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beepnoise beepnoise
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Comments 10
Be honest, do you still use reddit?
  • Nah, deleted that shit as soon as they announced the API.

    I saw the writing on the wall.

  • Steve Huffman Wants to Be God of the Mods
  • "An in depth analysis of the crisis we are currently living"

    No offence to OP, but that's quite little OTT, no?

    It's a forum owned by a corporation who are handling certain management aspects poorly. Its not exactly global warming or COVID when there was no vaccines available...

  • How do you deal with pre-interview anxiety?
  • It's completely normal for you to feel anxious before something like a job interview. It's also normal to feel a bit scared of the possibility of moving jobs.

    You're going out of your comfort zone - the comfort zone being your job or whatever is going on in your life. And when you do get out of your comfort zone, you will be uneasy and unsure, and that's just part of the process, and it's okay.

    No matter what happens, you took that initial step and got yourself a job interview. Many others don't even take that step - employed or not. Be proud of yourself of that, and learn to understand and enjoy the process rather than thinking "I will be happy at X part of the process".

    Once you crack this, people will think you are a monk with how peaceful and happy you are :D

  • I've got a lot on.
  • That's me without the weed or a cat

  • What is your favorite ever DOS game?
  • For me it has to be Quake. I was a bit too late for DOOM, but before then I was playing as a child on the Sega Megadrive (Sega Genesis for my US pals) and going from the Megadrive graphics and gameplay to Quake...

    I think that was the first time I was absolutely addicted to a game. Like, I was pretending to delete the game and hiding it using Explorer's hide folder mode so I could secretly sneak some Quake in here and there.

    Absolutely love that game.

  • Reddit CEO slams protest leaders, calls them 'landed gentry'
  • Strap on that blue hedgehog suit because we gotta go fast

  • Reddit CEO Steve Huffman isn’t backing down: our full interview
  • I like how he's finally admitted this was pretty much about the third party apps, but has done so in the most stupidest, roundabout way possible.

    Anyone who is even remotely competent could've figured out a way to keep third party apps and make money (having apps only login for monthly-subscription paying reddit users like Spotify, half the cost of the APIs, buyout third party apps) but no, Huffman has to have it his way.

    And people at Reddit trying to spin this as the people protesting inconvenieincing a glorified forum board, massive eye rolls. Felt like DARVO all over again.

  • What's everyone playing? (June)
  • I've just bought Espresso Tycoon, and it seems like a charming little indie game, so my plan is to play through that when I have the time this weekend.

  • How many of you have pulled the plug and deleted reddit already?
  • Mate I deleted my account as soon as they announced the API change.

    I know that BS trajectory. Reddit has been killing off the mobile website for a while, probably going for the old reddit too.

    Fuck 'em.