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bbbhltz bbbhltz

Music lover and English teacher with an interest in slightly geeky things

mastodon / blog / listenbrainz

Posts 14
Comments 91
Do you run a Custom ROM?
  • Would if I could, but I cannot.

    I have "debloated" as much as I can, which includes a fair amount of Google stuff. I don't have a Google account.

    No drawbacks. In fact, if anyone, like me, is unable to root their phone or install a different ROM, the simple process of using adb to "uninstall" the apps nets you a few more hours of battery per charge.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • Nope. Nope. Nope.

    I know couples that do this. And they get in so many little fights about... everything related to this. Not cute fights either, where they end up laughing. Serious "we're breaking up and getting a divorce" fights.

    Maybe I'm too old for this sort of thing. It sounds manipulative. I mean, if my partner were to ask to do this, and I said "no," wouldn't that open the door to some wildly speculative series of questions? And then we would know our locations...and what happens if it turns off? Or one of us forgets our phone? More fights over nothing. Or worse: Remember Courtney Clenney? One of the fights that lead to a murder was about location sharing.

  • Help New Contributor
  • Hi. Not sure what to say about your edits, but you might be able to ping some users from Mastodon who are generally very reactive.

    @[email protected] for example might direct you to the wiki page with your answer

    Perhaps this is the type of thing you'd need to review?,_one_OSM_element#Situations_where_multiple_elements_may_be_needed

    I don't know. I always ask for help if things get complicated. The OSM community is cool, so they'll help out.

  • Which DE would be a better fit for awesomeWM?
  • Both have good file managers. XFCE has more options for visual customisation in my opinion. Memory usage is similar. I think XFCE works better with multiple monitors. I use LXQt and it is a little quirky---but that may be related to Openbox.

  • is it possible to import my posts and followers from 1 mastodon instance to another?
  • There is a migration function in the preferences

  • Any way to zoom in on comment pics?
  • You're right. This is a different issue.

  • Any way to zoom in on comment pics?
  • Yeah, I say it doesn't work. Might need to open an issue about this.

  • Any way to zoom in on comment pics?
  • Looks like it is being worked on...? Even though it is marked as closed.

  • Any way to zoom in on comment pics?
  • It doesn't appear possible...

  • [@privacyguides]( [@privacy]( would really love to ditch my smartphone for a dumb phone. I’m skeptical that my calls would no l
  • You won't get much privacy from a dumbphone.

    I had the Punkt. and sold it. Things might be better now, but Signal had delays...up to 2 hours sometimes to receive a message.

    KaiOS probably shares data (no proof or sources for this, just guessing). That is a large chunk of the available phones, depending on where you live.

  • Who are your "must follows" on Mastodon?
  • Wait until Friday and check out the #FollowFriday hashtag... this guy is pretty lame though.

  • Who are your "must follows" on Mastodon?
  • Have you decided on an instance?

  • Distro suggestions?
  • You could do straight Debian or anything else Debian-based like Mint Debian Edition or MX.

    Otherwise Fedora is very recommended for general purpose desktop Linux. But, that isn't Debian.

    I don't know if Kali is really recommended for general purpose.

    I'm interested in seeing the other recommendations here, it is always fun to see what other users recommend or use. I use Alpine but it isn't always perfect as a desktop for people who don't like things breaking.

  • What CLI apps you use to do common tasks like editing (pdf, audio, video, image) files.
  • Very similar to you. I do use gramma for spellchecking. My most used app overall is probably pandoc. I use it to make all my docs and presentations for work.

  • Lemmy Suffers Massive Cross Site Scripting Attack

    Lemmy seems like a really neat platform but like any platform that massively explouds in popularity come vulnerabilities will be discovered such as the recent cross site scripting or xss attack ==========Support The Channel========== ► $100 Linode Credit: ► Patreo...

    Lemmy Suffers Massive Cross Site Scripting Attack
    0 Vishing : Tout savoir sur l'Escroquerie téléphonique

    Évitez le vishing, le piège des cybercriminels. Protégez-vous en apprenant à identifier, prévenir et réagir à cette arnaque.

    Vishing : Tout savoir sur l'Escroquerie téléphonique

    This place is hoppin'! Where are my Nova Scotians at?

    Absolute kitchen party here!

    Seriously, though... anybody around?

    France passes bill to allow police remotely activate phone camera, microphone, spy on people
  • I've lived here since 2006 and I haven't met a single person that participated in any of the riots, which are offshoots of sanctioned strikes and do not represent France as a whole. I've had some students that strike for the environment or maybe do walkouts.

    The closest I came to one was a strike about police violence and I happened to be in a café and had to evacuate because of year gas. In that instance, it turned out the person they were striking for lied.

    So, I can't say why they want to destroy stuff.

  • France passes bill to allow police remotely activate phone camera, microphone, spy on people
  • I really hope the power isn't abused. The second it is it will lead to more riots and even though I have in no way been directly affected where I live, it is a pain to get messages from friends abroad asking "Why is France on fire again?"

  • What screen locker do you use and why?
  • I just use XScreenSaver because I haven't ever looked into changing it.

  • Wayland is pretty good, actually
  • Now that is useful. I see that I might indeed wait a little longer.

  • Wayland is pretty good, actually
  • Right now, Alpine. I've gone over the Wiki and don't need to switch any time soon. It is more to have something bookmarked for later.

  • La France et les français bbbhltz Leclerc, Fnac, Biocoop et de nombreux commerces surveillent illégalement leurs clients

    Pour lutter contre les vols à l’étalage, plus de mille magasins utilisent un logiciel de vidéosurveillance algorithmique vendu par la start-up française Veesion. Problème : selon la Quadrature du net, l’usage de cette technologie est illégal.

    >Leclerc, Carrefour, G20, Système U, Biocoop, Kiabi ou encore la Fnac ont tous des magasins clients d’une même société : Veesion

    Le site web de Veesion est un peu flippant:


    Norman McLaren "Neighbours"

    A little experimental film with a big message.

