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cthululemon cthululemon

Interested in many things: ethics, humans as animals, nature preservation, political philosophy, languages, data science, and reminiscing. Cosmochelonian. Amateur gardener and tree grafter. Passionate about my haus animals. Also donkeys and capybara and ducks. Recently interested in admiring birds out my window. Tarp connoisseur.

2024-05-25: I recently had to rebuild my instance due to a bork bork, so astute observers might recognize some things I'll be re-posting.

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Comments 2
Saw 3 Kingfishers today, here is one of them patiently waiting for movement in the canal below
  • @[email protected]

    Those feather textures are amazing. I didn’t know Britain had any kingfishers; learn something every once in a while!

  • Autumn, dark afternoon, time for Wishbringer!
  • @[email protected]

    I keep waiting for the right time to play this!