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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
Posts 11
Comments 331
Wearables linked to ‘pathologic’ heart disease symptom monitoring
  • Understanding the limits of the tech is key - I don't equate the sleep tracking to the quality of the same I'd receive in a sleep lab, but I do value understanding my perception of sleep quality (i.e., totally subjective and rarely valid) vs the partially objective tracking I get from the watch.

  • Every Trad Wife Influencer is Completely Insane
  • This - while I'd argue that feeding raw milk to children, for instance, is probably in violation of local statutes in most of the US, the overall premise isn't necessarily invalid - the idea of forcing it on others and packaging/selling it as an influencer is what's flawed.

    My wife and I have a carefully negotiated relationship that is nowhere near tradwife, but not necessarily contemporary traditional either. I ended up in the hospital recently, and all that went out the window - she spoke for me, signed various forms of consent on my behalf, and the like as/when necessary.

    The "tradwife" package seems to ignore that such moments will be necessary in any life, especially one with kids involved, and certainly any life that involves the risks of e.g., farm work. People get hurt and need consent for treatment, folks get sick and need to handle business over the phone but are unable to speak on their own behalf because they're sick, etc.

    From where I sit, anything resembling what the tradwife influencers are selling is completely invalid/impractical without an 'escape hatch' allowing the (generally) submissive spouse to take the reins as an when necessary and of their own volition... along with ensuring that said spouse has a functional understanding of how and when to do so, per the laws of their particular state.

    Without that, you're just playing a damned risky game that has a realistic chance of causing serious injury to one or more involved parties in the medium term.

  • Chipotle customers were right — some restaurants were skimping, CEO says
  • There's also zero reason for me to ever set foot in a Chipotle when we've two different local chains, one primarily sit-down and one primarily food truck-based, offering broader menus, safer food, and better food - along with all the miscellaneous one-offs that one would expect in a city of any size.

    (Shout-out to Moe's, for anybody in Chambana!)

  • Chipotle customers were right — some restaurants were skimping, CEO says
  • There are three restaurants I distinctly remember long-term as health risks: Chipotle, Chi-Chis (decades ago), and Jimmy Johns.

    The first, I still consider a risk. The second is long gone, and exists only as branding for salsa and the like. The latter, made a concerted effort to get rid of the one risky part of their product which couldn't be cooked or otherwise sterilized (sprouts, by definition) and to my knowledge hasn't had a large-scale problem since.

    JJs is the only one that handled it even remotely correctly, after either the first or second outbreak, by straight removing the risk. They're also the only one of the two remaining above that I'll patronize. I've never eaten Chipotle, and it strikes me as highly unlikely that I ever will.

  • Nebraska Supreme Court upholds law restricting both medical care for transgender youth and abortion
  • Right there with you, I make an effort to plan trips around those sorts of criteria. I'm from IL, but still have family (barely) across the IN state line. I can easily enough visit without spending a nickel in IN.

    More difficult to go other directions sometimes, but as a matter of course I tend to stay north of the Mason-Dixon with precious few exceptions. That doesn't solve the problem entirely, but eliminates some of the worst offenders.

    Nebraska isn't exactly on my bucket list, or 'states I must drive through to get to x' list, so I'll probably be fine avoiding them, but it becomes more and more difficult to track those lists mentally as time goes on.

  • Chicken wings advertised as 'boneless' can have bones, Ohio Supreme Court decides
  • Seems to me that a defense attorney would have a rather more difficult time claiming that "gluten free" is a cooking style, and that x food contains gluten by definition.

    On the other hand, this via Ohio, so... Such a holding wouldn't particularly shock me either.

  • A Crazy Story With Electric
  • Dan Quayle is the infamous "potato" politician.

    English isn't a particularly easy language, on a relative basis, at least for those who don't study it academically at the post-grad level. "An" vs "A" is one of the last errors I'd ever fault someone for, because it's poorly defined and tends to have precious little impact on the actual meaning of the overall sentence.

    Is it a marginally annoying error when I "know" what's correct in my head and I'm listening to someone else make the error? For sure. Would I ever point it out to someone on their second, third, or fourth language? Not a chance, because it's largely an irrelevancy and also damnably difficult to explain efficiently as a "rule".

  • Anon practices time management
  • I'll see your handfuls of nuts, and raise you a couple spoonfuls of peanut butter.

    It's a) relatively cheap b) delicious c) easily edible on the fly with a spoon, time constraints be damned. It serves the purpose quite well, and even throws a bit of sugar in there too.

    Not exactly a balanced diet, but it does accomplish the goal reasonably effectively and frequently is already in the house.

    Also good when not medically quite at 100% - when not at my best, I do everything I can to follow dr. orders, ofc, but sometimes it's more efficient to throw a tiny bit of sugar at one's brain in a (relatively) healthier way, than to keep fighting it during recovery.

  • It's Friday - What are your plans for the week-end?
  • Sounds like a ton of fun, might just put that on my list of possibilities for getting more exercise once I get done healing and fixing my shoulder.

    Can’t afford to risk falling on the damn thing even once more until I actually get it repaired, but really hoping to get into some cardio once that mess is behind me.

  • It's Friday - What are your plans for the week-end?
  • Hopefully recovering a bit more day by day from unexpected medical stuff, maybe a lil gig work because it seems to be the only exercise I get, otherwise just hiding from the heat abd holing up in the AC with my wife.

    Doesn’t sound exciting, but it’s a significant improvement over where I was a couple weeks ago abd that’s definitely not lost on me.

    No pot because legal state but one of my docs is in a non legal state. No booze because bad combo with recent ish stomach surgery. That’s not necessarily a negative, but having a hard stop on both is certainly different. Opportunity for a bit of reflection though, which is never a bad thing.

  • Why do so many people use NGINX?
  • Right there with you on “just works,” as well as the simple fact that the config snippets you need are readily available - either in the repo of whatever you’re putting behind the proxy, or elsewhere on the internet.

    I consistently keep in mind that it’s ultimately an RU product, of course. But since it’s open source and changes relatively infrequently, that’s mitigated to a large degree from where I sit.

    Nothing against Caddy, though Apache gets heavy quickly from a maintenance standpoint, IMHO. But nginx has been my go to for many, many years per the above. It drops into oddball environments without having to rip and tear existing systems out by the roots, and it doesn’t care what’s behind it.

    Ages ago, I had a Tomcat app that happened to be supported indirectly by an embedded Jetty (?) app that didn’t properly support SSL certs in a sane way on its own.

    That was just fine to nginx and certbot, the little-but-important Jetty app just lived off to the side and functionally didn’t matter because with nginx and certbot, nothing else gave a crap - including the browser clients and the arcane build system that depended on that random Jetty app.

  • Proposed Amendment Would Plug the Hole Caused by ‘Trump v. U.S.’
  • We can’t pass an equal rights amendment, and we are, if memory serves, ONE state away from a convention of the states. This unfortunately isn’t going anywhere.

    Doesn’t mean there isn’t value in introducing it, of course. Just that it’s not a serious, practical proposal.

  • After 4 years, I finally got approved for SSDI. $1,100/month and an additional $81/month for my 13 y/o child.
  • I've never known anyone who actually received a livable amount of money via SSDI.

    I have seen some screwy situations as a result, there just isn't enough money involved for one person (much less 'and child') to survive.

    As others have suggested, there's the vanlife route, but that's dependent on being able to maintain said vehicle, pay for camping and gas, and cover the other relevant expenses such as insurance.

    I've seen people share residences, make use of temporary accommodations, get subsidized housing, and a variety of other things. None of those are necessarily quick fixes, unfortunately.

    To my knowledge, there is not a single location in the continental US where that would be sufficient money to live on. I'm genuinely sorry, though glad you got approved.

    There are parts of the country where your back pay could go towards purchasing a home, land, a trailer, and/or similar. Trailer parks charge lot rent, property taxes cost money, and then there are maintenance costs as well so that may or may not be viable for you.

    Here in east-central IL, one might well be able to purchase a trailer already on a lot, and pay the lot rent and have enough to live on given back pay. Other parts of the country, YMMV. On the other hand, in addition to maintenance and utility costs, you're also on the hook if the park has issues and/or the company/group running the park has issues - as well as potentially for collective expenses such as sewage infrastructure maintenance. Not to discourage this line of thought, just to point out that there are potentially significant expenses involved in the future, just like with any ownership interest in any home.

  • After 4 years, I finally got approved for SSDI. $1,100/month and an additional $81/month for my 13 y/o child.
  • That matches my understanding and the experiences of people I've seen be successful with legal representation.

    I also understand that both success and odds of back pay are greatly enhanced by having representation (Who takes a cut, you don't pay up front generally)

  • Right-to-Work Laws don't mean your employer can fire you at any time for any reason (US Law)
  • I do not know why these two concepts are so frequently conflated and misunderstood, but they absolutely are.

    Thanks for the solid clarification. At-will and RTW are two very different concepts, and off the top of my head, forty-nine of the fifty states are at-will. The 50th state isn't all that different (MT), just a bit nuanced: "Montana defaults to a probationary period, after which termination is only lawful if for good cause"

  • 2024.03.14

    • FWP Grand Central Skies / Safari M
    • Iroshizuku Suo-Ro / Sport B
    • Diamine Havasu Turquoise / Safari F
    • Diamine Apple Glory / Safari M
    • "Just Blue" / Lilliput F

    Love the way GCS shimmers.

    A CCR quote, and a few words of a certain classic twenty-five minute Arlo Guthrie song.


    2024.03.13 Today's Pens

    This isn't "proper" alt text, but the quotes at the bottom got a bit illegible as I ran out room, so...

    20204. Clariefontaine A5

    • Diamine Violet / Sailor 21
    • Diamine Sherwood Green / Sport F
    • FWP Pink Sugar Beach / Preppy 05 M
    • Diamine Earl Grey / Perkeo M
    • Iroshizuku sui-gyoku / Perkeo M
    • Diamine Pumpkin / Perkeo M

    > Bother me tomorrow, today I'll buy no sorrows... - CCR [Above is in my atrocious cursive, just to see if I can even still write a simple sentence in it]

    > All those people, all those lives, where are they now? With loves, and hates, and passions just like mine, they were born and then they lived and then they died And then they I also ran out of room on the page, it continues "Seems so unfair, I want to cry." (The Smiths)

    That's it for today, I suspect I'm a little behind on reading comments, hopefully will have some time today to remedy that.


    2024.03.12 Pens (And a little fun with ink)

    I'm in an oddball mood this morning, so the quote is from Simon and Garfunkel's "America". The original is "Kathy," the spelling liberty just fit my mood. Same for the mixed styles and colors in the text.

    • Diamine Pink Ice / Preppy 05M
    • Diamine Tropical Glory / Preppy 03F
    • Diamine Apple Glory / Safari M
    • Iroshizuku Shin-Ryoku / Perkeo M

    Clairefontaine Triomphe 90gsm lined stationery, which also happens to be stationary within a generic six-ring binder from Amazon that I stripped the cover off, and rigged to a much more solid piece of cardboard cut down to A5-ish.

    Slides really nicely that way right into a Travelers Notebook, the original cover was clear flexy plastic and kinda worthless as an insert.

    Quickie ink samples are on Midori in A6, weight unknown. It plays pretty well with a lot of things, I thought I'd dig the color, but... Not so much.

    Keeb in the background is generic Chinese 80-key from Amazon, to replace the one that was on sale because it was UK layout and my dumb ass didn't notice. Juuuuuuust different enough to be infuriating when I'm trying to work...

    Gotta say, y'all, I enjoy this hobby on a relatively solitary basis, but... I'm having a friggin' blast doing these - not just because I'm rediscovering stuff I adore that's been buried too long in my ink drawer, but the sharing as well.

    PS my penmanship is almost as potato as my photography skills. But I'm kinda stuck with both skills sucking, at this age. Meh, I still have fun.


    2024.03.11 Pens

    As ever, y'all, forgive the potato-quality image.

    Today's contestants...

    • Amo-Iro / Sport EF
    • Hana-Ikada / Jinhao (model unknown) EF
    • Syo-Ro / Sport B
    • Grand Central Skies / Safari M

    The shimmer in GCS doesn't photograph as well as I'd like, but there is some serious depth to that ink as with most FWP products.

    Also, confession time... But just between the lot of us, of course... I may be a 45 year old man, but dammit, Hana-Ikada is one of my all time favorite colors. Can't even tell you why, but it brings a smile to my face to use, and it's just SO well behaved and clean to write with...

    Second and third faves, while I'm confessing such things, are FWP Pink Sugar Beach and Diamine Pink Ice. Slightly less well behaved, but only just, and who doesn't love pink sparkly... Um... Yeah I'm not helping my case here lol!


    BSB and Polar Green - free to good home

    Have a bottle of both, barely opened, and zero chance I’ll ever use either.

    Without getting into the why…. 2 nearly full bottles of noodlers inks free to good home. Cover actual ship cost and they’re yours.

    Really, truly, I want the damn things outta my ink drawer because I won’t ever use ‘em and because reasons.

    Hell, if you’re somewhere between roughly Chambana, IL and Indianapolis, I might even be up to meet you somewhere.


    Today's Pens 2024.03.10

    Since my handwriting is a dog’s breakfast…

    “Today’s fun

    Going out for a bit so keeping it light. Just my much adored Fuyu-Gaki (you’ve seen that EF nib) and “mooring on the quinuai river,” from a Chinese company whose name I can’t recall, in a preppy 05M. Don’t know if the shimmer will photograph well.”

    Still up for sample trades, can never have too many inks!


    Tomorrow's Pens 2024.03.08

    • Jade Green
    • Hope Pink
    • Havasu Turquoise
    • Hotaru Bi

    Sailor 21

    Possible that I've posted this here before, but since views seem to be trending upwards and it also might have been on the other instance that's gone now...

    ...I positively love these pens, but is there any practical way to disassemble them, or am I stuck with the ink color I chose for them?


    Pen O' The Day 2024.03.07

    Maybe - just maybe - I'm a bit early but there's a chance my morning will be a lil nuts so might as well set things out and post ahead of time.

    Also, feedback welcome - don't want to spam the sub, do want to add some useful content even if it's just a post history with a bunch of ink samples in it so some lunatic (like me) can agonize over the perfect orange between FG and Pumpkin (Protip, Iroshizuku every. single. time. It just writes better, across more pens, IMHO. It's also a slightly more pricey addiction than Diamine, so...)

    Today's fun includes:

    • Fuyu-Gaki in Safari EF

    • Midway the Magnificent in a Perkeo M

    • Pumpkin in another of the ever-present Perkeo M

    • Amo-Iro in Sport EF

    Pardon my handwriting, and weird datetime formatting. Blame my journaling habit for the latter, as it makes finding things I know I 100% wrote down rather easier. The former is all me.

    Midori A6 for the scribbles, Clairefontaine in the background.


    Today's Pens

    Being the change I want to see (more traffic and more interesting pens here)...

    My primary pens for today are a Safari F inked with Tsutsuji, and a Kaweco Lilliput in brass, with the Kaweco Blue cartridge it came with (also F). I'll refill it with something more interesting when the time comes, just haven't decided what.

    On an average day, I might rotate through two pens; or everything I have inked. Just depends on my mood.

    Edit: That's Midori A6 they're sitting on / scribbled on, and Clairefontaine A5 in the background.


    Business Phones - Suggestions

    Tired of wondering when the Big G will kill off GV, and now I also find myself needing to port a number quickly so I don't lose it (damned MFA backup SMS!).

    3 numbers, a fax would be nice though I can take it or leave it. Basic autoattendant would be nice, voicemail and transcription, etc.

    Really, I'm just looking for the features that have been bundled for years on the consumer side, and without nickling/diming me to death on it - and without Google.

    Amazon's call center product is interesting, but more than a little heavy for me. I hate to go all-in on a self-hosted PBX when I don't really have the need. Not to mention I've still got to pay for the DID if I do that..

    Used RingCentral for many years, and wasn't impresses. That was a while back, I hear they've improved somewhat, but the experience still left a bad taste.
