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bushvin bushvin
Posts 3
Comments 86
Apoliticism is a mental disability
  • ‘Politics’ involve government. So the base premise of the article is wrong.

    They mean ‘Ethics’

    edit correct pronoun, typo

  • What makes CrowdStrike so ubiquous that their error created such catastrophe?
  • The problem with SELinux/nftables/cgroups is that they don't come with a centralised log aggregator, and they don't do much blocking beyond the defaults for 99% of deployments.

    You must not have heard of (r)syslog.

    Also, SELinux is a massive pain to set up (even compared to AppArmor), and setting it up correctly is even worse.

    I beg to differ, I find SELinux easy to setup. But your mileage may vary, depending on one’s experience.

    CrowdStrike does a lot of what SELinux does but it's easier to configure, works on every operating system, and comes with tools to roll out configuration across an organisation. There's nothing close to that in the open source world. Even if you set up something yourself, you'll need to continuously tweak your setup not to get in the way of employees and to prevent alert fatigue from all of the false positives. Apparently, recent events show it doesn’t work on every OS… 😜

    When talking about ease of use… Configuration is configuration. If you do not take the time to learn how to use your product, the product you know will always be better than the one you don’t. I’ve used Crowdstrike. I’ve battled them to get their kernel modules signing certificate to be signed by RedHat. I’ve battled them to have the possibility to have the auto update disabled. So no, I am not impressed by the quality of their product. I’ll bet any day a vanilla RHEL with the correct security related software and the latest updates outperforms and outclasses Crowdstrike.

    I think a preconfigured solution like Security Onion combined with tons of group policy and Ansible can form an open source alternative, but that only monitors, whereas CrowdStrike also blocks. To block behaviour, you'll need to write code for most platforms, and that's just as likely to take down your org as an auto update from CrowdStrike. I can’t speak of MS products, as I have not managed them for 20 years, but all of this is not needed on a decent Linux distro.

  • thats crazy
  • You assume I would think you’re wrong. I do not.

    Morally, assassination is despicable. But so is fascism.

    I applaud you for taking the high road, while I just say Fuck ‘em all. Fascism should not be tolerated, even in a democracy.

  • thats crazy
  • It doesn’t require Hitler-level Evil. Just pragmatism.

  • What makes CrowdStrike so ubiquous that their error created such catastrophe?
  • What CrowdStrike is actually selling, is someone who actually looks at the system logs and who pushes a button when something pops up. Roughly.

    There are better solutions on the market. Unfortunately CrowdStrike has the more aggressive sales team.

    For those wondering, I’m referring to *nix based solutions like SElinux, appArmor, iptables, nftables, cgroups, … But you need to monitor your logs if you want to take appropriate action.

  • thats crazy
  • He did (at least) one good thing in life, and people feel the need to smear him…

  • Do we have older metalheads here?
  • Define “older”…

  • Metal elitism rule
  • Yes, eating would be my choice… 😎

  • Metal elitism rule
  • That, and me assuming people would understand it’s satire 🙃

  • Metal elitism rule
  • Well, here’s a spoiler: their songs are basically satire. They also have songs on BMW drivers, indian/pakistani nightshop owners, vegans, …

    It is true, everybody should be allowed to wear what they like.

  • Metal elitism rule
  • Here’s a translation which is close…

    In our time I would have knocked you on your face set your hair on fire, hid your sandwiches Cause I can't stand that you wear something by the Ramones and that you know nothing about them when I ask you about them And how about those fancy vans on your feet Were the k-swis on, you're gonna pay for that shouldn't you be jumping around with a red bull vodka instead of walking around with a Metallica t-shirt Look there's a john-ny with a t-shirt of Me-tal-li-ca ok chill look, there used to be johnny's Ugly marinas with buffaloes and ponies every day of the week at war with skaters with adidas, pumas or vans with no laces But I found that segregation very practical at the time for us it was nirvana and for them songs about barbies now it's ruined, all gone to shit because there's a Johnny with a Metallica t-shirt. Look there's a Johnny with a Metallica T-shirt

  • Metal elitism rule
  • An excellent flemish metal band made a song about this…

    T-shirt van Metallica

  • [Solved] How can I make a custom .service run as root?
  • Additional question: when starting the daemon from the cli, does it terminate?

  • [Solved] How can I make a custom .service run as root?
  • Why use /bin/bash in your ExecStart directive? You can just specify the path to your daemon.

    /bin/bash expects a script, not a binary, which your daemon most probably is…

  • Supernumerary nipple
  • Chandler? Is that you?

  • [Solved] Help wanted
  • I was kind of getting really desperate, as I usually, IMO, take good care of the machine. And usually I know hoe to solve issues. But in hindsight, and after checking timestamps, I do believe it is the slicer. When I updated it earlier this year I printed some figs, but couldn’t troubleshoot during to time constraints, and I parked it. So recently I picked up printing some more, but it didn’t connect immediately.

    So yeah, I blame the slicer, and my lack of time.

  • [Solved] Help wanted
  • Thanks for taking the time to reply.

    I eventually ended up removing my slicer (Chitubox basic) and install the latest and greatest after cleaning up my profile. So literally starting anew.

    Aside from changing te resin, I didn’t modify any other settings to begin with, so my config was rather vanilla.

    After taking these steps (and cleaning the z-axis and replacing the nofep again) everything seems to be working fine now.

    Cleaning the axis and a new nofep didn’t seem to do anything, so I think it was just a crappy version of the slicer.

  • Help wanted

    Update: TL;DR: I cleaned the z-axis, replaced the nofep, installed the latest Chitubox (2.1) and cleaned up my profile to get it working

    Hello, I hope someone will see this and be able to at least point me in the tight direction. As at this point I’m becoming desperate.

    My Epax E10 4k is acting up, and I do not know why.

    Part of the print is fine (see images) and then other parts are just stopped at a certain layer, with the rest stuck to the noFep.

    I tried different prints, to make sure it wasn’t a layering problem, but alas… each single print suffered from the issue. The larger prints would ‘hang’ over non-printed layers…

    I recalibrated my printer, changed the fep…

    The one difference from before is the resin. I used to buy epax hard and tough, but my regular resin dealer doesn’t sell them anymore, heck it seems it is no longer available in europe. So I switched to the next best thing on the Epax compatibility list: eSun hard and tough.

    Anybody have any clever idea?


    Showdown at the well of dragons

    I am preparing for the final session with the battle at the well of dragons in Tiamat’s temple.

    We play in person, so I was trying to get an idea on scale for the battle, and I realised the temple diameter is about 2,65 metres (~104 inch), considering 5ft = 2,54cm (1 inch)

    How did you deal with this when playing in-person?


    Green dragon for my upcoming Pathfinder session

    Not nearly as good as stuff I see here, but proud nonetheless!
