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cyberfae cyberfae

I'm an autistic and ADHD geek. I'm also an aspiring Linux sysadmin. I love Warframe, The Witcher, forest and ocean facts, cats, and tech. I'm always looking to learn new things. I live by a rule of 'live and let live', except when someone is hurting or trying to force their way of life onto others.

Posts 1
Comments 42
'It's inhumane.' Despite how hot it is, Tennessee renters don't have a right to air conditioning
  • 2500 is still a tragedy, especially when a good portion of those deaths were preventable

  • If we get two sets of chromosomes, how does our body decide which genes to use?
  • I didn't mean to imply it was bad. I'll reword my comment.

  • If we get two sets of chromosomes, how does our body decide which genes to use?
  • Some genes are dominant and some are recessive. Dominant genes override recessive genes regardless of which parent it's inherited from. Some genes that simply aren't compatible with each other are altered during fertilization. These altered genes are called mutations. Some are beneficial, some are harmful, but most are benign. Some genes only come from the Mother, which would be the genes for the mitochondria. While some will only come from the father, which would be the genes for the nucleus.

    As for X and Y chromosomes. The X chromosome contains a lot of info you need in order to live while the Y chromosome just codes for what makes a being male. If you have a defective gene in your X chromosome and are male, chances are that it's going to present itself. If you're female, it depends on if that gene is dominant. One notable case is the genes for the cones in your eyes. They reside in the X chromosome and sometimes one of those genes has mutated. If you only have the mutated version you may be unable to see some colors. As [email protected] pointed out, this has advantages and disadvantages.

    Disclaimer: I'm going by what I remember from high school biology. If I made an error, then please correct me.

    EDIT: Corrected my wording in regards to colorblindness.

  • Exciting New Flavors!
  • My grandfather would probably buy these

  • Ant smell
  • Same

  • When I upgrade my packages, it says that the pgp signature of every package is wrong. But I know that that's not right. How do I stop this message from happening?
  • Your welcome. And if you get stuck reading the arch wiki, it's worth reading it again just to make sure you didn't miss anything.

  • When I upgrade my packages, it says that the pgp signature of every package is wrong. But I know that that's not right. How do I stop this message from happening?
  • You also need to sync NTP. That's the service that checks the internet to ensure the time is correct. On top of that you might want to ensure the timezone is set correctly. Also, consider reading the section on cleaning cached packages and changing your key server.

  • Kanye West Announces 'Yeezy Porn' Amid Reports of Adult Film Company
  • his contract with Adidas says that if he's in any kind of mental healthcare for more than two weeks, he loses all his money or some shit.

    How is that even legal?

  • Coffee time
  • Source?

  • Roku TV bricked until agreeing to new terms of service
  • Unfortunately, if you did this, it would be the shop that sold you it that takes the hit, because you have to go to them to get the refund, not the original manufacturer.

    Couldn't you just buy a new tv of a different brand from the same shop to offset the hit from the refund?

  • The children yearn for the mines
  • Even if the jobs are safe, those kids need to be focusing on school. Kids also need unstructured play time to help their development. Kids this young who are in extra curricular activities every day often have decreased mental health and academic performance. And I highly doubt employers are going to appreciate an employee who only works for an hour or two on weekends.

  • Thoughts?
    1. Why is this a video and not a text post? Especially one with low quality and out of context animations.
    2. When making a claim, always link your sources.
  • Ben Ten Laundry Services
  • WTF is this? Who thought this was in good taste?

  • What is the right way to contact admins about users who are stalking other users?
  • Blocking only helps OP, it won't stop trolls from targeting other users.

  • Is anyone else having problems saving their bio and avatar?

    It might be related to this bug:

    It doesn't seem to block all special characters though. I was able to put square brackets in the title.

    EDIT: for some reason it allowed single quotes when editing my post. Maybe it was just the '&' that was causing issues.

    EDIT2: '&' doesn't seem to cause issues in posts either. It may just be effecting the bio and nothing else.

    EDIT3: I'm getting an error that says: SyntaxError: JSON.parse: unexpected character at line 1 column 1 of the JSON data when trying to upload an avatar. I'm removing [solved] from the title for now. I'm also going to submit an issue on github later.

    EDIT4: fixed some formatting issues

    EDIT5: putting '&' in a code block causes issues. It's because of this bug:
