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corm corm
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Comments 37
Titanic Submarine
  • Lol weak

  • Online dating
  • But I bet she shares hers. Speaking from current experience

  • actual engineers can read numbers
  • He was implying that self driving would take over, not that his cars are light weight.

  • The Steam Summer Sale is on now!
  • I found the dialog to be too awkwardly written. Couldn't stick with it

  • You can now get reddit posts on lemmy via RSS, without any ads ;)
  • All of reddit? Lol alright

    Well for me lemmy is still missing a ton of activity on several niche communities I followed. Do you have any hobbies?

  • Is there a way to get codecademy's Python3 course for free?
  • Right? The python course is a giant interactive web IDE experience. Aint no way that's gonna pirated

  • Is there a way to get codecademy's Python3 course for free?
  • Eh, it's quite boring.

    I've been a dev for over a decade and I learned puthon by just learning the basics and then doing simple projects (like making a web scraper)

  • Missing Titanic sub crew believed to be dead, tour company says
  • Is it though? I feel the same way I do when I hear another base jumper, parkour influencer, or wing suit junkie died.

    "Yep, makes sense."

  • You get to play one videogame for the first time again. What you picking?
  • Dark Soul 1, especially finding new shortcuts and new hidden things

  • You get to play one videogame for the first time again. What you picking?
  • The start seems to drag on and on and on. I've never managed to make it far out of the beginning area.

    I love crono trigger though

  • 'No kill' meat, grown from animal cells, is now approved for sale in the U.S.
  • The beef industry will 1000% definitely attack this

  • Summit - A Lemmy reader
  • Agreed. Please continue yours friend, if there were 20 good apps right now then that would be one thing, but there are zero.

    Posting from the kbin web UI

  • How do we call kbin users?
  • I also love beans, especially coffee beans.

    Can we not be so touchy as to let the word "bean" be ruined? Come on. That's just some hardcore virtue signaling if you ask me.

  • How do we call kbin users?
  • Seems overly touchy to care, just block and move on or roll your eyes.

    Why not go after the rock climbing industry for carabiners instead? /s

  • [Discussion] Favorite and least favorite things about your steam deck
  • Why not update it and try it out again?

  • guess I'll die
  • diabetus

  • This machine was a stroke of genius
  • didn't it though? It's like $15 here in portland