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bici bici
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nixos bici

A pure way to manage secrets?

I use agenix for managing some secrets on my nixos-configs. Agenix deploys the unencrypted secrets in the live system, so the secrets cannot be accesed when evaluating the nixos config.

Do you know any way or hack to have secrets inside of nix expressions?

It would be great if that solution would be pure and compatible with nix flakes.

Thanks :)

Really enjoying listening to music on my iPod classic.
  • Wow that's a lot of space!

    I don't know if it might be related but I also have problems with the rockbox disk mode. To copy files I load the stock firmware. I don't know how your device works but maybe if you have an easy way of copying files directly into the SD without rockbox disk mode you can avoid the problem...

  • Really enjoying listening to music on my iPod classic.

    I love coming back to the iPod. It's great having almost all of my music on one device that only does one thing: playing music.

    My listening habits are much better when I listen to downloaded music than when streaming. On streaming services I tend to listen to lots of lists and I end listening to the same songs for long periods of time. On my computer and the iPod I usually listen to full albums, in order. It's a different experience. I listen to the songs as the artist intended when publishing the album.

    It's an iPod gen 7 with the the HD replaced by a 128gb microSD. The firmware is the holy rockbox.

    Decoding C Compilation Process: From Source Code to Binary
  • I misread the title and thought it was an article about decompiling a binary into source code.

  • Faster sorting algorithms discovered using deep reinforcement learning
  • My first thoughts were on the same line. I think the new "algorithm" are heuristics for small values of n.

  • Faster sorting algorithms discovered using deep reinforcement learning
  • Sorry, I'm now seeing this was already posted in this community a few days ago :(

  • Faster sorting algorithms discovered using deep reinforcement learning Faster sorting algorithms discovered using deep reinforcement learning - Nature

     Artificial intelligence goes beyond the current state of the art by discovering unknown, faster sorting algorithms as a single-player game using a deep reinforcement learning agent. These algorithms are now used in the standard C++ sort library.

    Faster sorting algorithms discovered using deep reinforcement learning - Nature

    I've not yet had time for reading the full article but the topic is really interesting. This is for sure one great and good application of deep learning. Anyone with some insights on this topic?

    welcome, new Beehaw users and lurkers. an FAQ and introduction to Beehaw
  • I think a lots of us are feeling almost the same :) I hope we can sustain this feeling on time and create more close and human interactions on the internet.