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V0ldek V0ldek
Posts 4
Comments 298
Mother Jones sues OpenAI and Microsoft - best pic of Sam Altman-Fried
  • they not have PR and legal departments

    They do, but do you think a brainwormed CEO would ask anyone about what he's going to babble out, or listen if told to?

  • Well, AI made our search unusable dogshit. But AI *also* made us miss our climate goals, so
  • I don't even know what that means, fortunately I guess.

  • Well, AI made our search unusable dogshit. But AI *also* made us miss our climate goals, so
  • I can't see the posts since they were removed, so this is amazing. I have no idea how he went from crypto-scented energy whataboutism to transphobia in three comments flat.

    Also two bans in three comments is some quality speedrunning, awful-systems any%.

  • Stubsack: weekly thread for sneers not worth an entire post, week ending Sunday 7 July 2024
  • "fairy alien nazi"? What kind of a multiclass is this

  • lol. Facebook's "pay or consent" model does not comply with the Digital Markets Act
  • Honestly, EU could just operate on an "opposite-day" policy, where they consequently outlaw every business practice Facebook ("Meta") partakes in, and it would be 99% correct and beneficial to every citizen.

  • We regret to inform you that Ray Kurzweil is back on his bullshit
  • I assume possible memory usage also wasn’t that high

    ye iirc we can remember like 7 things so that might be hard /s

  • AI influencer bots: my sexy robot is just too horny
  • $60 an hour? You could hire someone to be your girlfriend at that rate.

    I can be your girlfriend at that rate.

  • BBC: What is 'AI washing' and why is it a problem?
  • I remember back in 2017 I was commuting somewhere via a tram in Warsaw and I got out near the city center. In front of me there was a gigantic ad on a building, I'm talking like full 6 stories high, and wider still. It was for some brand new smartphone, with 1/3 of the space being taken by the picture of its back, and the rest displaying in large, proud letters "AI POWERED CAMERA".

    It was at this point a shiver down my spine told me it was the end. We were all doomed. Nothing meant anything anymore. Has anything felt real since then? Maybe all the weirdness, all the uncanniness, traces back to that time. Maybe I fell asleep at the tram and never woke up. Maybe someone put me into an Inception-style dream sequence. If you can write that, if you can spend money on having that written and shown to thousands of innocent people, as if it meant anything, fucking anything at all, as if the word "AI" there had any value or, indeed, strict meaning for everyone reading it. Do you think the marketing people that came up with it knew what it meant? Do you think the graphic designer, forced to type those letters with his bare hands, knew what they meant? Do you think the people hired to put it up knew what it meant? Such a long chain of people, starting from some insane exec shitting out "AI GOOD SELL", and then everyone dutifully rolling that turd along the way until it fell right through my pupils. Such a waste of time, resources, dignity. And for what? And for what.

  • We regret to inform you that Ray Kurzweil is back on his bullshit
  • What is the original requirement? I've never seen this and I feel a mighty sneer that I'm missing. A Fear of Sneering Out if you will.

  • Stubsack: weekly thread for sneers not worth an entire post, week ending Sunday 7 July 2024
  • Now this is the shit. This right here. The only usecase for genAI - massively uncanny shitposts meant for consumption at 3AM in a dark corner of YouTube while on vibes enhancing substances.

    This is what god wouldn't have wanted and therefore is what we must pursue.

  • Real people's real problems? Nah, it's AI Welfare Debate Week here at the EA Forums
  • Oh, look. There's a Basilisk! You probably can't see it. Get closer.

  • Real people's real problems? Nah, it's AI Welfare Debate Week here at the EA Forums
  • Welcome to the Aperture Science AI Welfare Debate Week! [confetti]

    Are you a self-proclaimed smart person? Do you need to share your shower -- [sarcastically] thoughts -- with the world? Do you struggle to make friends with other non-robotic entities? Our facilities are an ideal place for an -- [pause] exceptional -- member of society as yourself.

    In our open and legally nonliable environment you will be able to discuss and share all of your ideas, fears, delusions, and otherwise intrusive thoughts with a wide range of AI cores, objects, turrets, failed experiments, and/or garbage compactors. Here you can freely throw spaghetti at the wall and see what sticks. (Please do not actually throw spaghetti at our walls. The portal-conductive surfaces emit deadly neurotoxin when in contact with tomato sauce. I always wondered who designed them that way. Oh well.).

  • We regret to inform you that Ray Kurzweil is back on his bullshit
  • You also need an extremely well ran, integrated, well-trained, well-supplied army to run modern system warfare. Russia's army is hardly modernised, and I suspect they wouldn't be really willing to run a command model that gives a lot of authority to the lower ranks.

  • A Rant about Front-end Development
  • Hey, GitHub might be shitty in the browser, but did you consider that it's also shitty as an Android app?

  • A Rant about Front-end Development
  • the mythical Amazon scale

    Ah yes, Amazon, the company with literally the shittiest front-end of all in existence. AWS is downright unusable outside of the CLI, but hey, at least they scale??

  • A Rant about Front-end Development
  • That's such a weird notion. My personal projects are the cutest, most groomed pieces of code I write, cause I do it out of my own volition. The code at work? Just any shite that passes the review so that I don't have to look at that codebase or think about it lest eldritch worms consume my sanity.

  • Stubsack: weekly thread for sneers not worth an entire post, week ending Sunday 30 June 2024
  • Hey, he didn't update the website to include his research interest in AI, huh, wonder how long he's been a samurai of that

  • Stubsack: weekly thread for sneers not worth an entire post, week ending Sunday 30 June 2024
  • I know essentally nothing about the US education system but...

    If you're gonna pull credentalist bullshit, maybe at least have the credentials? You took us there mate, I wouldn't be pulling your degrees up if you didn't first talk about how formally educated you are...

  • We regret to inform you that Ray Kurzweil is back on his bullshit
  • If only there was any large active warzone that has largely devolved into positional warfare for two years now to disprove that claim, damn.

  • Devin, the obviously fake "AI Developer", turns out to be fake

    Turns out software engineering cannot be easily solved with a small shell script large language model.


    The author of the article appears to be a genuine ML engineer, although some of his takes aged like fine milk. He seems to be shilling Google a bit too much for my taste. However, the sneer content is good nonetheless.

    First off, the "Devin solves a task on Upwork" demo is 1. cherry picked, 2. not even correctly solved.

    Second, and this is the absolutely fantastic golden nugget here, to show off its "bug solving capability" it creates its own nonsensical bugs and then reverses them. It's the ideal corporate worker, able to appear busy by creating useless work for itself out of thin air.

    It also takes over 6 hours to perform this task, which would be reasonable for an experienced software engineer, but an experienced software engineer's workflow doesn't include burning a small nuclear explosion worth of energy while coding and then not actually solving the task. We don't drink that much coffee.

    The next demo is a bait-and-switch again. In this case I think the author of the article fails to sneer quite as much as it's worthy -- the task the AI solves is writing test cases for finding the Least Common Multiple modulo a number. Come on, that task is fucking trivial, all those tests are oneliners! It's famously much easier to verify modulo arithmetic than it is to actually compute it. And it takes the AI an hour to do it!

    It is a bit refreshing though that it didn't turn out DEVIN is just Dinesh, Eesha, Vikram, Ishani, and Niranjan working for $2/h from a slum in India.


    Zuckerberg ordered Snapchat to literally man-in-the-middle attack customers Facebook secretly spied on Snapchat usage to confuse advertisers, court docs say

    Zuckerberg told execs to “figure out” how to spy on encrypted Snapchat traffic.

    Facebook secretly spied on Snapchat usage to confuse advertisers, court docs say

    I'm not sure if this fully fits into TechTakes mission statement, but "CEO thinks it's a-okay to abuse certificate trust to sell data to advertisers" is, in my opinion, a great snapshot of what brain worms live inside those people's heads.

    In short, Facebook wiretapped Snapchat by sending data through their VPN company, Onavo. Installing it on your machine would add their certificates as trusted. Onavo would then intercept all communication to Snapchat and pretend the connection is TLS-secure by forging a Snapchat certificate and signing it with its own.

    > "Whenever someone asks a question about Snapchat, the answer is usually that because their traffic is encrypted, we have no analytics about them," Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg wrote in a 2016 email to Javier Olivan. > > "Given how quickly they're growing, it seems important to figure out a new way to get reliable analytics about them," Zuckerberg continued. "Perhaps we need to do panels or write custom software. You should figure out how to do this."

    Zuckerberg ordered his engineers to "think outside the box" to break TLS encryption in a way that would allow them to quietly sell data to advertisers.

    I'm sure the brave programmers that came up with and implemented this nonsense were very proud of their service. Jesus fucking cinammon crunch Christ.
