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Bionic leg moves like a natural limb — without conscious thought
  • It looks pretty bulky for now, but seems like a promising advancement.

  • Bionic leg moves like a natural limb — without conscious thought

    Computer interface links signals from the brain to an artificial limb, giving the wearer better balance, flexibility and speed.

    Bionic leg moves like a natural limb — without conscious thought
    1 Abbotsford student's speech about accessibility challenges at her school censored by administrators

    As part of her Grade 12 art activism class, Lexis De Meyer was tasked with investigating accessibility challenges faced by people with disabilities in her community of Abbotsford.

    Abbotsford student's speech about accessibility challenges at her school censored by administrators

    cross-posted from:

    Miracle worker
  • Wow, that laptop was my family's computer growing up. Star Gate nostalgia hits different here.

  • LGBTQ+ youth with firearms in their homes are more likely to consider suicide
  • The book "Talking to Strangers" by Malcolm Gladwell does an excellent job of explaining how access to convenient means of suicide increase rates, which contradicts the common argument that suicidal people will find other means to die if guns are less accessible. It turns out suicidal behavior is often situation and time specific, and removing tools for self harm means better chances of improvement.

  • Alabama legislature may vote to ban sex education on Thursday

    cross-posted from:

    > Alabama legislature may vote to ban sex education on Thursday > > HB 111 (What is a Woman) is on the Senate agenda tomorrow (#20 out of 35 total bills). HB 167 (mandatory filters on devices) is #18 on the calendar and HB 195 (anti sex ed) is #19. > > HB 111 action -> > > HB 195 action ->


    Alabama legislature may vote to ban sex education on Thursday

    HB 111 (What is a Woman) is on the Senate agenda tomorrow (#20 out of 35 total bills). HB 167 (mandatory filters on devices) is #18 on the calendar and HB 195 (anti sex ed) is #19.

    HB 111 action ->

    HB 195 action ->

    How does SDF handle moderating spambots?
  • Thank you for the tips.

    I'm a moderator on the community where I encountered the spambot account, and already banned it there. My question is wondering how I can report the user upstream to the instance admins. I'm not very familiar with Lemmy, I see that there's a modlog, so perhaps the SDF admins would need to monitor it and act based on the user getting banned from one of their communities?

  • How does SDF handle moderating spambots?


    I have a tiny newsfeed community here on SDF. We got a spam comment by another user registered on the instance. Looking at the account, all it does is link spam. Is there a process to flagging the account for moderation at the instance level, rather than flagging to block in individual communities?

    Account in question:

    8 Adaptive tactile interaction transfer via digitally embroidered smart gloves - Nature Communications

    Adaptive tactile interactions transfer across users, space, and time, via embroidered smart gloves is reported by the authors. The scalable fabrication and adaptive computation pipeline enable tactile occlusion alleviation, human skills transfer, and interactive teleoperation.

    Adaptive tactile interaction transfer via digitally embroidered smart gloves - Nature Communications
    0 Menard robotics team makes wheelchair for puppy without front legs

    A Central Louisiana robotics team finished their first wheelchair prototype for a small puppy without her two front legs.

    Menard robotics team makes wheelchair for puppy without front legs

    Via a FIRST newsletter.

    0 Wearable Robot Makes Mountain Climbing A Breeze For Seniors

    You know, it’s just not fair. It seems that even if we stay active, age will eventually get the better of our muscles, robbing them of strength and our bodies of mobility. Canes and walkers d…

    Wearable Robot Makes Mountain Climbing A Breeze For Seniors
    0 Jan. 6 defendant from Alabama known as ‘MAGA Lumberjack’ indicted on rape charge

    Dillon Herrington, who was sentenced to more than three years in prison for his role in the U.S. Capitol insurrection, is facing more charges in Alabama.

    Jan. 6 defendant from Alabama known as ‘MAGA Lumberjack’ indicted on rape charge
    Threads federation?
  • Erin Kissane has an excellent article on why Meta doesn't deserve the benefit of the doubt. Meta/Facebook has had power over social media before and displayed incredible disregard for human life, much less anything else related to healthy communities.

    To treat Threads the same as a brand new instance and federate with it is a mistake.

  • Kiteworks acquires ownCloud & Dracoon - Nextcloud
  • I use both and rarely ever make use of file storage on nextcloud. Syncthing is awesome software.

  • Stackoverflow Mod proposes prohibiting questions from being closed as duplicates to catch-all questions
  • Nope. That website's toxicity was one of the largest hurdles to learning to write software for me.

  • Blog post about case managers and purchasing AT How Case Managers "Say Yes" To Purchasing Assistive Technology

    I’m a board member of Minnesota Network & Education for Assistive Technology, where we did a live webinar for and by case managers around obtaining assistive tech for their clients. You can watch the full webinar here when we post it. Community supports and staffing for those aging and with disa...

    How Case Managers "Say Yes" To Purchasing Assistive Technology

    Github interviews on Accessibility From gaming with your eyes to coding with AI: New frontiers for accessibility

    Open source offers developers with disabilities the flexibility needed to participate and collaborate. Their contributions and involvement in the research, design, and development of software are i...

    From gaming with your eyes to coding with AI: New frontiers for accessibility

    Different Ways of Moving Through the World - via Logicmag Different Ways of Moving Through the World

    How does technology fail disabled bodies?

    Different Ways of Moving Through the World

    Subtitle: "Technology’s failure to serve disabled people is ultimately a failure of imagination."

    Logic(s) is one of my favorite things on the internet, and in this article they wrote about technology and assistive design.


    Out of sight - via

    This came in through my RSS subscription to Kottke. It's a childrens' video about adventure. It's not specifically AT design oriented, but it is a wonderful story that I think is worth sharing here.


    Hackaday - Prosthetics made from recycled plastic Precious Plastic Prosthetics

    Plastic waste is a major problem, but what if you could turn the world’s trash into treasure? [Yayasan Kaki Kita Sukasada (YKKS)] in Indonesia is doing this by using recycled plastic to make …

    Precious Plastic Prosthetics

    BrailleRAP DIY Braille embosser - Hackaday IO BrailleRAP DIY Braille embosser

    A full documented open source DIY Braille embosser, with associated open source translation software. Based on a 3D printer controller board, BrailleRAP can emboss Braille "dots" anywhere on a A4 sheet. You can use 160g paper, thin metal or plastic sheet. The average total cost is about 250 $ if you...

    BrailleRAP DIY Braille embosser

    Follows the REPRAP standard to create a Braille embosser for ~$250.


    Electromechanical Refreshable Braille Module - Hackaday Prize 2023 Winner Electromechanical Refreshable Braille Module

    The big drawback to refreshable braille devices has always been their cost. The loose rule of estimation applied to these products has translated into something like $100 to $150 per braille cell. A 40-cell display, in other words, may cost $4,000 to $6,000, while an 80-cell model will cost $8,000 t...

    Electromechanical Refreshable Braille Module

    The project documentation is absolutely worth a read through. It's well made with example GIFs to illustrate design and test components.

    How many tabs do you have open?
  • Me too :( Since about 2017 I've been telling myself I'll get around to cleaning them.

  • How many tabs do you have open?
  • I'm not too happy about them either. To some extent I think I avoid organizing them because leaving them as tabs makes them more "pressing" for me to some day get to reading. I'm like a failed data hoarder/archivist.

  • How many tabs do you have open?
  • I agree. I think it's more of an organizational deficiency for me.

  • How many tabs do you have open?
  • I didn't know about that feature. Kinda snarky of the devs if you ask me. Good luck with your tabs!

  • How many tabs do you have open?
  • That's a heck of a lot of tabs there. Good luck with them!

  • How many tabs do you have open?
  • Thank you for the suggestion!

  • How many tabs do you have open?
  • Firefox on android keeps garbage collecting tabs too aggressively for me to do my thing.

  • How many tabs do you have open?
  • You are the tab master. Thank you for describing your workflow!

  • How many tabs do you have open?
  • I definitely empathize with the research tab balloon.

  • How many tabs do you have open?
  • I am in awe.

  • How many tabs do you have open?
  • That's a good number.