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He/They | 24

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  • I need that Whooper. So. Badly. I'm a trans guy, so I don't need the estrogen pills, BUT I could put my anti depressants in them. Tasty snack at night

  • Renters need to make roughly $20,000 more a year to afford the typical rent than they did 5 years ago
  • Yeah, my boyfriend and I are in our mid twenties and still not moved out of his parents' house, but we just made an offer on a house and it was accepted, so fingers crossed.

    Shit is already so rough, and yet it doesn't seem like it'll get better. It's a shame, really.

  • Get rid of landlords...
  • Yeah, nah, this shit should be fucking illegal. Eat the rich.

  • Get rid of landlords...
  • The friends that I mentioned above actually used a decent sized storage shed as their house and built it on family property to save some money. The two of them made it into an actual house with a lot of blood, sweat, and tears. And I mean a lot. Her boyfriend's family helped pay for some of the supplies and I can't remember if they 'only' owed 60k total on the house or if that included all of the supplies.

    I've been desperate to move out already but I don't want to screw my boyfriend and I over. I did find some cheaper land on Zillow that we could have bought, but neither of us have family that could help us buy supplies, and compared to the sizes of small homes where I live, it's just cheaper to buy.

    That's just my own experience living where I do, though. I really do wish you the best of luck in finding/building a place that you can decorate or even make it uniquely yours. It's rough out there.

  • Get rid of landlords...
  • My boyfriend and I have discussed moving out of his parents' house for many years now. We discussed renting, but then I realized it was just cheaper to buy a house in a small town. We wouldn't even be able to afford to rent in the larger town over that's closer to his job and a friend of ours told us about how a ghost company bought out her old place, raised the rent another two hundered dollars when they were already struggling to get by, and didn't even tell people about it until two weeks before the new year. My friends were able to move out when they did only because of rumors floating around.

    My mother and I were forced to live in an apartment after we moved when I was a teenager, but the only reason we got in was because the older guy who owned them knew my mom's dad and used to go hunting with them when they were young. He was kind enough to cut us a deal. That's literally the ONLY reason we didn't end up on the streets. Her sibling said we could live at their place until my mother found a job, but about two weeks later kicked us out because "my husband and I have sex every Saturday and we just can't do that anymore because your son is in the house."

    I knew what sex was, I was old enough to understand, and I told my mom that we could just leave the house for a while every Saturday. It really wasn't an issue. But no, the person who convinced my mother to move multiple states away from where we used to and convinced my mom that the job market was absolutely booming (it was absolutely NOT) basically told us to fuck off.

    Now that we lived in an apartment in the middle of buttfuck nowhere, my mom jobless and sending applications to any place around us to no avail, we were fucking stuck.

    The apartment had many issues and the man and woman who helped the older man run the apartment were hillbilly rigging everything that broke so it just broke again. Over and over.

    Eventually, and sadly, the owner of the apartments passed away (the guy actually built the apartments himself with the help of his son) and his son wanted nothing with the place. It took a good year for the apartments to sell to someone else. I went to school with her son and she was kind enough to not raise rent, but eventually she sold them off, too.

    It was too much work for her husband and herself and her youngest graduated with me, so she sold the apartments to some jackass in Tennessee.

    The rent doubled. There was fucking NOTHING we could do about it. The guy who bought them was hours away from us and had his underlings hire cheap labor to start ripping everything apart.

    The people who lived in these apartments weren't rich or had a lot of money. Many were elderly and had nowhere to go, yet they had to leave. My mother was one of them. I helped her move with my boyfriend and we found her a place, but holy fuck, apartments suck. Landlords especially.

    Some rich fuck who has no idea what the local economy is like, buys some apartments for cheap, then thinks it is a good investment.

    My boyfriend and I are doing our best to currently find a place, but not everyone can buy an entire house to live in. Not everyone has a good enough credit score or people to help them when they are in need.

    I've seen a few people talk in the comments about how they own apartments and rent them and are "one of the good ones", and sure, some landlords will work with people. I've witnessed it myself, but only out of luck as stated above. The vast majority of landlords are jackasses who only want to line their pockets with money, and even if it isn't a specific landlord, some scam company can easily buy the apartments and fuck everyone over.

    Being a landlord isn't a job. Taking money from vulnerable people isn't a job. If you go out of your way to work on the apartments you own, good for you I guess. Congrats. Woo. But you still chose to own apartments or rent out a house. You CHOSE to line your pockets with money from people who are desperate to have shelter, but not everyone has a choice in deciding to rent.

  • I've noticed my boomer parents using instagram and tiktok. I can't tell you how excited I am for them to kill those platforms like they did facebook.
  • Yeah, I'm in my early twenties and my mom is in her sixties. A friend of mine is in her mid twenties and her parents are both in their sixties, too. Some people wait longer to have kids for various reasons. Luckily, my mom barely knows how to open Chrome, so at least I don't have to worry about her getting addicted to TikTok lmao.

  • Schools in America apparently have their own army recruiter
  • That's actually what I'm thinking, too. "Oh, you scored between this bracket? Your code name is 'Meat Shield #1947288'. No, it doesn't mean anything. Stop asking. Now get out there champ. Make 'em proud."

  • Schools in America apparently have their own army recruiter
  • It was required in my school to take the ASVAB. If we missed we'd face repercussions. I purposely answered questions wrong-- not all of them because it would look too obvious, but I apparently still scored high enough that they still considered me. I got my results in class, we had someone from the military come speak with us and try to get us to sign up, and even text messages.

    Shit was so fucking annoying.

    I asked a friend of mine from where I used to live if she had to take it and she asked me what the fuck I was talking about.

    I mean, shit, I guess when you live in a state that is known for having awful levels of education they figure they can shove you in the military instead.

    ...Or football.

  • What is something small that you do that confuses other people whenever they see you doing it?
  • I do the exact same thing. Back in highschool people used to point it out or look at me weird or assume I was upset. My boyfriend asks me "What's wrong?" and I respond with "Uhh...nothing?"

    I've done it for as long as I can remember and it feels like it relaxes my nerves.

  • This repost is worth it every time
  • Hey, at least I can't lose my own finger like all my figet toys!

  • Stop forcing food on me
  • "Children are starving in Africa"

    Okay, so stop buying food I can't eat and cooking it and trying to get me to eat it. It's just going to end up in the trash which is not only wasting the food but money, too.

    It's not hard :(

  • Is there a term for that unbearable vibration that comes from rubbing styrofoam together?
  • Just reading what you typed about the undercooked green beans made my teeth start to tingle, augh. I hate that I know /exactly/ what you're talking about.