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VinesNFluff Count Regal Inkwell

Nerd|Furry|Linux User|Ace|BiRomantic|Taken <3

Leftist with an incorrigible love for fancy aesthetics (mostly Renaissance Italy/Victorian England) that might be incorrectly read as a monarchist because of that.

Unicorn, but also occasionally gryphon.

Posts 73
Comments 512
Dune rule
  • Hehe

    Fingering Dan and the Module Nudes.

  • Would America be as divided if Trump lost to Hillary in 2016?
  • I mean if you wanna dive that deep, it started when some religious extremists got kicked out of England for being too extremist (for the british empire!) and moved to the new world, killing the people who previously lived there.

    ... But up until 2008 shit more or less held together? Not pretending 'murica was ever good, but it was the 2008 recession that caused its structure, however fucky it had been from first principles, to really break down.

  • When any online discussion accidentally mentions Brazil
  • Peep their profile, it's full of this shit. I'm assuming "Chan user, possibly teenaged"

  • When any online discussion accidentally mentions Brazil
  • You've picked a pretty dumb hill to die on mate.

    The estimated population of natives in the 1500s when the portuguese arrived was 2 million (according to IBGE), it was 302k by 1998 (also according to IBGE), and that's AFTER decades of recovery efforts.

    Edit: Jesus christ on a stick your profile.

  • Would America be as divided if Trump lost to Hillary in 2016?
  • Yes and no.

    Without Trump fucking shit up on a government level (the Supreme Court in particular), there would probably be less scary shit happening on that end. Would have slowed things down.

    But the radicalisation of the Americans began before 2016. Trump is a symptom, not a cause. The disease started spreading as early as 2008. The recession, the damp squib that was the Occupy Wall Street event was the inception of many political movements, both far left AND far right.

    That's the thing people don't realise. Even if Donald J. Trump didn't exist, the underlying social tensions mean that inevitably someone would show up to galvanise far right sentiments, and the political estabilishment would have boosted them, whoever they were, because when the common folk are getting angry about their lot, then to the people actually in charge, a fascist dictatorship is preferrable to the alternative.

  • Dune rule
  • Further funnies:

    The alien playing the weird saxophone?

    Their species?

    Yeah it's called 'bith'

    There is a Bith playing Jizz at the Star Wars Cantina.

  • When any online discussion accidentally mentions Brazil
  • You called?

    I have a list of people allowed to diss Brazil

    It does not include Anglos or Europeans.

    Fellow Latin Americans and African folk can go crazy.

  • When any online discussion accidentally mentions Brazil
  • We also really fucked Paraguay up.

  • Al rule
  • Weird Al stole my waifu

    And I'm okay with that.

  • Ruleney Toons
  • Heh.
    This was one of the few episodes of Mythbusters I actually watched. You are correct, but I must commit to the bit, so:

  • I swear it slows down when it knows I'm in a rush.
  • gently puts USB drive containing Linux on center of table, then silently walks away

  • Looking for FOSS Games
  • Unciv - this one's especially good on mobile


    Sonic Robo Blast 2 if fangames are acceptable

    Edit: Since I mentioned FreeDoom -- Gzdoom acts as a sort of platform for Libre FPSes. Ashes 2063 and Wolfenstein Blade of Agony for instance.

  • What’s the worst piece of technology you’ve ever owned?
  • See, I thought it might have been my tablets being cheap things.

    But messing around with that borrowed iPad (possibly a Pro, the person who lent me it was filthy rich and likes premium stuff) made me go "... This is like, a high quality laptop but worse in every way?"

    The screen was drop-dead gorgeous, and it was clearly a powerful (if locked down, cuz Apple) device -- but it felt like everything I tried to do on the device was in some major way a compromise to accomodate for a less-than-ideal form factor.

  • What’s the worst piece of technology you’ve ever owned?
  • In my case it's more that I get car/airsick very easily -- So when I'm out and about, I won't be watching media on a portable screen. At most listening to music or an audio-book.

    And if I'm in like. A hotel. Most of them (at least here in my country) have SmartTVs that will accept broadcasting from my phone. :P

    As for note-taking, I can see the appeal but refer to my comment about typing in a Tablet being uniquely awful.

  • How much success have you had with modded Skyrim specifically?
  • I've been playing Enderal (a Skyrim total conversion) with some added QoL mods on my Deck

    Got MO2 working with Enderal on wine by using this. The script (and MO2 itself) is a bit janky but it does function. The only thing I couldn't get working was the nexus mods URL integration thingie, had to download mod packages and add them manually.

    The game itself runs like a charm on the Deck (after setting up a control profile anyway).

    But there is the catch that being a Total Conversion mod that is available on Steam... Enderal itself points steam to SKSE on launch. Don't know how it'd work if your starting point is Vanilla Skyrim.

  • goddamnit
  • (I also have no love for .webm as a video format)

  • goddamnit
  • Same. Very useful.

  • What’s the worst piece of technology you’ve ever owned?
  • Tablets. I've owned 2 so far, plus fucked around with a third, fancier one that was borrowed from someone else (in case you care: a very old Samsung one, a Xiaomi model from the late 2010s, and a new-ish Apple iPad for the borrowed one).

    They suck as smartphone replacements because they are too big.

    They lack button inputs, so they suck as gaming devices or as computer replacements.

    You can browse the web... But if you decide to type anything, the large size plus the touchscreen keyboard make for an awkward experience (in ways that it's not on a smaller phone)

    They have lit screens, so they suck as eReaders.

    They're sorta okay as like, personal screens for watching movies or whatever, but like, at that point just use a television??

    They can make sorta good drawing tablets, the ones that are pen-compatible I mean... Because I mean, yeah. But the lack of a keyboard is a bummer with how I learned to draw with my other hand on Ctrl+Z, though that's more a muscle memory issue than anything.

    In general, every tablet I used felt like a less-good verion of a dozen other devices, yanno?

  • Trans Snek Rule

    A Brazilian RAINBOW boa that had been assigned male at birth gave birth to 14 babies.

    In the middle of June.

    Happy ***ing Pride Month


    How do I check which packages are taking up space in OpenSUSE

    Title. Tried to search, found instructions on how to do it in debian-adjacent distros, but I'm in openSUSE, which doesn't use dpkg.

    I also checked the manpage for zypper and found nothing that seemed the part, though I don't exclude the possibility that I just failed to read it properly.


    [Solved] Really weird bug with KDE Plasma rendering panels and window decorations

    Went away from my computer for a bathroom break. When I came back I noticed it took a very long time to wake up. But that was the least of my worries, as Plasma seems to now be really bugged out:

    Two things: Window decorations (like the ones at the top with the buttons to close and such) do not render properly. That's the simple part

    The other, weirder one, is harder to explain in text so I made a video -- The short version is that whenever I mouse over any icon in a panel, be it a tray icon or something on the taskbar thingie -- it seems to jump to the top-right corner of that panel. Though only visually (as in, to interact with it, I still have to click the blank space the icon once occupied)

    I have also noticed that icons within qt6 windows do not show in the proper place


    These persisted after reboots.

    Other info:

    • Linux/KDE Plasma: OpenSUSE Tumbleweed 20240531
    • KDE Plasma Version: 6.0.5
    • KDE Frameworks Version: 6.2.0
    • Qt Version: 6.7.1
    • Kernel: 6.9.3-1-default (64-bit)
    • Graphics platform: X11

    Extra details about system (idk maybe it helps?):

    1. I have an AMD Processor and GPU
    2. All the things I have installed are either from the official SUSE Repos or from Flatpak. There's also some appimages and local executables in my user folder. There is 1(one) application I compiled from source and installed system-wide, and that was Orbiton, a text editor for terminal.
    3. When I update the system I get a notification about how updating glibc-32bit would break Steam. So I marked it as untouchable on YaST. Maybe this broke something else? Idk.

    Things I have already tried:

    1. Updating the system
    2. Rebooting
    3. Changing theming configurations back to system defaults (hey, you never know)
    4. Moving widgets around in panels
    5. Disabling fancy effects
    6. Disabling and re-enabling my second monitor/changing which monitor is the primary
    7. Asking nicely

    Things I have not tried:

    1. Switching to Wayland (I would do so permanently but it breaks Inkscape for me and that's part of my workflow -- Plus I'm new to SUSE, and the last time I switched from X to Wayland was on EndeavourOS, dunno if the process is any different)
    2. Crying

    I have also posted this to the kde bug tracker. Posting it here to in hopes of getting an answer sooner :P

    EDIT: I gave it some time to see if it would stick and it did. So. "Going into the Plasma Renderer settings and switching it to OpenGL" was the solution to my issue, even if I have no idea what caused it, I at least seem to have fixed it


    Automatically turn off Plasma Desktop effects when launching a Steam game?

    Title. Turning off the fancy effects (which can be done with Alt+Shift+F12) improves performance slightly, but having to toggle them on and off every time I start a game is... Y'know. A thing.

    I was wondering if there was a way to automate it, like game opens -> they turn off, game process ends -> they turn back on


    Fire emblem art by ai wa



    Zelink fanart by akihare



    I commissioned self-indulgent art of my MLP OCs again.

    Count Regal Inkwell, the Lord Inquisitor, favoured by the Princess, leaned in for the kiss. For all the rewards which power netted him, it always came with equal if not greater amounts of stress: So much to worry about, so much to fear, so much at stake every day.

    This was meant to be his comfort from the stresses of life, to be in the embrace of Mr. Fluffy Pillow, his Majordomo, the highest-ranking servant of his household, and his beloved, his precious, sweet fluffy boy.

    And still, the noble worried. Always. He often joked that he wouldn't be himself if he didn't worry. It wasn't that he couldn't have the pegasus: Few would deny a powerful stallion such as him anything, let alone some common-born pegasus. It wasn't that he was a married stallion seeking comfort in the embrace of his servant, he was naught if not a dutiful husband, and his wife knew and did not mind the time he spent with the pegasus.

    Rather, what worried him at times like these, always, was quite the opposite: How aware he was of the gulf there was between himself and the winged servant. In power, in age, in all things. It had been years, and still every night did he wonder if one day the other horseshoe would drop, if he'd find out the pegasus was merely following orders, doing his job in spite of himself. — He very genuinely loved the servant and wanted to see him happy. He would never, ever, forgive himself if it came to light that his beloved had given himself to him out of duty, and that he had essentially been forcing himself on the pegasus.

    Still they kissed, even as the little pony in the lord-inquisitor's head reprimanded him for this great impropriety. Still they embraced in their secret little rendezvous.

    Fluffy, for his part, thought of nothing, and worried about nothing: His master was a great stallion, as lovely on the inside as he was outside. He took great joy and pride in serving a stallion such as Lord Inkwell, and considered himself the luckiest colt alive, that he was also the target of his glorious liege's affections

    Very self-indulgent piece I commissioned as an early birthday gift to myself <3 It shall have a less safe sequel, in time, but it should take a while.


    [SOLVED-See Comments] My "Windows" boot entry has disappeared from the EFI menu

    Title. I dual-boot Windows and Linux. I always saw people making "WINDOWS DELETED MY LINUX BOOTLOADER OMGOMG" posts and it had never happened to me. Now, the opposite has happened. I switched from EndeavourOS to OpenSUSE and now my windows install is no longer selectable on boot.

    I keep Windows in a separate drive entirely, so instead of using grub, I use the EFI's boot-select menu thingamafuck (look I don't know jargon okay?) to choose Windows when I need it.

    Well today it's not there. Only the Linux entries show up. The Windows partition itself seems to be in good order, like, I can access it from within Linux no problem.

    But yeah it doesn't show up on my EFI selector thingie. I imagine I could get the EFI Shell going, but I have no idea how to use THAT either.


    ELI5: The Linux xz backdoor situation

    PLEASE. I keep seeing it in memes. As I understand it the latest version of the xz package (present in rolling release distros like Arch and SUSE Tumbleweed) has "a backdoor", but I have no earthly clue what can be done by malicious folks with access to that backdoor or if I should be afraid or how to check if my distro is compromised or how to prevent damage if it is or (...)


    [Goes cosmic]

    (my own art/animation)
