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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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Why do you still hate Windows?
  • Although to be fair, WSL fixes that issue to a big degree. Maybe even better than OSX, since you get a real Linux with real userspace. WSL(2) might be the only really cool feature Microsoft added to Windows, that actually brings value for the user.

  • Why do you still hate Windows?
  • Offlive account during install works only when you are not connected to the internet from that PC. Maybe also only with Win Pro, not Home.

    The crap you have to disable are all dark patterns and I hope the EU rips them a few more holes.

    "Just update".... I think I went into enough details about what pissed me off in my initial comment.

    Almost every Linux distro would have been: boot the installer, select disk, select meta packages, username, password, done. 10 mins later you have an up to date system with no shady online crap.

  • Linux during the mid to late 90s (Windows 95 and 98 era)
  • I remember buying a bunch of old HP ISA 100Mbit NICs to turn an old computer into a router/server combo. Naive as I was I put them all in and nothing worked. Turns out they were all configured to use the same IRQ (since they likely came from independent machines), and that caused them to overwrite each others settings... including the MAC adress. Thankfully I found some nice hacker that worked with these cards before and published a little C tool to rewrite their EEPROMs. I contacted him if he sees a chance to resurrect the cards and that saint indeed hacked the necessary features into his tool so I could rewrite the MAC adresses, change the IRQ one by one and ended up with a working network. Good times.

  • Why do you still hate Windows?
  • Heh, yeah. I had to fix that earlier this year on another machine, but that one was ooold and went through a bunch of upgrades so I figured it was due to its age (even though I still didn't get how they could be so lazy to not automate this process as part of the update or ... well... slim down the rescue tools again). But then they apparently didn't even care enough to release a new installer that prevents the issue. So they either don't give a crap or even do it deliberately to break Win 10 in favor of Win 11. Either case: that's not what I pay for.

  • Why do you still hate Windows?
  • And that's exactly what I said: the installer didn't give me that choice. I had to use a MS account and I had to set up a PIN. Everything else required completely nonintuitive changes (plural!) afterwards.

  • Why do you still hate Windows?
  • I know. My point was that I don't wanted any local auth at all. It should boot right to desktop, no PIN or password asked. The linked MS account is completely worthless and only used to satisfy the installer.

  • Why do you still hate Windows?
  • Just this weekend I had the pleasure of installing Win 10 on a blank disk. The install went ok, but then it bothered me logging into the MS Account. After cursing for a while and since it wasn't my PC, I gave in. I know I can fight it, but it's not worth it here. Then it continued trying to get me to consent to all kinds of shit. NO, I DON'T WANT FUCKING OFFICE AND I DON'T WANT MY FILES IN ONEDRIVE you assholes!

    Then it forces me to choose a PIN for "secure login". DUDE! That motherfucking PC is used for a bit of office work and gaming. Just let these poor people boot up the machine and use it! 0000? Too simple. 1234 too. Fuck you, MS. Ok, random PIN and a sticky note it is, asshats.

    Anyway, after getting it to fuck off, I continue to the desktop. Oh wow, 10 updates and a ton of missing drivers? It's a fresh install! What the fuck did it install?! Of course the installation of all these updates takes an hour and countless restarts... AFTER A FRESH INSTALL! Not even my overblown super slow Ubuntu server takes that long for updates; and that runs on a HDD not a SSD like that PC I set up.

    But wait. One update failed. Why? Ah, the rescue partition is too small.... THE ONE THAT DUMB SON-OF-BITCH CREATED ON ITS OWN AS PART OF THE INSTALL! How to fix? Ah, execute a bunch of commandline foo with diskpart and other tools. Wait, isn't that exactly the kind of shit that Windows fans laugh about when looking down on us Linux nerds?!

    So ... ugh .... just one simple anecdote of why Windows can fuck off.

  • People doing the 30 days linux Challenge are having several problems because of Mint's old packages and technology. Why people still recommend it when there is Fedora and Opensuse with KDE and Gnome?
  • What I find weird about Tumbleweed is, that updating is not integrated into YaST or another UI. You have to use the commandline to keep your system up to date. That makes it exactly as inconvenient as Arch for newcomers, but Arch has a whole philosophy behind this while SuSE is typically very GUI oriented. It's weird.

  • Rod Stewart verflucht Putin - und wird in Leipzig ausgebuht
  • Ich kenn seine Musik nicht... kann man als Fan politische Statements erwarten? Wenn nicht, kann ich mir schon vorstellen, dass man etwas angepisst ist, wenn man selbst auf einem Konzert mit der harten Realität (vor der man vlt flüchten wollte) konfrontiert wird.

    Abgesehen davon: bei AfD und BSW Ergebnissen von zusammen knapp 30%, muss man wohl erwarten, dass auch im Publikum eine spürbare Anzahl Russlandfreunde rumhängen.

  • The anti-AI sentiment in the free software communities is concerning.
  • If you are so keen on correctness, please don't say "LLMs are lying". Lying is a conscious action of deceiving. LLMs are not capable of that. That's exactly the problem: they don't think, they just assemble with probability. If they could lie, they could also produce real answers.

  • Baden-Württemberg: Zwei AfD-Stadträte in Karlsruhe angegriffen
  • Ich finde Gewalt im politischen Diskurs falsch, aber habe in solchen Fällen durchaus weniger Mitleid als in anderen Fällen. Die AfD heizt ja selbst seit langem den Konflikt an, da ist es nur gerecht, wenn sie die Früchte auch zunehmend selbst erntet.

    Schon wenn ich deren Benehmen im Bundestag höre (ständiges reinlabern), wünschte ich mir, man dürfte sie für sowas unsanft vor die Tür setzen. So ein ungehobeltes, freches, aggressives Dreckspack.

  • Is it possible to use Linux without the command line?
  • Yup, I don't understand it either. Many "how to fix ..." articles involve quite a lot powershell magic. And I say "magic" because IMO they are often essentially API calls which I find far harder to grasp than config files that follow some logic and help me understand what is interacting how.

  • AMD GPUs are cursed for me

    Each time I try AMD graphics, something is fucked for me. Back with fglrx, fglrx just sucked, so I used Nvidia. Then I had an AMD right around when they finally had opensource drivers, but it was still buggy as hell. So I went with Nvidia again (first a GTX 790, then a GTX 1060). In the meantime I had a new work notebook where I also went with an AMD APU, and had driver crashes for a long time when I was in video calls and it had to decode multiple streams. That thankfully stabilized with Linux 6.4.

    Since sooo many people in the community swear by AMD, I thought "dammit, let's try it again for my new desktop" and got an 7800rx ... and I have to reboot ~5 times until I finally make it to a running xserver or wayland session. Apparently I am hit by this problem (at least I hope so). But that doesn't even read nice ... the fix seems to be to revert another fix for powermanagement. So I either have a mostly non-booting card or suboptimal power management.

    I start to regret having chosen AMD .... again :-/ I seem to be cursed.

    112 Anti-Nazi-Werbung auf Werbeprospekt in Dresden: Peter Simmel entschuldigt sich

    Ein Werbeblatt, das auch in Dresden verteilt wurde, sorgt für Aufregung. Der Einzelhändler Peter Simmel hat sich darin politisch positioniert - und das Blatt nach heftiger Kritik zurückgezogen.

    Anti-Nazi-Werbung auf Werbeprospekt in Dresden: Peter Simmel entschuldigt sich

    > [...] > > "Entschuldigung, es tut mir leid, dass sich mit meinem Begriff 'Nazis' Menschen angesprochen fühlten, welche mit unserer jetzigen Regierung nicht einverstanden sind", schreibt Simmel in dem Text. "Deshalb ist man kein Nazi. Auch ich bin nicht mit unserer jetzigen Regierung einverstanden und hoffe auf Neuwahlen, welche unsere freiheitliche Demokratie stärken." Einige Menschen hätten sich durch die Formulierung angegriffen gefühlt; dafür entschuldige er sich. > > Peter Simmel liebe Freiheit und Demokratie und setze sich dafür auch ein. "Nach meinem Verständnis sind Nazis Rechtsradikale, welche unsere Demokratie abschaffen wollen, die Hitlerzeit verherrlichen und in ein solch menschenverachtendes System zurückwollen", sagt er, "in ein System, in welchem Andersdenkende oder Menschen, die nicht bestimmten Vorgaben entsprachen, verfolgt und ermordet wurden." > > Durch den Austausch mit Kunden habe er gelernt, dass sich viel mehr Menschen mit dem Wort Nazi identifizieren, als er dachte. "Wahrscheinlich auch deswegen, weil diese Menschen in der Vergangenheit vorschnell in die Nazi-Schublade gesteckt wurden, anstatt sich mit ihren Sorgen auseinandersetzen. Nur weil man gegen die jetzige Regierung ist, ist man selbstverständlich nicht automatisch ein Nazi." > > [...]
