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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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  • Imagine the controlled opposition, aka the liberals, if they never mentioned or gave in to talking about trans people. because we know they don't care. These people trans folk wouldn't have been put in the crosshairs like they were. It's like thanks, but no thanks. The more you help, the worse it gets. And we saw them turn tail real quick, especially when they know they need to recalibrate their messaging because the next election they are going to struggle to get people to vote. But at the end of the day, capitalism is unsustainable. The theatrics of our political Masters are just looking for the boogeyman, something to get upset about, to take away from the fact that the capitalist class are robbing us blind. The left wing needs to focus on only economics because from my experience it's hard to tell rich people what to do.

  • me🇺🇦irl
  • Let me call you little Timmy. Now Timmy, sometimes in life, there is no correct choice. It's the collection of a lot of bad choices that possibly possibly open gateways into root causes which most people are in such denial that it won't be addressed. I think it's time to hit the books to truly understand the topics that everybody wants to talk about. Like the majority of the internet is just ignoring other people's viewpoints for some reason. Like it's not a serious forum. and maybe this was all by design, seeing that education is bought and paid for by special interest groups. Basically, you sometimes got to stand up on your own and have your own opinions and it's pearls before swine time to move on. Basically, Timmy, don't let them get you. They'll never listen.

  • me🇺🇦irl
  • Wow, a libturd who uses minorities as a human shield. People who talk about peace, love, and acceptance as they cheer on a proxy war. You all live in a bubble like a little tiny vacuum of understanding. It's the self-satisfaction of libturds that really grinds by gears.

  • me🇺🇦irl
  • I'm like a leftist and the last time I checked we are not really for war per se since there is no war but the class war. But nowadays, libturds are galavanting around as leftist. as the Republicans cry pointing their finger at anything they don't like which has always been the case really. Yankees are really easily fooled because they kind of live in a vacuum like gerbals running on wheels. The only differences are the surfacy Culture wars, Identity politics, which never really differentiates when it comes to foreign policy for the most part. They just get us to care about these foreign wars and then create chaos domestically. so we don't focus on how this will affect our lives down the line. It's crazy to finally get it and then realize there are very few people willing to accept your message. No war but the class war.

  • me🇺🇦irl
  • It's fucked no matter what. And the only one that's gonna pay for this is the global working class. The world's capitalistic structures are centralizing like a corporation. And soon, or we are in the processes of the belly of the beast, we are being digested. in the world of the lowest common denominator as we reach the singularity of all things, we will be crapped out like the byproduct of this meaningless capitalist life. Artificial scarcity. This management greed will amplify and kiss many lives. The colonizer will be colonized. What you do overseas will come back to you and me.

  • me🇺🇦irl
  • The CIA sponsored a coup in 2014 that overthrew their democratically elected president. America is using Ukraine and Ukraine is using America as Europe is left with the bag and the only person that suffers really is the working class. Both parties are a uni party and Americans have no say in foreign policy. If you feel you're on the winning side, it's just because you were convinced. The political landscape is pretty tangled at the moment. But if you have any damn lick of sense, you would say it's the capitalist class sending us all to die so they can do land grabs. America is the world's hegemon at the moment entering a multi-polar world as it is a imperialist, fascist empire waning in power. China is not a communist country, Russia is not a communist country, and it seems the world is evening out and terrorism is a way to do business. I hate liberals because they are the controlled opposition that poses as the voice of the working class and uses minorities as human shields in this era of wokism. Well the right wing is just blatantly despicable. I love how everyone kind of lives in a bubble. And all of a sudden, in their little tiny vacuum, they have an opinion about something. And it definitely lacks nuance. This is an era where capitalism is centralizing around the world. and the system is cannibalizing itself. While we at the bottom flail about struggling just to eat and stay warm, as we lose even more and more autonomy, putting all of our energy into anti-social games that the rich watch from a distance, as they drink their wine and eat their cheese. Get this Libby Libturd shit out of here. No war but the class war. Ukraine is not a democracy. Ukraine is sacrificing its own people for short term gains. Ukraine is an ultra-nationalist, Nazi sympathizing country where any other voice is snuffed out. Also, Russia hates gay people. It's fucked all around the world. Ukraine outlawed the Communist Party and a lot of crazy anti-social shit that I know you're not picking up on. When people put these types up posters out I just think to myself they're not serious people like either they just want to win their arguments or they're just emotional and feel conflicted and then motivated, or they're just not serious historians. If you're a good faith person, I would take down this poster because you look silly. And I would look into historical events and actually see this from a broader view from a higher position. I've been on this planet for 40 years, and I've watched these goofball games play out over and over again. I'm also a little bit more politically conscious than most. It depends on how close you get kissed by the chaos if you choose to pay attention or not. Don't be a useful idiot. Don't get activated. Learn. Learn, learn, learn. Learn about every single country that exists on this planet. Learn its history and how it fits into the bigger picture. And you will realize that there is no war but the class war.

  • WDDT (Yesterday Edition)
  • So the democrats allowed the fascist to gain power invertantly and or indirectly creating a reactionary populist mob of poorly informed modern day slaves to burn down what little we had left. Compromised by self-interest liberalism has failed us, Selling out to foreign powers and foreign interests, It is a veneer of the imperialist empire that is USA. Democrats are not going to change anything. So if they allow things to get worse and you get your marginal gains, you'll have the impression of progress. But there is no progress in the Imperial Core. It was never about race. It was always about class.