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Valbrandur Valbrandur

"A man's ability may be great or small, but if he has this spirit [of selflessness], he is already noble-minded and pure, a man of moral integrity and above vulgar interests, a man who is of value to the people."

Profile picture: Norman Bethune.

Posts 1
Comments 188
Decolonization is not a metaphor
  • You see, humanity lives in a perpetual cycle of “fuck-around” and “find-out”

    Promoting itself to redditors as an alternative to Reddit was Lemmy's greatest mistake.

  • Israel has declared war against Palestine and its allies. It has begun.
  • What does Israel consider "and its allies" to be here?

  • Have you ever thought about moving to a socialist country?
  • Even then, being somewhere else does not mean you cannot fight for the cause of the proletariat back in your home country. Lenin spent a while living in Switzerland and Finland, all while still working on what would finally amount to the October Revolution.

  • Have you ever thought about moving to a socialist country?
  • That's absurd and nonsensical, unless you find that "fighting for your class" is a synonym with "directly fighting against the bourgeoisie that oppresses you"... In which case it's only absurd. The fight for your class does not end the moment you've defeated your own national bourgeoisie.

    Workers who participate in the growth and improvement of the quality of life in socialist states do fight for the working class. Otherwise we could claim that workers in the Soviet Union, China, Cuba and so on did not contribute for the wellbeing of the proletariat, which is obviously wrong. Fighting for your class does not necessarily have to involve picking up a banner nor a rifle there where the bourgeoisie rules.

  • r/serbia brainrot
  • I wonder how someone can be do ignorant and stupid as to paint a giant moral of Fidel Castro.

    Believe me, we know exactly who is it that we praise.

  • Have you ever thought about moving to a socialist country?
  • Our mission as Marxists-Leninists is to aid the worldwide expansion of communism and to defend the interests of the working class. There's nothing written forbidding you from crossing borders.

  • Have you ever thought about moving to a socialist country?
  • Scandinavia, most likely Sweden.

    Edit: lmao at the downvote

  • Have you ever thought about moving to a socialist country?
  • Yes. Three problems:

    1. Language barrier for 4/5 of them
    2. One I speak the language of, but the climate is unbearable to me.
    3. As developing countries that AES states are, those that have the same profession as me have overall worse living standards than in my part of the world.

    I am going to move anyway, but not to a socialist country (for now).

  • [How] should one take notes on reading?
  • Buy a notebook, take a pen and put both to the side of your book. Read from the book first, going paragraph per paragraph. Understand what is being said, and take your time trying to figure it out if it is a hard and complicated part (there's many of those in Kapital). Then, once you have it, try to put it in the simplest of words without making it lose its essence. Finally, write it down.

  • Against new atheism
  • You say you are "atheist, but culturally christian" because you are agnostic but try to love your neighbor and fight for the poor.

    I say such because I don't believe in god but I live in a catholic country that has eight public holidays of religious origin where people don't go to work (I'm just very lazy and every day in which I don't see my boss' face is a wonderful day).

    We are NOT the same.

  • Anarkiddies calling Marxists “tankies”
  • it makes me wonder if they made the designs themselves or if the designs are stolen.

    Historically anarchists already stole the song "Whirlwinds of danger" to create "To the Barricades" amongst other examples so it wouldnt surprise me if this was the case all over again lmao

  • 🎶Life could be a Dream🎵
  • Petition to rename the French Sea to "Sea of Happiness".

  • So Gunther Fehlinger follows me now.
  • Send him a DM with a pic of a balkanised Austria made of little communist states.

  • shiny catgirl
  • Can someone be a communist and a landlord?
  • All what's left is gamma rays.

  • Good morning, you're old 👴
  • This does not feel so terrible until you remember that 2006 was the year in which the Star Wars Kid and Afro Ninja videos were uploaded to YouTube.

  • So, just asking: what radicalized you?
  • Two words: Great Recession.

  • Ukraine will sue Poland, Hungary and Slovakia over agricultural bans
  • It'd be "pretty funny" because of how much of an unrealistic scenario it is. Ukraine already launched a missile into Poland killing one Polish national and Poland replied by calling it "just an accident". There is no way Poland ever attacks Ukraine, much less to retake Lviv. That would be some Paradox Games-tier of fantasy politics.

  • Ukraine will sue Poland, Hungary and Slovakia over agricultural bans
  • I don't know if it's a rumour. But it'd be pretty funny if it happened, wouldn't it?

  • Is anyone here a migrant, or thinking of becoming one?

    Are you someone who has left their country of birth to move and settle somewhere else, or who is thinking of doing so in the future? What led you to take that decision, or what is making you consider it? What have your experiences been until now, and what do you expect and hope for in the future?
