apex has been running smooth as butter (well, as smooth as apex can run :) ) for the last year or so on my PopOS machine. I haven't had to log into windows to game in about 18 months.

    I noticed a few months ago that I would get errors / crashes, seeimingly randomly where 'pak' files wouldn't load. I'd get a wine-looking pop up with the message. I could fix it by Validating Game Files. Inevitably it would find corrupt or invalid files and redownload them and it would work again.

    Something happened about ~4 weeks ago where it became much more frequent to the point where its now unplayable on PopOS.

    I've done everything I can think of:

    • completely removed steam and all my games from my system and retried with the deb package in the store. (no luck)

    • completely removed that and my games and tried with the flatpak (same issues)

    • I even, thinking my ssd might be failing, bought a new one, cloned my stuff over to that, etc (no luck, same issues).

    • I just uninstalled the game again and am trying to redownload as I am typing this and it gets to the end, fails (corrupt update files), then puts me in a loop of validating, downloading, pausing download, etc.

    All of my other games seem to work fine and update fine.

    Apex works on my steamdeck. Apex works fine on this same machine on Windows 10.

    I used inotify-tools to see if something was editing the files in between gaming sessions when it worked and when it didn't and nothing seems to be accessing let alone updating/writing to those files. So the corruption or whatever happens during use.

    I have tried Proton experimental and literally every version back until it wouldn't even make sense to run. I tried the last 5 or so ProtonGE versions as well.

    The thing is: Is this a Pop issue? Is it an Apex issues? Is it a proton issue? Is it a steam issue?

    I don't even know where to post this 'issue' too.

    For what its worth, I am happy to try and run this down and provide whatever logs may help. I could learn some auditd!


    <in the mean time I am going to tuck my tail and boot back into Windows so I can game for a bit>


    Someone created a tool to screw with telemarketers using ChatGPT

    Technology at its finest.
