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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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Comments 48
Someone made a nonviolent luigi post and it was deleted.. wonder why?
  • you actually can be pretty close to immune, vaccinated you might say, through meditation. you become very aware of how your thoughts arise, and how they really are not you. and the difference between thoughts and thinking.

    the ol’ “try to think of what your next thought will be, and you won’t be able to” thing. But, sounds like you’ve already been practicing some self-awareness.

  • Someone made a nonviolent luigi post and it was deleted.. wonder why?
  • Echo chambers are fine, as long as you don’t think they are reality and act accordingly. I am annoyed by willful ignorance, so I purposefully avoid becoming friends with willfully ignorant people. But, I remember that they exist and when they come after marginalized people, I am not afraid to engage them.

  • Someone made a nonviolent luigi post and it was deleted.. wonder why?
  • We’re dealing with the same idiots that think they can squash dissent by no longer allowing questions on company town halls. Doing literally anything continues to frustrate the fuck out of them as they realize they don’t have a paycheck to wave at us to keep us quiet. But, yes, anyone willing to do a little heavier lifting is always welcome.