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cecirdr cecirdr
Posts 10
Comments 43
China’s workers and the curse of 35
  • That’s all kinds of messed up. To not value experience… it feels like all over the world in “advanced societies” we live in so much stress and are pulled in so many directions, flailing, trying to stay afloat in a cutthroat world. No wonder people aren’t having babies.

    Here in the US housing is unaffordable. More and more young adults can’t leave home and start building their own lives and creating their own families. Salaries aren’t even remotely keeping up with expenses. Without security why would someone contemplate getting pregnant?

    The response of leadership in the US feels like they’re creating a climate of forced pregnancies instead of solving the root cause. Such gross economic inequities as we have here create lives of despair and shut down the dreams of humanity. Those dreams are the fodder for building strong neighborhoods, having children, investing time and money into your community. Instead we have despair so people hide in their shells, protect themselves; even to the point of being willing to harm others.

  • Reddit starts removing moderators behind the latest protests
  • Wow. Those are huge subreddits that are now unmoderated. Is Reddit planning on using bots to auto mod these and hope they catch all the spammage?

  • Posts vanish on refresh?

    When I’m browsing I often get interrupted and have to put my phone down. Or I read one post, go back to the main and it refreshes. Often, I recall a post I wanted to read next, but on refresh, it’s just gone.

    If I try to search to find it again, I can’t even get the post to show up there. I even use a word that was in the title, to no avail. Oddly enough, if I go to a different instance, I can see the thread/post again, but here on beehaw, it went poof.

    Has anyone else experienced this? Does anyone have ideas on what is happening and how to stop it?


    Researchers one step closer to growing decaffeinated coffee beans
  • Interesting. I’m not sure I want fully decaf coffee, but I could see some people might want it.

    I metabolize caffeine quickly. So I’m one of those that can drink coffee and it doesn’t affect my sleep. I never get hyped up from it. Never have, even when I first started drinking it. But I am addicted. I get the classic headaches if I don’t have it. So it might be nice to taper off caffeine.

  • Curious dirt hat hognose
  • He’s adorable!

  • "Beautiful carvings of concentrated nature"
  • Dang, now I want brownies too. hahaha! Awesome work.

  • New flying gecko species reveals hidden biodiversity of northern India
  • mouth open...looks like he's got that gecko attitude!

  • Reddit CEO tells employees that subreddit blackout “will pass”
  • I intend to stay here on beehaw. It will take me a while to get over the habituated behaviors I had with reddit, but the quality of the posts over here is high. I don't feel like voices are getting drowned out over here. So reddit won't miss me. Over time, I won't miss reddit. All good things must end.

    Now time to enjoy watching how new communities and the software driving Lemmy develop.

  • Reddit CEO tells employees that subreddit blackout “will pass”
  • That's my thought too. Even before this, I felt like I was reading automated posts and chat bot responses on reddit. It seems like a zombie forum where most of the "people" weren't really real, it was just recycled content, laugh tracks, and being force fed content posted by reddit itself (versus users) scraped from other places.

  • Ignoring/Hiding Posts?
  • I'm having issues with it too. I think the massively increased load must be causing the interface to misbehave. Nothing like finding all the bugs when volume is high. fun!

    Anyway, I tried yesterday to find a post/thread that I'd commented in. No amount of sorting in that community was bringing it up. I could only find it by following the comment link in my profile. So right now, I have the feeling that I'm missing a good bit of content while also seeing older popular content still dominating my feed. I'm hopeful that they've noticed these issues and will see how they can rectify them eventually.

  • please be measured in what you expect of us: a non-binding appeal from one of the people running the site
  • Y'all have done a wonderful job. I'm in this for the long haul. I've donated once and will again. I think I'll set up a recurring one this time.

    I work in tech in a financial aid office. We regularly get slammed with last minute changes from the govt with little details on how they need to be implemented. So we deal with high volume, high detail (because money is involved as is auditing), and high intensity/speed. It's an ugly mix. I feel like y'all could be in a similar boat. All I can offer is hang in there. Keep putting one foot in front of the other. We support you and I bet you'll discover some crazy talent in these communities that has the intellect, time and energy to help out.

    Interesting times to say the least.

  • Beehaw keeps defaulting to local view even though I have 'all' specified in the settings
  • I think I'm running into a few bugs too. Nothing like putting a system under strain to discover all the kinks that aren't quite worked out yet. I figure lots of things work fine until you put enough load on them.

  • How to find a thread that has gotten buried?
  • Fixed! Thx for the tip. I tried links that way first, but it didn’t seem to work. The URL just showed up as text. But it works now. :-)

  • How to find a thread that has gotten buried?

    I posted here meta thread in the technology community

    Later, I discovered that someone asked me a question. I’d forget the link. Their reply was buried in a mountain of replies I’d gotten to a post I’d made. Someone else saw their question and was able to point them to the right spot though.

    Out of curiosity, I tried several ways to re-find that post in Technology. No sorting process seemed to show it though. I can only get back into that topic by following the link in my profile to the comment I made. Not ideal. If I haven’t commented, I’d have no way right now to rediscover that topic and see how the conversation is developing.

    What am I doing wrong?

    Sorry if this is a repost. It looked like my post didn’t go through the first time I created it.


    How do I find a thread that’s gotten buried?

    I ask because looking in the community the thread was posted in and trying the different sort options didn’t pull it up.

    I posted a comment In this thread Later on, I became aware that someone asked me a question about my comment. I had a huge number of replies to another thread, so their question got buried in those replies to another topic.

    Out of curiosity, I attempted to pull the thread back up. I wanted to see how the rest of the conversation was going about the topic. But the only way I seem to be able to get back into it is following the link from my profile using my personal comment. Searching for new/active etc for the posts in the community, Technology, did not locate the post. I knew the time that it was originally posted, so sitting by news and scrolling to that time…nada. I didn’t see it.

    What am I doing wrong?

    Megathread for Reddit Blackouts and News - Week 1
  • Thanks @[email protected]. That is indeed where I saw it. I forgot the link in my post.

  • Megathread for Reddit Blackouts and News - Week 1
  • Interesting. The comments are now lagging well below normal. Here's a screenshot from the blackout tracker. The red arrow shows how reddit is still spamming lots of new posts, but comments are much lower than usual. Normally, at the peak times, comments are at or even above the number of posts. Not today though.

  • Megathread for Reddit Blackouts and News - Week 1
  • It looks like the activity is flattening now. I guess the stale content is starting to have an effect.

  • KBin has taken over Lemmy in monthly active users count
  • I want to like kbin, but I understand beehaw and Lemmy instances better. For the life of me, I cannot figure out the syntax to find communities/instances that are not local to kbin. They have some great "magazines", but I've already started following some communities on other Lemmy instances, so if I opt to use the kbin server and their UI, I need to be able to figure out how to find the communities I'm already participating in.

  • Megathread for Reddit Blackouts and News - Week 1
  • I've been curious as to what the end user experience on reddit might look like today and tomorrow. The blackout tracker seems to show fairly typical activity though. That perplexes me.

    Maybe people are still checking reddit like usual, but many posts are hours old in the private subreddits that they may subscribe to? I know a percentage of subreddits didn't go dark, but those wouldn't be big enough to cause engagement to stay at the usual levels. Anyone hazard a guess as to what's up?

    Oh...thank you guys for keeping up with all the chaos from us new folks slamming your servers!

  • How many steam deck folks are here and what are you playing?
  • I haven't installed windows. I guess I've gotten lazy. In the past I would have done that, but nowadays, I don't want to deal with finding drivers etc. So I decided I'll just wait until a game is ready to run on the deck natively or I'll just play what's available and not sweat that I'm missing out on something. There are very few games that I feel like I have to play. P5, BOTW, Witcher 3 and the like).

  • What’s everyone playing this weekend?
  • I just started Yakuza Like a Dragon. Holy crapballs, this game is good! I’m only 4 hours into it but damn, the story, dialog; it’s great. I’m on steam deck. It’s verified on deck and runs like a champ.

  • Those who struggle with motion sickness, what games do you play/recommend?
  • I relate. First person games are more likely to cause it for me, but there have even been a few third person that do it. Stray was horrible for me, I got stuck within 20 minutes! Interestingly enough, BOTW and TOTK do not cause me any problems despite being action based (though they are third person). I guess how they handle the camera and other video issues it’s the reason? I’ve played nearly 70 hours in TOTK and over 150 in BOTW and never felt green in the least.

    Otherwise, I try to stick to turn based games and third person for the most part. Turn based games reduce the frequency that I have to spin the camera around to get my bearings. I’m lucky that I prefer rpgs, so there’s a good collection of third person turn based games to choose from. Persona 5 for example. No issues at all.

  • cute dogs, cats, and other animals cecirdr

    My little old dude.

    I took my buddy camping. He’s 17 years old or so. I got him from the shelter, so I don’t really know. He spent most of the trip just sleeping. 😄


    How long do you think until the financial markets collapse?

    One of the steps in a societal collapse is a loss of faith in financial tools. The stock market has seemed like a casino for a long time to me, yet it is still cranking out money for the upper crust. It is the primary driver for business decisions that produce short term gain, but reduce long-term viability for the companies and for the environment.

    Currently, there are no other real vehicles for the average US citizen to invest in for their retirements. In my parents' generation, there were more. Heck, they had a lot of money in CDs and even those earned a decent rate of interest. Yet everything now is such a low return, or boom/bust like housing, so little guys like me are pushed into getting retirement accounts that are stocks. I'm not keen on that.

    What's even worse is that many jobs will employer match if you put into one of the stock market based retirement funds. But if you want to just put your money into a savings account, you miss out on the employer matching. So there's strong incentive to keep putting your money into the stock market.

    So I keep trying to read the tea leaves to figure out when the casino is going to collapse. ...or even if it will. I think there are some folks that just assume that it will keep making money for the wealthy and the rest of humanity will just get left behind.


    My lizards.

    Here are a few my little dudes.


    My bearded dragon. Her name is Giz. She’ll be a year old in July.

    ! This is Oscar, my Chuckwalla. He was wild caught and his tail is a little damaged. I’ve had him about 2 years. I hate that he was from the wild though. I didn’t know his history until after I bought him. Sorry about the auto rotation. I don’t know how to fix that.

    I’d love to see other folks’ lizards or what you have living natively in your corner of the world.


    Cool! There's a reptile forum here

    I'm new from Reddit so I'm still looking around the Lemmyverse. I hope more folks from the reptile forums there take a chance and migrate over here.

    I have a bearded dragon that's about a year old. She's a champ. I've read that at some point, they shift to being mostly vegetarian with some bugs once in a while. I don't think she got the memo. She still vastly prefers bugs to salads. I guess I get her to eat a salad 1-2 times per week. But she chomps down on superworms and crickets. I'm raising dubias that I hope to shift to instead of crickets though. I figure I've got a few more months before the colony is ready for me to start getting feeders from it.

    Anyway, when to beardies start to need less protein? How often does a mature bearded dragon need bugs? Thx!
