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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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Proton is transitioning towards a non-profit structure
  • I upgraded mine but haven't talked to the wife about including her yet because the family plan is for up to 6 so it'd be cheaper to just buy two individual subscriptions, she doesn't really care enough to justify that much extra cost. Hopefully Proton adds another plan or two for groups!

  • Proton VPN NetShield
  • I've noticed the battery life reduction as well on my iPhone but no more than I'd expect from any other vpn, but it still goes all day unless I'm using my device a lot more than normal

  • [MacRumors] You Can Select a Preferred Home Hub in iOS 18
  • I was able to select a preferred hub prior to the new HomeKit architecture, however long ago that was released. Now that I've been stuck expecting HomePod minis to process my security camera activity it's been so frustrating. I sent Apple Feedback well over a hundred submissions complaining about it, called tech support a few times for good measure on top of that. ("I'm doing my part!") I'd go unplug all the HomePods to force an AppleTV as the hub but then within a day it'd be right back to a HomePod.

  • How do you connect with people and make friends without social media?
  • You aren't the only one feeling that way, just put yourself in a position to meet others. Start going to meetups of things that interest you, or, at the very least, engage with others on things that interest them and you'll usually find common ground eventually. It can feel difficult and awkward, but everybody struggles with that when they first start to put themselves out there. Just persevere, you'll find people.

  • The beta rollout of Private Access Sharing for users on the Visionary plan
  • It's seemed perfectly serviceable on the latest version of Mint. I'm not a real deep dive tester on everything but it notifies me when I've got mail and I can do the basics in the app. I don't have any complaints but I'm no power user

  • Married folks of Fediverse, if you could turn back time to few weeks or months before your marriage, what you would do differently (if you would like to)??
  • Same. If it were just up to the wife and I we would've simply gone to the courthouse and signed some stuff but we decided on a ceremony because it was "important to our families" and did things more traditionally than if it were only the two of us. We would've had a lot more fun with the whole thing if we could have just realized that the day was for us and about us and should've been done our way.

  • Windows 10 and its shortage of "Never shove this screen in my face again" buttons
  • It's both fun and frustrating learning how to operate it.

    This should be emblazoned somewhere in the initial Linux setup. I'm not in tech by trade, just a hobbyist nerd, and playing with Linux is like if a soulslike game were an OS. I had a terrible time figuring out how to get both monitors to work but eventually did and that felt like a huge win when it finally happened. Had an equally bad time trying to figure out how to install some game software but finally got that sorted and it felt like another big victory. But I still dual boot for now because some days I'm just not ready for the heartburn of dealing with my own ignorance in Linux

  • How come Republicans are the most fervent Christians?
  • I've also remained a Christian in spite of evangelicals. I think the worst dredges of those kinda people are really only focused on having more and looking better than others, so we're back to the zero sum game. They don't want to change to better reflect the Jesus we can read about in the Bible, they just wanna be garbage during the week and go spend an hour or two on Sunday mornings listening to someone tell them that they're okay and that God loves them. Not enough pastors have the stones to tell their congregants that sure, God loves them, but that's not a license to be a real prick to everybody they view as "lesser" than them. Maybe someday the voices behind the pulpit will grow a spine and call for accountability, but they definitely aren't saying it loud enough

  • How come Republicans are the most fervent Christians?
  • It's a religious reference used in the Bible, emphasizing the obedience of sheep and the stubbornness of goats. I don't think I've ever had sheep cheese but I know I don't like goat cheese so I'm gonna call that part a draw. Goats are absolutely better climbers though!

  • How come Republicans are the most fervent Christians?
  • There's a real cognitive dissonance there. Their version of Christianity takes a back seat to politics because they've been told all these visions of grandeur about how "Jesus is coming back" and how they are the "sheep" and all those godless liberals are the "goats. They've been trained to look for reasons to feel persecuted even if they don't come directly out and say it, even if they don't realize it themselves. There's a real "us vs. them" mentality in a lot of those types of churches and they'll gladly go rub one out to stuff like where Jesus said to his disciples in one of the gospels that if people aren't for him then they're against him. Nevermind that one of the other gospels says the opposite. A lot of Christians I've come across just have this persecution fetish where any slight inconvenience or call for accountability from pretty much anyone (because their church won't take them to task over things) turns into a 'righteous' cry to their lord about how the godless Philistines around them are normalizing oppression and sodomy and trans rights or whatever and these holy little Christian's are the only beacon of hope in society even though they insist on treating anyone who isn't like them like absolute garbage. I'm not a social scientist or anything like that, hopefully people smarter than me chime in. But conservatives treat equity in a community like a zero sum game, you know? If poor people are given a hand up by the government then it's interpreted by these (at best) middle class Christians as an affront to their hard earned money. They worked for their income but "these filthy poors just get handouts at MY expense?" You can tell by their actions that they have absolutely nothing to do with Jesus regardless of how they try to present themselves. They're full of crap and they deserve to be treated as such.

    Source: Grew up in a very conservative farming community, did all the church stuff, then moved away and found myself.

    Also, I know I abused quotation marks but my bad on any grammar or spelling errors or general incoherence. I treated myself to vodka for dinner.

  • What's a British TV show that the Yanks did better?
  • LegoMasters started in the UK, right? I'll take that or the Aussie one over the crap they tried making in the US. I'd rather watch the incredible things people can do with Lego instead of pretend to enjoy the showrunners' poor attempts at a weekly emotional tug job

  • You can remove or disable Windows 11 and 10's AI 'bloat' with new BloatynosyAI
  • Steam's been fantastic! Problem for me is that some of the games aren't on there. If there's a way to download those somewhere and run them through Steam that'd be incredible. I didn't even think to consider searching around for that possibility. I've seen people run Diablo 4 on their Decks so it's clearly possible, I'm just still learning how to troubleshoot Linux and I'm trying to be extra careful since their OS doesn't have much in the way of guardrails to prevent dummies from nuking themselves

  • You can remove or disable Windows 11 and 10's AI 'bloat' with new BloatynosyAI
  • This has been exactly my stance as well apart from ever having used Win11. Never did and never plan to, downloaded Mint a few months ago to start getting familiar with it. Turns out I'm not real great at technical stuff but I'm getting there. Dual monitors was kind of a booger and now I'm trying to figure out how to install some games since Bottles is being a real wiener about Battle.Net. I'm glad there's so many resources and forums out there but I still hope some version of Linux gets dumbed down a little more before Win10 sunsets to make the transition easier for us blue collar folk

  • Did you get married? Do you plan to? Trying to assess how common it is nowadays
  • It's YOUR day regardless of how important your families consider it to be for themselves. My wife and I kept ours small but still kinda capitulated to both our moms when it came to the ceremony. We've since discussed that if we could do it again we'd just go sign the legal papers at a courthouse and call it good. We got married in the fall with a small reception in our town and then planned a bigger reception the following summer around where I grew up, would you be able to do something similar in both your hometowns? My family lived several hours away but we were close to hers so the logistics of everything weren't as bad as yours but they still kinda sucked. If you two wanna get married then get married in a way that both of you will enjoy and cherish over time, make it a ceremony for you as a couple as not as a ceremony for everyone else. If you both want to keep it small, simple, and affordable then just be practical and do it that way so you can more easily buy a house in the future

  • Can you recommend an LED strip light that can have an unlighted break in it?
  • Plenty of good suggestions already but I for the under cabinet kitchen lighting (16' strip of cob LED) I installed a few years ago I just used thermostat (18/2 I think?) wire to run the gap between cabinets. Just don't make the same mistake I did and use the cheap solder that comes with the kits, it was such a frustrating experience until I bit the bullet and bought some nicer stuff, made the process WAY easier