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aleph aleph
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In fiery speech to Congress, Netanyahu vows 'total victory' in Gaza and denounces U.S. protesters
  • The speech was certainly written with the Republicans in mind, so i wouldn't be surprising if that was intentional.

  • The US is Politically to the Right of [Other] Democracies
  • So what's in the centre then?

  • The US is Politically to the Right of [Other] Democracies
  • I agree that the Left - Right spectrum is constantly in motion -- that's why these discussions of what constitutes what are often contentious and vary from one country to another.

  • The US is Politically to the Right of [Other] Democracies
  • Because in the centre you have neoliberalism and so on.

    If you simply define left as anti-capitalist and right as capitalist then what's in the center?

  • The US is Politically to the Right of [Other] Democracies
  • Ok, so if we agree to define Leftist strictly as anti-capitalist, then fine. I was using it to mean more "left-of-centre".

  • The US is Politically to the Right of [Other] Democracies
  • Fair enough -- "left of centre" then, if we are defining Leftist strictly as just socialist/communist.

  • The US is Politically to the Right of [Other] Democracies
  • Yeah, nationalization can be a right-wing thing but it generally isn't. Also, I wouldn't say that control by the state is less left-wing than control via worker collectives; that's just the difference between authoritarian and libertarian socialism.

    Social democracy, as it is typically understood, is absolutely leftist since it is based around government regulation, social justice, economic equality, and a strong welfare state.

    Bismarck also didn't "invent it"; his government was more just a welfare state. Social democracy itself came about through various 19th Century thinkers, such as Eduard Bernstein.

  • In fiery speech to Congress, Netanyahu vows 'total victory' in Gaza and denounces U.S. protesters
  • No, it did not happen the way he described it. Firstly, there was a baby, not babies. Secondly, the child was not secreted somewhere alone, found after the parents had been shot and then deliberately killed.

    Netanyahu is deliberately embellishing the story in order to heighten the outrage over October 7th, and then trying to frame anyone protesting Israel's ethnic cleansing in Gaza as a supporter of what happened. It's disgraceful.

  • The US is Politically to the Right of [Other] Democracies
  • Not really -- MAGA-esque neofascism is just as overt in many European countries.

    What makes the Overton window shifted towards the right in the US, IMO, is that (unlike Europe) the socialist Left never got a foothold in politics at the national level. This, plus years of Cold War, propaganda, allowed collectivist ideas like nationalized industries and universal healthcare to be branded as "Soviet" and somehow Un-American.

    To this day, there are people on the Right in the US who believe that advancing any tax-paid public services is tantamount to communism, whereas in Europe there is broad support for the public sector on both sides of the political spectrum.

  • In fiery speech to Congress, Netanyahu vows 'total victory' in Gaza and denounces U.S. protesters
  • Immediately after October 7th, there were various sensational and outlandish claims made by Israeli officials that babies were beheaded, put into ovens, murdered in their nurseries, and generally singled out and made to suffer with intentional violence. Since then, no evidence whatsoever has been provided to substantiate these claims and the majority of them have been dropped completely.

    UN records indicate that one baby did actually die along with her family after Hamas fighters opened fire into a safe room in Kibbutz Be'eri (page 10), but there were no recorded cases where multiple babies were intentionally targeted and killed in the way that Netanyahu describes.

    None of this is to diminish the atrocities that were committed on October 7th, but it is telling that Israel and Netanyahu in particular seem dead set on making the events on that day seem as barbaric as possible in order to somehow justify the large-scale massacring of men, women, and children that is happening in Gaza.

  • In fiery speech to Congress, Netanyahu vows 'total victory' in Gaza and denounces U.S. protesters
  • And yet again we have congress members clapping like trained seals to debunked Israel propaganda and the characterization of anti-war protesters being in favor of the killing of civilians.

    "My friends, defeating our brutal enemies requires courage and clarity. Clarity begins by knowing the difference between good an evil. Yet, incredibly, many anti-Israel protesters choose to stand with evil. They stand with Hamas. They stand with rapists and murderers. They stand with people who came into the kibbutzim -- into a home -- the parents hid the children, the two babies, in a secret attic. They murdered the families -- the parents. They found the secret attic and then they murdered the babies. These protesters stand with them; they should be ashamed of themselves."

    *Thunderous applause, standing ovation

    This is 2003 Iraq War levels of state-approved disinformation. I feel nauseated.

  • Harris Clinches Majority of Delegates as She Closes In on Nomination
  • It doesn't get ignored; it's one of the most common criticisms of US politics.

  • A Quiet Place: Day One Box Office Breezes Past Major Domestic Milestone, Prequel Close To Double Its Budget
  • I'm not sure that lack of jeopardy was the issue with Furiosa -- after all, that's always the case with prequels.

    I also don't think that Day One introduced enough new developments to keep things interesting. The concept of the monsters is so simple that the main characters figure out the "rules" (don't make noise) within minutes of the first attack. And that's pretty much it - we, the audience, are none the wiser about what they are, where they come from, or what they're about by the end of Day One than we were by the end of the second movie. Personally, I didn't find the character development as interesting as Furiosa, either.

    Either way, i agree that the quality of the story matters and I think Furiosa succeed here, personally.

    If I had to hazard a guess, I'd say the differences in the box office outcomes come down to the facts that the Mad Max franchise has more of a niche appeal than A Quiet Place, is more violent, and the movie was quite a bit longer in duration.

  • MAGA world is really mad that Trump is no longer running against Biden
  • This isn’t a damn football game

    Try telling that to millions of Americans; That's literally how they see politics.

  • MAGA world is really mad that Trump is no longer running against Biden
  • All this bluster about "wasting" millions of dollars attacking Biden is telling, because that's literally the GOP platform in a nutshell. God forbid they actually put forth policies that improve the lives of American citizens, or, I don't know, spend their time arguing their case for why their candidate should be president in the first place.

  • A Quiet Place: Day One Box Office Breezes Past Major Domestic Milestone, Prequel Close To Double Its Budget
  • Its success is interesting as it doesn't appear to have suffered as a result of prequel fatigue, unlike, say, Furiosa, depsite being noticeably weaker than the first two movies.

  • There's European countries who can have several different prime ministers in the span of three months
  • That, plus like everything else in America, an entire business has sprung up around running federal elections. Longer campaigns require more staffers, strategists, pollsters, advertisers, etc. It's a billion dollar industry unto itself.

  • I'm scared
  • Yes, but the point is we are now in 2024. All those other presidents are either dead or retired.

  • I'm scared
  • Both are older than the state of Israel, FFS.

  • Suella Braverman expected to defect to Reform as Tory leadership race heats up
  • Defecting to the party whose own canvassers openly drop the word 'Paki' when think no one is listening is certainly... a choice.

    The odds of a face-eating leopard moment are pretty good all round.

  • Democrats & Republicans are stealing funds intended for independent parties to use in the 2024 elections, according to Green Party USA

    Green Party candidate Jason Call has posted a thread on X. The key points are:

    ~ The duopoly is going all out to deny third party voices this year

    ~ The Stein campaign has qualified for Federal Matching Funds, but Congress robbed the fund and Treasury is refusing to pay us $270,000. It is unconscionable and unprecedented….

    ~ What are Federal Matching Funds? When you file your taxes each year, you’re asked “do you want $3 to go to the Presidential Matching Fund?”

    ~ It is essentially a fund reserved to help campaigns be more competitive against the flood of big money interests

    ~ The Jill Stein is the only campaign (other than Mike Pence, no longer active) that has met the threshold for this funding

    ~ And while the FEC has said we qualify for the match - a payment of $270k at this point - we are being denied that payment

    ~ Here’s what we are being told: Since the duopoly candidates have rejected that funding for the last 16 years, that $3 per IRS filing grew to over $400 million

    ~ And this year, Congress decided to “appropriate” those funds for other uses. They took $320mil and gave it to the Secret Service…

    ~ They took $25mil and gave it to the Justice Dept. They took $55mil for “election security” (ironically securing elections from 3rd parties it seems)

    ~ Right now we are being denied our earned primary matching funds because there is a “shortfall”

    ~ What we have earned amounts to 1.5% of what’s in the fund. And they are saying there’s a shortfall? Here’s their reasoning:

    ~ “We need to wait until the major parties have their convention so we will know if they are going to apply for the funds” Excuse me?

    ~ Use of matching funds for the general election takes priority over use of funds for the primary, but the only campaigns that can qualify for those funds are the duopoly campaigns

    ~ The two major parties have not used matching funds for 16 years due to the imposed spending limits

    ~ But this year, Congress robbed the fund (and if you are a taxpayer and have checked that $3 box, you should be righteously pissed off about this misappropriation)

    ~ And the Treasury is saying “sorry, we don’t have the money, we might need it for the general”

    ~ But understand this is a political hit. Congress appropriated that money right when we were messaging that we were about to hit the threshold.

    ~ The FEC is not the responsible party here. They qualified us, said we were good to go. This is coming from higher up, politically motivated to shut down our traction

    ~ And it has. It has stifled our momentum. This, and the bullshit lawsuits to keep us off the ballot

    ~ Democrats say they are defending democracy, but this is how they are doing it. Political trickery and lawfare

    ~ They are limiting the choices of voters when voters (not BlueMAGA of course, they are cheering on the chicanery) are fed up with the garbage forced on us by the duopoly

    ~ The Green Party takes no corporate money. We are following the rules. And the playground bullies are continuing to rig the system for the war machine and other corporate interests

    ~ This is not democracy. It is not justice.


    "Why are the Arabs so violent? Why do they hate Israel?"

    TIL that in 2018, thousands of Gazans peacefully demonstrated against Israel's siege of the territory.

    In response, IDF forces opened fire on the demonstrators with live ammunition. Some they shot to kill, others they shot in the leg, crippling them for life. Others they shot with rubber bullets and tear gas. They shot women, children, the elderly, paramedics, and journalists.

    A UN Commission found that Israeli soldiers likely committed war crimes or crimes against humanity. Investigating from March 30 to December 31, 2018, the Commission reported 183 Palestinian protester deaths from live ammunition, including children, medics, and journalists. Over 6,000 were injured by gunfire.


    Kaiju ft. Flowdan - Hunter

    An oldie but a goodie.

    1 House passes bill to expand definition of antisemitism amid growing campus protests over Gaza war

    The House has passed legislation that would establish a broader definition of antisemitism for the Department of Education to enforce anti-discrimination laws.

    House passes bill to expand definition of antisemitism amid growing campus protests over Gaza war

    'If passed by the Senate and signed into law, the bill would broaden the legal definition of antisemitism to include the “targeting of the state of Israel, conceived as a Jewish collectivity.'"

    Pardon me, but what is this horseshit?

    52 Even Mentioning “Occupation” at the Oscars Is Antisemitic, Some Jewish Hollywood Figures Say

    “The Zone of Interest” director Jonathan Glazer’s Oscars speech was denounced by Jewish Hollywood figures for mentioning Israel’s occupation.

    Even Mentioning “Occupation” at the Oscars Is Antisemitic, Some Jewish Hollywood Figures Say

    “The use of words like ‘occupation’ to describe an indigenous Jewish people defending a homeland that dates back thousands of years and has been recognized as a state by the United Nations, distorts history” gets the prize for the most oblivious statement I've seen all week.


    Why are Mastodon's trending hashtags so ... dull?

    As a new user, I'm enjoying Mastodon's vibe so far but the one thing that is a letdown is the trending hashtags. I've been checking them regularly over the past couple of weeks and it seems like they're pretty much always like this.

    Even on days with big news stories, people on Mastodon are only talking about what day of the week it is like company employees on some internal message board?

    Is there anything that can be done to liven them up a bit?


    Why are Mastodon's trending hashtags like this?

    Every day, they seem to be pretty much the exact same.

    Coming from the bird site where you could actually get a gauge on what was happening in the world right now, Mastodon's trending hashtags seem so ... banal?

    6 Science activism is surging – which marks a culture shift among scientists

    Political mobilization among scientists has been growing in recent years. Two social scientists break down what this looks like and how it represents a culture shift among the scientific community.

    Science activism is surging – which marks a culture shift among scientists

    Debunk This: The Scientific Evidence for Gender Transition Therapies is Weak The media is spreading bad trans science

    Misleading studies are being taken as gospel

    Hi, everyone. The author here claims a couple of things I'd like people to check out:

    1. That European countries are generally reluctant to endorse gender reassignment treatments due to insufficient evidence

    2. That there are no large scale studies / reviews that find good evidence in favor of gender reassignment treatments

    Thanks in advance!

    7 What People Are Getting Wrong This Week: UFOs and the Government

    Maybe people are just really bad at identifying objects.

    It appears UFOs are flavor of the month again.
