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How do I find a thread that’s gotten buried?

I ask because looking in the community the thread was posted in and trying the different sort options didn’t pull it up.

I posted a comment In this thread Later on, I became aware that someone asked me a question about my comment. I had a huge number of replies to another thread, so their question got buried in those replies to another topic.

Out of curiosity, I attempted to pull the thread back up. I wanted to see how the rest of the conversation was going about the topic. But the only way I seem to be able to get back into it is following the link from my profile using my personal comment. Searching for new/active etc for the posts in the community, Technology, did not locate the post. I knew the time that it was originally posted, so sitting by news and scrolling to that time…nada. I didn’t see it.

What am I doing wrong?