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Stalin shouldn't have stopped at Berlin


Posts 14
Comments 117
Is federation with Hexbear broken?
  • Nevermind, I've found the issue. For some reason the English language was untoggled and it was selected on Afrikaans. I have no idea why, I never checked language settings.

  • Is federation with Hexbear broken?
  • AskChapo, ChapoTrapHouse, Doomer, Chat, Memes, etc. All of them

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • Second time this has happened

  • Which search engine do you use and why?
  • Do you find Gemini to be very reactionary as of late? I've been browsing Gemini for at least 2 years now, it has become full of fash and like 2 anarchists, at least in aggregators such as Antenna and Cosmos.

    I store bookmarks in a text file and have over 300 at this point in less than one year.

  • It's probably old news but holy shit
  • Basically you can connect to devices on Tailscale even if you're not on your LAN, acting like a Wireguard peer. It gives you a local IP for each device connected to which you can connect when you're not at home, for example.

  • First chapter of my currently unnamed writing project
  • From what I know it's good immersion practice and to keep the reader engaged. If you want to discuss more you can DM me here or on Matrix.

  • First chapter of my currently unnamed writing project
  • In the first paragraph I suggest not giving so many details right away. You could introduce Flame's name later, such as when someone calls her, or through a badge on her chest, something like that.

    Same with the boss that runs the local crime ring, it's just way too soon to mention that in my opinion. You should leave the reader to do some guessing.

  • Deprecation warning

    When confirming an email, the following warning can be seen on the confirmation screen:

    Deprecated: Use of User::getGroupsWithPermission was deprecated in MediaWiki 1.34. [Called from ConfirmAccount::getAdminsToNotify in /var/www/prole/extensions/ConfirmAccount/includes/backend/ConfirmAccount.class.php at line 329] in /var/www/prole/includes/debug/MWDebug.php on line 382

    “Communism doesn’t work”
  • Any society is authoritarian, it depends who wields it.

  • “Communism doesn’t work”
  • Dictatorship is when bad country, democratic is when good western country

  • I Made a Shitty App in Kotlin!
  • Alright, you could try mirroring on places like Codeberg if it isn't a big hassle for you.

    Sure! I have a few Android phones I could test it on, various screen sizes and Android versions.

  • “Communism doesn’t work”
  • Capitalism worked under Eastern aggression

    Right, the countries that invaded the USSR in its nascent years, constantly tried to assassinate leaders of progressive movements, couped most countries on Earth.

    Communist economic sanctions, Communist covert actions

    The projection lol

    and a propaganda apparatus far more widespread than anything from the West.

    As that joke goes, a CIA and KGB officer meet at a bar. The CIA officer says to the KGB officer "You've got a good propaganda machine!", the KGB officer replies "Well, yours is unbeatable."

    The CIA agent responds with "What propaganda? In the West we don't have propaganda."

  • “Communism doesn’t work”
  • what happened to the marketplace of ideas

  • “Communism doesn’t work”
  • I wanted to cross-post this to's memes community, but you did that already. The libs are coming in, beautiful lmao.

  • I Made a Shitty App in Kotlin!
  • If you need testers for your apps I can try them.

    I'd suggest not hosting on GitHub though, as it's Microsoft.

  • I Made a Shitty App in Kotlin!
  • Ah, gotcha. There's "Translate You" on F-Droid, you might want to take a look at it for inspiration.

  • How do you apply DiaMat in your daily life?

    Hi comrades, how do you go about applying Dialectical Materialism in your daily life? What tasks have you successfully solved using it?

    I'm trying to get a deeper understanding of it right now by reading literature on it, right now I'm at Anti-Duhring (excerpts of it). I find it sometimes hard to apply what I've learned in personal cases, such as a discussion with someone, and so on.


    How do you deal with your time spent online and the news?

    Hi comrades,

    As the title suggests, how do you manage your time spent online? I personally don't use any social media aside from Lemmygrad, but I'm still struggling with being online too much, even if it's lurking here or on other websites. I try to focus on offline things, such as books mostly that I download. My biggest problem is the refresh feature, even smaller sites such as this one just become an issue because of refreshing for new posts or discussions.

    As a Linux user, I can say I tried to make my desktop as offline-focused as possible. I don't use any "cloud" services etc., though I still find myself dealing with this. Perhaps it's the interface.

    I do like the Small Web movement, especially protocols like Gemini or Gopher. From what I see, they're filled to the brim with conservatives and anarchists, sadly. I do lurk on YouTube via Invidious, which is probably the biggest time-waste, though there's much valuable niche content on there. Sometimes at least.

    Speaking of this, I sometimes take breaks from politics to not get overwhelmed. To get updates, I usually use RSS and the Hexbear News Megathread. For the most part, it's enough. Though FOMO (fear of missing out) hits here too, as what if I'm not up to date with something important globally.

    What's your experience with this, comrades?


    Fitness & Nutrition

    Hi comrades

    I want to start handling my nutrition and fitness better. I usually work out at home and can do pushups etc., I would say I'm quite underweight.

    While I'm reading the guide by CriticalResist on Prolewiki, I decided to count my calories. I barely reach 1500 calories a day which at this point I'll go malnourished. I just feel full very quickly. I do not eat processed sugars and avoid sweets, and I'm basically vegan at this point.

    I exercise too and can do push ups, squats etc with no problems whatsoever, though as expected I cannot build muscular mass, most likely because of my nutrition. I don't have the money to go to a gym so I want as much as possible to work out at home, I saw that calisthenics might be a good option? Though they seem unreliable for building muscle mass and strength. I want to put more weight but not fatty weight, which had happened to me in the past. I do eat healthy, but I eat way too less because I feel I just get full quickly. This might be due that in the past I was overweight and conditioned myself to not eat much, but now I'm basically starving myself.

    How would I go about increasing my caloric intake while putting muscle mass (preferably at home)?


    RARBG has shut down

    RARBG has shut down today. If you go to their website, you will be presented with the following message:

    > Hello guys, We would like to inform you that we have decided to shut down our site. The past 2 years have been very difficult for us - some of the people in our team died due to covid complications, others still suffer the side effects of it - not being able to work at all.

    > Some are also fighting the war in Europe - ON BOTH SIDES. Also, the power price increase in data centers in Europe hit us pretty hard. Inflation makes our daily expenses impossible to bare. Therefore we can no longer run this site without massive expenses that we can no longer cover out of pocket. After an unanimous vote we've decided that we can no longer do it.

    > We are sorry :( > Bye


    Expressions of affection & emotions today

    Hi comrades! This is my first time on Lemmygrad, so I apologise for the abrupt introduction. I saw there's an introduction community, although it seems abandoned. I'll consider making a post later today perhaps in this community, if you have better ideas for where it should fit, please let me know!

    How do you deal personally with expressing affection towards family, lovers etc.? Capitalism has definitely commodified affection/love/relationships in every aspect (e.g. Valentine's day), so it's hard to not fall in for "consumerist love". Obviously, a type of affection and compassion I'd argue are integral for the wellbeing of any society, although invidiualism as we know hardly promotes this.

    The culture also creates expectations of how affection and any type of relationship should be "performed". Corporations such as Disney which have a near monopoly on all expressions of late-capitalist culture often set stereotypes through the media they present to us, a good example being the Aladdin animated movie which is very racist, or Tarzan which was not popular until Disney animated it and made a friendlier version of its story. Thus this gives birth to lots of unrealistic expectations and pressures, because we feel we have to "perform" to our friends, family and lovers like we're on a stage. This ties in and is reflected in the usage of social media, we can see unrealistic body expectations, although mostly in the cishet space as far as I know, please correct me if I'm wrong. I think it's a combination of factors, first off the culture sets everyone up regarding expectations then they're exacerbated on mainstream social media such as Instagram.

    Now regarding a more personal aspect, I find that I have a hard time showing affection, even to family. Some people naturally express their emotions well, while I find myself not even going for hugs, and so on. I mostly internally justify it as "oh the other person would think it's awkward," perhaps it's a lack of communication on my side. More often than not, this resulted in people thinking that I'm uninterested in them (as in friendship or a relationship), or even in an extreme case someone thought I hated them which was definitely not the case. I'm more of an introvert, although when I get to know the person better I become rather extroverted with them, so I think I'm ambiverted. I want to learn to express my emotions better through creating mostly, although I have yet to find a good creative process to suit me other than writing, which I enjoy. I think social anxiety plays a role in this, also the fact that I overthink most social encounters and exaggerate to myself how the other person understands my actions.

    I'd love to hear your experiences and opinions regarding the subject!
