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aarroyoc aarroyoc
Posts 30
Comments 11
VLC Player
  • VLC ships their own codecs which is great on Windows, but a bit suboptimal on a typical Linux desktop installation since you're probably going to have GStreamer or ffmpeg available too for the rest of the software like video editors, web browsers, etc

  • Cool distros to try
  • Alpine Linux, because it uses OpenRC and musl, it's an interesting choice a little bit different but I really like it nyself for servers.

    Gentoo, the biggest source based distro, has Emerge, a very configurable package manager.

    NixOS, uses the Nix programming language to install packages and configuring the system. Very powerful and breaks many conventions about Linux systems

  • Still...
  • GNU Cobol is interesting, but note that most COBOL running in production is using other compilers and operating systems. MicroFocus and IBM COBOL are the most popular ones. They are usually executed on IBM operating systems like z/OS or IBM i, which have a hardware a bit different from a normal PC/server.

  • Which communication protocol or open standard in software do you wish was more common or used more?
  • IPv6. Lack of IPv4 addresses it's a problem, specially in poorer countries. But still lots of servers and ISPs don't support it natively. And what is worse. Lots of sysadmins don't want to learn it.

  • [x-post @[email protected]] Do you run anything on a RISC-V processor?
  • Yes. My apps are not static: one is a Django app (Python) using Postgres. I had to compile both Postgres and Python but that's because I wanted to use them in Docker but there were no images available (maybe there are now, things change fast in this world).

    Other was a Rust app, also using Postgres. For this I had to wait until a cryptography library (ring) added support to RISC-V since they use some assembly to improve the performance. After that, it was fine.

    I've been experimenting with more stuff, in general almost all important languages work, but beware that even if it works, they might not be as performant as in ARM or x86. Java for example, worked but the JVM didn't have a JIT so it was very slow (this is fixed now, but some distros still ship it without JIT AFAIK).

  • Muere Peter Higgs, premio Nobel de Física por el bosón de Higgs

    La Universidad de Edimburgo, donde Higgs era profesor emérito, dijo en un comunicado que el físico falleció en su casa el lunes 8 de abril tras una breve enfermedad.

    Muere Peter Higgs, premio Nobel de Física por el bosón de Higgs
    [x-post @[email protected]] Do you run anything on a RISC-V processor?
  • Yes, I have a VisionFive 2 and I use it to host some websites. I have am Arch Linux image compiled by a user in a forum, but the userspace packages are from a RISC-V repository from a other people working in Arch in general.

    I could run my websites but it wasn't easy at first, because, yes I have Docker but there are almost no images for riscv64, so I had to do some compiling and build images in a local registry. Bu now it works pretty well.

  • Ejecutar una máquina virtual RISC-V, MIPS, PowerPC, SPARC,... desde AMD64

    <p>¿Alguna vez has querido ejecutar una máquina virtual de una arquitectura diferente a la de base? Es decir, si usas AMD64 (la más habitual en portátiles y sobremesa actualmente), ¿cómo ejecutar un sistema operativo diseñado para otra arquitectura? Aunque esto no es tan eficiente como virtualizar s...

    Ejecutar una máquina virtual RISC-V, MIPS, PowerPC, SPARC,... desde AMD64
    0 Investigan la muerte de un hombre de 36 años que estaba en manos de los Bizkor de la Ertzaintza

    «Si no llegan a venir los ertzainas y es bajado a la ambulancia, como era la intención de los municipales de Astigarraga, Eneko hoy...

    Investigan la muerte de un hombre de 36 años que estaba en manos de los Bizkor de la Ertzaintza
    0 ¿Qué le está pasando a Azure?

    Después de más de una década utilizando Azure a diario, me encuentro tantas restricciones en el gasto que me estoy pensando seriamente migrar a AWS, Google o

    ¿Qué le está pasando a Azure?
    0 Diversión con shaders en WGSL

    <p>Estaba experimentando con Bevy, un motor de videojuegos muy prometedor, escrito en Rust, cuando me surgió la necesidad (o en ese momento lo creía) de tener que hacer un hack usando shaders. Los shaders son pequeños programas que se ejecutan en la GPU. Tras mis aventuras, he podido comprender como...

    Diversión con shaders en WGSL
    0 Curva de Hilbert en Prolog

    <p>La curva de Hilbert es una curva fractal descubierta por David Hilbert en 1891. Es un tipo de curva de Peano. Estas curvas tienen la peculiaridad de que cubren todo el plano de forma continua. Esto les otorga propiedades muy interesantes, una curva de Hilbert de nivel N es la aproximación enésima...

    Curva de Hilbert en Prolog
    1 Pascal. Un homenaje a Niklaus Wirth

    <p>A principios de año tuvimos la triste noticia de la muerte de Niklaus Wirth, uno de los pioneros de la programación tal y como la conocemos. Wirth participó en muchas discusiones y debates que darían forma al mundo de la informática actual. Si bien no forma parte de la primera generación de infor...

    Pascal. Un homenaje a Niklaus Wirth

    Enlightened (rant about EFL) (2015) Enlightened

    I work for a certain corporation which uses a certain product. This is its story. To put the quality of this product into perspective, let me say it’s been in development for about 20 years and has pretty much no users (besides my corp and some “hey - let...

    find, grep, sed, and awk
  • I always found "find" very confusing. Currently, I'm using "fd", which I think has a more sensible UX

  • Scryer Prolog Meetup 2023 Notes
  • Honestly, if SWI Prolog serves your needs, use it! Scryer Prolog is still very rough on the edges. However, even with that, some things already make Scryer interesting, like string handling, which is more natural and integrates very well with DCGs, and standards compliance. Scryer passes all ISO syntax tests, and also is one of the few systems that implement dif/2, freeze/2, or even length/2 correctly according to the drafts (this was shown on the meetup, SWI for example failed on all those 3 things). Also, clpz is being developed only taking into account SICStus and Scryer, since they implement the same Attr Var interface (SWI has another one).

    I don't agree that there's no progress. Other Prolog systems were started in the 20th century and they received funding from universities or they've been commercial. Scryer has neither of those things. For the most part, it was developed in free time. It needs to form its own community of users that will improve the system. That's why these kind of events are so positive in my opinion.

  • Scryer Prolog Meetup 2023 Notes

    <p>The 9th and 10th of November was the Scryer Prolog Meetup 2023 in Düsseldorf. As a Scryer Prolog user and contributor, I was very excited to go to this meeting. Now, I'm back at home and I can write here a report of what happened in this event with the notes I've taken.</p>

    Scryer Prolog Meetup 2023 Notes
    Prolog aarroyoc Scryer Prolog Meetup 2023 Notes

    <p>The 9th and 10th of November was the Scryer Prolog Meetup 2023 in Düsseldorf. As a Scryer Prolog user and contributor, I was very excited to go to this meeting. Now, I'm back at home and I can write here a report of what happened in this event with the notes I've taken.</p>

    Scryer Prolog Meetup 2023 Notes

    Tema de Minecraft para GRUB GitHub - Lxtharia/minegrub-theme: A Grub Theme in the style of Minecraft!

    A Grub Theme in the style of Minecraft! Contribute to Lxtharia/minegrub-theme development by creating an account on GitHub.

    GitHub - Lxtharia/minegrub-theme: A Grub Theme in the style of Minecraft!
    1 Paru: Administrador de paquetes AUR para Arch Linux

    Descubre cómo utilizar paru, un administrador de paquetes #AUR para #Arch #Linux. Aprende sobre su funcionamiento, instalación y configuración

    Paru: Administrador de paquetes AUR para Arch Linux
    0 Llega GIMP 2.99.16 con GTK 3 y cada vez mas cerca de GIMP 3

    La nueva versión de GIMP 2.99.16 llega cargada de una gran cantidad de cambios y mejoras, de las cuales se destaca la ...

    Llega GIMP 2.99.16 con GTK 3 y cada vez mas cerca de GIMP 3
    0 Linux Mint 21.2 mejora la integración entre escritorios y aplicaciones

    Ya está disponible Linux Mint 21.2 “Victoria”, la derivada de Ubuntu más popular y uno de los sistemas operativos basados en Linux para escritorio más apreciados. Como suele ser habitual por parte de Linux Mint, nos encontramos con una actualización de los escritorios sobre la base de Ubuntu LTS, lo...

    Linux Mint 21.2 mejora la integración entre escritorios y aplicaciones
    What are your most used selfhosted services?
  • Yes, I think port forward and domain name is required not just for Lemmy but for every ActivityPub service (Kbin too).

  • What are your most used selfhosted services?
  • My custom blog, Syncthing and now I'm trying Lemmy and Mastodon. Let's see how it goes!

  • Arch + dwm
  • Muy chulo ese toque naranja