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carotte Chloé 🥕

Hello! I’m Chloé, a nerdy ace transbian :3

This is my Lemmy account that I don't use super often. However, I am active on the microblogging side of the fedi at @[email protected] :3

pronouns are she/her

Posts 5
Comments 80
Still Haven’t Found It
  • that looks like the default notes app on iOS

  • Double Standard
  • Tiohtiá:ke? :p

  • Straight rule
  • yea, I’ve seen the cropped version before. I trust that you didn’t have bad intentions

    Still, I'd recommend you delete the post tbh

  • Straight rule
  • I found the original if anyone’s curious!

    and uh

    CW: sexual assault, f-slur

    A screenshot of a 4chan greentext. It reads: Be me 30 year old something straight male; Help my brother move to college; bout to stay in town for a few days so l fire up tinder; get a match with an 8/10 college kid; go to her apartment; she turns off the light and lights some candles in her room; "OK I'm not opposed to a romantic atmosphere"; she hands me a blindfold; "OK I'm not opposed to kinky shit either"; we start fucking cowgirl; after round 3 I feel some whitex smelling warm liquid on my chest; pull up the blindfold; a twink in lingerie is riding me; She is sitting beside us and masturbating. So apparently her brother "liked her sisters match" but since it'd be rape if she had just tricked me she fucked me for the first round and for the next two rounds I was fucking her brother and this would make it a 3 some instead of rape. What the fuck is wrong with kids these days. Welp. Guess I'm a removed now I don't know what to do with this information

    ya, that’s rape. good fucking job OP

  • No but seriously...
  • haha girls boring boys quirky

  • Supreme Court says cities can ban homeless from sleeping outside
  • It doesn’t give them magic building powers, but it fills up for-profit prisons!

  • Anon thinks about Google
  • apple maps works quite well for me

    but tbh, between apple and google, it’s really just picking your poison

  • Pride unit rule
  • If we were to pit every single Pokémon against this thing, would they win?

  • non vegan pizza time
  • wah, someone felt targeted!

  • my home rule
  • stay

  • Tumblr has the weirdest social commentary sometimes
  • yeah Tumblr is a double-edged sword. the queer community there is incredible and I want to be a part of it, but the TERFs are also omnipresent and numerous, and the moderation doesn’t do much to stop them…

  • Teen self-immolates in front of Winnipeg Mosque to protest the genocide against Palestinians and Muslims in Gaza and the rest of Palestine
  • Stop selling weapons to Israel, that would be a good start

    Send more humanitarian aid to Palestine

    Make it easier for Palestinian refugees to come to Canada

  • Tumblr has the weirdest social commentary sometimes
  • my biggest problem with tumblr is that it has a big TERF community

    as a trans woman, I’m pretty reticent about federating with them

  • Tumblr has the weirdest social commentary sometimes
  • in fact, tumblr itself may be a part of the fediverse someday!

    wether or not we should want that is another topic.

  • flower cat rule

    Alt text: picture of a tuxedo longhair cat laying on a table, with a big flower around their neck

    They look pretty tired



    Alt text: a YouTube thumbnail featuring a shirtless, bearded, grinning man holding a cucumber and a measuring tape. Next to him is the text "IT WORKED!"

    A caption was added: "mesopotamian farmers after discovering irrigation"


    silicate rule

    Alt text: Screenshot of the Wikipedia page for the Carbonate-silicate cycle, but the word "Silicate" has been circled in red and there is a red arrow pointing from it to a picture of a very silly cat


    just some dice I threw around. nothing to see here

    Alt text: Five dices. Top left corner is a three, top right corner is a six, bottom left corner is also a six and bottom right corner is two threes forming a straight angle.


    rule 😞

    Alt text: A hand holding a Valentine’s Day card with a triceratops on it. The text on it reads: "Nobody TOPS You!" (there is also a stegosaurus toy attached to the card)
