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Zedd00 Zedd


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Comments 30
What's an idea you have that should be an actual thing?
  • It's called a B Corp in the US. A public benefit company. It's for profit, but with a mission. Doctor Bronner's and Newman's Own are the two that come to mind.

  • What's the dumbest blockbuster movie you have seen that somehow received high praise?
  • The obviously fast forwarded fight scenes broke this movie for me. I don't even remember the plot because every time there was anything happening on the screen the physics of everything would change.

  • Those of you who did not graduate, why?
  • High school was a complete waste of time. I dropped out 3 weeks after I was legally able to. I fucked around for 2 years until I could get my GED. I took the GED tests in a day more than a year before I would have been able to graduate.

    I dropped out of various colleges for a bunch of reasons. The first was my company expanding and not leaving enough time for homework. The last was the Devry's completely false statements about their students being recruited to FAANG companies.

  • What drew you to the high seas?
  • Originally, I was too poor to afford software. Then my CD/dvd books were stolen and I couldn't afford to replace the media I'd been collecting my entire life. I bought an external drive, an s-video to RF modulator, a Bluetooth keyboard and connected my computer to channel 3.

    Eventually Pandora and Netflix were released and I stopped pirating. I spent most of a decade buying all of my media. Then I tried to buy a complete set of Good Eats and it wasn't possible.

    There was literally no way to purchase every episode legally. So I took the $500 I was going to spend on that box set and put it towards an ebay'd server and some drives.

    By the time the streaming wars started to gain steam, I had everything automated, and was pushing 50TB of storage.

  • Cursed Milk
  • It works great in pancakes. Buttermilk > sour milk > milk.

  • How working for Big Tech lost 'dream job' status
  • The big difference between IT and Devops is that IT fixes a problem, Devops solves it. In IT roles, I'm usually stuck pissing on the same fires over and over. In Devops roles, I'm given the time to go get a hose and put the fire out.

  • How do we tell him ?
  • I spent years getting great with powershell so I can now confidently copy code out of chatgpt. Chatgpt's ability to spit out close to correct code faster than I can type it is amazing, but useless if you don't understand what the hell it's trying to do.

  • Sewing patterns?
  • Sorry about that, the formatting got stripped.

  • Sewing patterns?
  • It hadn't ever occurred to me to look for pirated patterns :D Here are some sites with a ton of free patterns. Z-Library also has a ton of stuff.

  • My companies RTO FAQ
  • Ahh yes, the old "I can't get an erection unless I make my serfs' life miserable" policy adjustment.

  • Appreciation post for db0 admins in light of contraversary of blocking /c/ piracy by their admins .
  • I didn't realize there was a patreon, I made a Ko-fi account just for this.

  • Appreciation post for db0 admins in light of contraversary of blocking /c/ piracy by their admins .
  • Man, I didn't realize there were only 22 people supporting you monthly.

  • Ghost of Tsushima Director’s Cut is coming to PC on May 16
  • So excited! This was great on Playstation, I can't wait to replay it on PC.

  • Young adults are getting used to living on a financial cliff
  • That's what angers me about these articles. Millennials graduated high school to the Dot Com burst. We took out a bunch of student loans after not being able to find any work, graduated to the great recession. Spent a decade trying to pay down our student loans to 0 effect. Then got hit with the pandemic. We've given up on there being a future. Why the fuck should I put money in a 401k to prop up billionaires' fortunes? My wages are never going to be enough to retire. I might as well have some fun now while my body isn't completely broken.

  • Cheese me up
  • Mustard is an emulsefier, so a tiny bit will increase the creamieness, especially if you're adding a little cheese.

  • Tesla charging stations become ‘car graveyards’ as batteries die in subzero temperatures, abandoned cars left in the lot after cars wouldn’t charge
  • Fahrenheit is a shit system for science. It is a great system for humans. It's basically the percent of heat humans can maintain. 0% or below is too fucking cold. 100% or above is too fucking hot. 72% hot is about room temperature. Fahrenheit degrees are about the smallest change humans can detect.

  • Ubisoft Wants You To Be Comfortable Not Owning Your Games
  • My big problem with quitting assassin's creed is that it's the best representation of what these places looked like hundreds of years ago. I know it's not 100% accurate, but the fact that my wife could guide me around Rome in game because she'd lived there is one of my favorite gaming experiences. Replaying an AC game and reading all of the research has made vacations to places where they're set amazing.

    That said, I'm never buying a subscription to games. The second I can't buy the game and have it, I'll stop taking their abuse.

  • What's a food you love, that isn't worth making from scratch?
  • There are a couple of things that make this easier :

    1. throw your trimmings from vegetables into freezer bags. Then freeze them until you have a day to make broth. Onion peels color broth, so don't forget to save those.
    2. concentrate the broth. Once you have the flavor you like, strain out the chunks and put it back on a simmer until there's 1/4 to 1/2 the volume.
    3. pour the concentrated broth into muffin tins and freeze. Pop them out and throw them in a freezer bag. You now have individually portioned condensed broth that you can throw in whatever you're cooking.
  • "Millennial lingo" by Shen Comic
  • That's so fetch.