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Kamala Harris says ‘I will not be silent’ on suffering in Gaza after Netanyahu talks
  • a position of power where she and the other members of the executive branch could take action as well as “striking a tough tone”.

    Ah, here's where you're mistaken. The Vice President is not a position of power. They can try to influence the president, like any other cabinet member, but that's it. They're effectively ceremonial.

  • ‘I was not voting before, now I am’: gen Z voters on what they think of Kamala Harris
  • I think a lot of Democrats were actually unaware of how bad Biden was, even within the party apparatus. It sounded like his close advisors were seriously sheltering him.

    Just goes to show that you need advisors and friends who aren't just going to blindly support and defend you, but will also call you out on your shit

  • ‘I was not voting before, now I am’: gen Z voters on what they think of Kamala Harris
  • It doesn’t matter what happened after.

    It absolutely does. The administration fought to get the workers what they wanted. That's more effective than a strike.

    Unions have not been set back decades either. In fact, they're more powerful than they've ever been. UAW brought auto manufacturers to their knees. SAG joined forces with writers to get their due from Hollywood and secure worker protections against AI.

    This is what a pro union administration emboldens. Let's not pretend that the rail strike was a simple black and white issue. It could've caused delays that would make water undrinkable in cities, prevent electricity or heating in winter, and delay crucial medication shipments.

  • ‘I was not voting before, now I am’: gen Z voters on what they think of Kamala Harris
  • And look how far that went. How Bernie was still unable to turn out massive numbers of young people.

    It's absolutely incorrect to say that voters are blameless. Bernie had a platform that was the dream for young people, and they didn't show up -- and I say that as someone who was 24 at the time and did vote for him in the primary.

  • ‘I was not voting before, now I am’: gen Z voters on what they think of Kamala Harris
  • And then Democrats convinced Biden to not run for a second term. Sounds like the party did in fact listen to the voters' will, and that's being reflected in the excitement that we're seeing across the board.

    And you know what? I wish Republicans made backroom deals. I wish they recognized Trump was a significant threat and aligned to go against him.

  • Kamala Harris Launches Presidential Bid: ‘My Intention Is to Earn and Win This Nomination’
  • when you factor in funding logistics

    This is an incredibly important point. Unless rich donors said they'd fully make up the current campaign war chest for the new candidate, there would be a significant funding issue. Being able to use the existing funds is extremely important.

  • Kamala Harris Launches Presidential Bid: ‘My Intention Is to Earn and Win This Nomination’
  • why we have had almost zero meaningful legislation to help the normal people for 40 years.

    The Affordable Care Act is why I was able to take a year off work to focus on my mental health after the pandemic crushed it. The Inflation Reduction Act is helping keep the renewable energy company I work for afloat and offering an optimistic future.

    No one expects to end up on government assistance or using FMLA to take a few months off for an illness. We support it on the left because we know it's the fucking right thing to do.

    It's all good and fine to criticize programs as useless theoretically when you don't rely on them. But when you've actually experienced them and needed them, your perspective changes heavily.

    Democrats have gotten good shit done for the average person, and I've personally benefited from it when I really needed it.

  • Political Memes assassin_aragorn

    Isn't it kinda weird that third parties only make an effort every 4 years?

    You'd think midterms would be a great time to get your name out there and run high profile candidates to win House districts led by charlatans...


    RUSSIA, REMASTERED: Under Putin, a militarized new Russia rises to challenge U.S. and the West

    4 In China, Ruled by Men, Women Quietly Find a Powerful Voice

    Women in Shanghai gather in bars, salons and bookstores to reclaim their identities as the country’s leader calls for China to adopt a “childbearing culture.”

    In China, Ruled by Men, Women Quietly Find a Powerful Voice
    8 Man Sets Himself on Fire Near Courthouse Where Trump Is on Trial

    Onlookers screamed as fire engulfed the young man, who had thrown pamphlets in the air before he set himself aflame. A police officer tried to extinguish the flames before the man was taken away in an ambulance.

    Man Sets Himself on Fire Near Courthouse Where Trump Is on Trial

    Not much info at time of posting what prompted the man to do so

    82 Arizona anti-abortion activists aren’t letting up after Supreme Court victory

    The activists said they will continue protesting at clinics for the next two weeks and work to penalize self-managed abortions.

    Arizona anti-abortion activists aren’t letting up after Supreme Court victory

    This article is absolutely infuriating. I'd like to say I'm surprised to see people with such vitriol, but this isn't a surprise.


    Russia and China Veto U.S.-Led Cease-Fire Resolution at U.N. Middle East Crisis: Russia and China Veto U.S.-Led Cease-Fire Resolution at U.N.

    The United States had vetoed three previous resolutions demanding a stop to fighting in Gaza. The measure it proposed on Friday called for an “immediate and sustained cease-fire.”

    Middle East Crisis: Russia and China Veto U.S.-Led Cease-Fire Resolution at U.N.

    Edit: It looks like the argument here is that the US is not calling for an instant ceasefire, but instead saying that one is very important to have. China and Russia say it should be immediate. The US also tied it to hostage talks.

    Another resolution is in the works to call for an immediate ceasefire, but the US is expected to veto it because they believe it could endanger hostage talks.

    57 They Worked Together as Peace Activists. Oct. 7 Changed Everything.

    Tamar Shamir and Mohamed Abu Jafar tried for years to bring Jews and Palestinians together. Now they wonder if they ever understood each other.

    They Worked Together as Peace Activists. Oct. 7 Changed Everything.

    This is an excellent article. It follows an Israeli peace activist and a Palestinian peace activist who work together with a group that believes communication between Israelis and Palestinians is paramount to having a peaceful resolution.

    What it does really well is highlight how the two of them talk past each other and don't realize it -- one of them makes an innocuous comment, and the other thinks it's something bad but doesn't speak up necessarily.

    The article also provides really good perspective on how misinformation and fog of war are affecting the conflict. It highlights situations where Israelis are lied to and shown selective news, and where Palestinians are lied to and shown selective news.

    4 Cornel West sets his sights on a key battleground state

    The independent candidate is well positioned to capitalize on Biden's weaknesses in a certain swing state.

    Cornel West sets his sights on a key battleground state

    Mike Johnson’s America: Revisit landmark SCOTUS decisions and use government to ‘restrain evil’ Mike Johnson’s America: Revisit landmark SCOTUS decisions and use government to ‘restrain evil’ | CNN

    Mike Johnson, the new Speaker of the House, voiced support for revisiting Supreme Court decisions that struck down restrictions on the use of contraception, barred bans on gay sex and legalized same sex marriages, according to a CNN review of his prior public statements.

    Mike Johnson’s America: Revisit landmark SCOTUS decisions and use government to ‘restrain evil’ | CNN

    The article has a fantastic line about how Johnson's views are so out of step, even the majority of the conservative justices on the supreme court don't champion them. He agrees with Thomas, and Thomas is exceptionally unique in just how insanely conservative he is.

    As a fun bonus, the article also has quotes of him praising Trump, if you ever wanted to see the moral bankruptcy of evangelicals laid completely bare to see.


    GOP senators’ late night effort to approve military nominations fails to overcome Tuberville and Lee hold GOP senators’ late night effort to approve military nominations fails to overcome Tuberville and Lee hold | CNN Politics

    Republican Senators Tommy Tuberville and Mike Lee maintained the Alabama Republican’s hold on military nominations despite a group of Republican senators who attempted to push through nominations when they returned to the Senate floor in the wee hours of Thursday morning.

    GOP senators’ late night effort to approve military nominations fails to overcome Tuberville and Lee hold | CNN Politics

    He still refuses to budge, even after Republicans were eviscerated on election day for abortion. They're going to keep getting hit for it until they can rein in true believers like Tuberville.

    14 Gaza needs a humanitarian pause. Then we need a vision of where we go from here | Bernie Sanders

    One thing is clear: there cannot be a return to the status quo that existed in Gaza before the war

    Gaza needs a humanitarian pause. Then we need a vision of where we go from here | Bernie Sanders

    This is a fantastic opinion piece by Sanders that lays it out the situation before the Hamas attack, the current situation, and what should be done. He lays out several requirements for peace that aid to Israel should be contingent on. He also notes that Hamas is hurting the Palestinians, which is a detail very few mention.

    He's also one of the first people I've seen try to take a stab at what a lasting solution needs to be -- two states, Netanyahu ousted, Hamas destroyed, foundations of Palestinian civil government created.

    13 Blasting Bullhorns and Water Cannons, Chinese Ships Wall Off the Sea

    The world’s most brazen maritime militarization is gaining muscle in waters through which one-third of global ocean trade passes.

    Blasting Bullhorns and Water Cannons, Chinese Ships Wall Off the Sea

    The article provided a good overview of the situation and firsthand accounts, plus marked up maps. The maps make it clear just how ridiculous their claims are. It's like a modern "manifest destiny" philosophy.

    3 Democrat triumphs in Republican stronghold in warning sign to Trump

    The Democrat victory reduces the Republican majority in the New Hampshire House to just one seat.

    Democrat triumphs in Republican stronghold in warning sign to Trump

    Democrats won 56-44 in a NH district which Trump barely won in 2020. Encouraging news!


    McCarthy faces a threat to oust him as speaker. Here's how that could work McCarthy faces a threat to oust him as speaker. Here's how that could work | CNN Politics

    The impending showdown on Capitol Hill over government funding represents a significant leadership test for House Speaker Kevin McCarthy. The road ahead is rocky as the speaker faces tough vote math, major challenges and the potential threat of a conservative revolt against his speakership.

    McCarthy faces a threat to oust him as speaker. Here's how that could work | CNN Politics

    Turns out constantly capitulating to the far right doesn't earn you any loyalty from them -- who'd have guessed? /s

    26 A.I.’s un-learning problem: Researchers say it’s virtually impossible to make an A.I. model ‘forget’ the things it learns from private user data

    As it turns out, it’s impossible to remove a user’s data from a trained A.I. model. Deleting the model entirely is also difficult—and there’s little regulation to enforce either option.

    A.I.’s un-learning problem: Researchers say it’s virtually impossible to make an A.I. model ‘forget’ the things it learns from private user data

    I'm rather curious to see how the EU's privacy laws are going to handle this.

    (Original article is from Fortune, but Yahoo Finance doesn't have a paywall)


    The Clean Energy Future is Roiling both Friends and Foes The Clean Energy Future Is Roiling Both Friends and Foes

    Resistance to wind and solar projects from environmentalists is among an array of impediments to widespread conversion to renewables.

    The Clean Energy Future Is Roiling Both Friends and Foes

    I hate NIMBY environmentalist hypocrites


    Joe Blackburn addresses concerns from SotG, talks about new maps and new armor

    Highlights -- an Eververse armor next season is going to be moved to ritual armor, a dedicated team is going to bring free PvP map packs.


    Don't overstate 1.5 degrees C threat, new IPCC head says Don't overstate 1.5 degrees C threat, new IPCC head says – DW – 07/30/2023

    Jim Skea, the new head of the UN's IPCC climate panel, said it was not helpful to imply that temperature increases of 1.5 degrees Celsius posed an existential threat to humanity.

    Don't overstate 1.5 degrees C threat, new IPCC head says – DW – 07/30/2023

    In short, we aren't on track to an apocalyptic extinction, and the new head is concerned that rhetoric that we are is making people apathetic and paralyzes them from making beneficial actions.

    He makes it clear too that this doesn't mean things are perfectly fine. The world is becoming and will be more dangerous with respect to climate. We're going to still have serious problems to deal with. The problems just aren't insurmountable and extinction level.


    Bellwether? Ohio voters back abortion rights amendment in a test case for other states

    Ohio is having a vote in November to decide on if abortion will be legal or not. Similar ballot measures and referendums have shown huge support for abortion in even conservative states.

    There is a measure yet to be voted on in August for if the November vote has to reach 60% and meet other conditions instead of being simple majority.

    Polling suggests a landslide victory for legalizing abortion and intense disapproval of changing the requirements.


    Hot take: LLM technology is being purposefully framed as AI to avoid accountability

    Which of the following sounds more reasonable?

    • I shouldn't have to pay for the content that I use to tune my LLM model and algorithm.

    • We shouldn't have to pay for the content we use to train and teach an AI.

    By calling it AI, the corporations are able to advocate for a position that's blatantly pro corporate and anti writer/artist, and trick people into supporting it under the guise of a technological development.
