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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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mozilla made it, 3.3 million in donations!
  • The licensing fee you mention is purposely fuzzy

    I mean, depending on what you mean by "purposely", I just think there's no good way in general to determine the exact worth of the use of a trademark.

    The restricted assets remain the same as last year: a “tax reserve fund” established in 2005 for a portion of the revenue the Mozilla Foundation received that year from the search engine providers. As noted last year, the IRS has opened an audit of the Mozilla Foundation.

    Since the Corporation was founded on August 3, 2005 - this might've been the reason? Before the Corporation existed, the Foundation had to receive the money from the search engine providers directly (and the "tax reserve fund" sounds like creative accounting to hold on to that money, potentially leading to the audit), whereas later, the Corporation could hold on to it and pay taxes over it like a regular corporation does.

    I’m a Mozilla fan, but I’m not a fan of income inequality, and Mozilla is contributing to it.

    I'm with you here, and I'm not saying that the ratio CEO pay:employee pay is a good one. All I'm saying is that the money used to fund the CEO pay could not have been used to fund Foundation projects like Common Voice, as far as I'm aware.

  • mozilla made it, 3.3 million in donations!
  • AFAIK the only way money flows from the Corporation to the Foundation is by the Co paying royalties to the Foundation for the use of the Firefox trademark. Obviously exactly how that number is determined is a little fuzzy, but I don't think it (legally) can be just any number - it has to be justified somewhat. In any case, the Corporation is not short of money, so if the Foundation wanted more money to flow from it to the Foundation, a shortage of money due to CEO pay is not the reason.

    (You are definitely right in the sense that Co money could be used to fund more Co projects. Those are not the same initiatives that would be funded by donations to the Foundation though, as money doesn't flow from it to the Co. Think Common Voice, MozFest, lobbying, Privacy Not Included...)

  • mozilla made it, 3.3 million in donations!
  • They wouldn't. The Corporation is a separate entity, I believe for tax reasons, allowing them to hold more money. I don't think that it's allowed to use it as a loophole to avoid regulations that apply to foundations, while still using that money to fund Foundation projects.

  • mozilla made it, 3.3 million in donations!
  • Of note is that the Corporation CEO is paid from Corporation revenues, i.e. primarily the Google search deal. Firefox development very likely could not be supported by donations alone, and the Corporation can't take donations for it.

    Donations to the Foundation go to the Foundation's advocacy work, and projects like Common Voice.

  • Minister waarschuwt: Zorgpremie moet met 25 euro per maand omhoog als eigen risico wordt afgeschaft
  • Kunnen we wel het variabel eigen risico afschaffen? De enige reden om niet het maximale eigen risico te nemen (en dus meer premie te betalen) is als je medische issues hebt, of weinig geld hebt en geen potentiële hoge kosten kunt opvangen.

    Meer moeten betalen als je arm bent - dat kan toch niet de bedoeling zijn?

  • Melissa (48) geloofde dat ze autonoom kon worden en zit elf jaar later nog steeds in de schulden

    Melissa en haar man raken gegrepen door het idee dat een ‘autonoom’ leven wellicht de oplossing voor hun financiële problemen is.||Een groeiende groep Nederlanders gelooft erin: ‘soeverein’ of ‘autonoom’ worden. Een leven in het teken van autonomie, waarbij je je onttrekt aan de staat en niet l...

    Melissa (48) geloofde dat ze autonoom kon worden en zit elf jaar later nog steeds in de schulden

    Melissa en haar man raken gegrepen door het idee dat een ‘autonoom’ leven wellicht de oplossing voor hun financiële problemen is.||Een groeiende groep Nederlanders gelooft erin: ‘soeverein’ of ‘autonoom’ worden. Een leven in het teken van autonomie, waarbij je je onttrekt aan de staat en niet langer dezelfde plichten én rechten hebt als andere Nederlandse staatsburgers. Zo ook Melissa, die daar elf jaar later nog altijd de gevolgen van ondervindt.


    Petitie - Bescherm Nederlandse burgers tegen online tracking

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    Soepelere regels voor ov-kaart van de baas: 'Ov wordt zo aantrekkelijker'
    I need some help with linux energy management and hibernation
  • I'm assuming you've already found it, but just in case you didn't: Framework has setup guides for Fedora, which presumably should make everything work as intended. Find your device on this page, then click "Fedora 39 Setup Guide" on the right-hand side:

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    Is there any future for the GTK-based Desktop Environments?
  • they try to reinvent the desktop experience every 2 or 3 years

    GNOME 3 was released 12 years ago, and hasn't changed that much (unless you consider horizontal virtual workspaces are a major paradigm shift somehow).

    Just use something else if you don't like it; no one's "pushing" anything on to you. Clearly, other people do like it.

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    > > > Hello Fediverse, We are looking for Text-To-Speak (TTS) expertise to help or advise us on improving the default voice of the Linux desktop. :linux: 📣 Please reach out or boost :boost\_love: Thanks! #Linux #tts #accessibility #a11y #GNOME #KDE #FreeSoftware #freedesktop #ml > >


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