A video I made about "do less" tech products that should have been software for obsoleted hardware
YouTube Video
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vid: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hbw1GlyzNu4
audio only/podcast version: https://pnc.st/s/faster-and-worse/6d394145/do-less-products
I talk about an idea I've been throwing around for a while for a "typewriter OS" which boots an old laptop into text editor (as a starting project to hopefully lead to a [insert single purpose] OS)
It's a difficult thing to pitch because it's very easy to say "that's just X running Y" type of answers. But it's something I see as a ground up build by design.
Anyway, sharing to see if it piques anyone's interest
- write.as Tech Under Fascism: Lessons from the first Trump term
CN: Fascism, US Politics I just got home from the Election Tech Debrief, meeting with 300 other folks who worked on the intersection of ...
rpg.net gets caught being unfathomably based (2018)
wandering.shop David Croyle (@[email protected])Attached: 1 image Good move from the mods at rpg.net! Even more relevant today than when it happened in 2018. #uspol #ttrpg #rpg #gaming #resist #humanity #GoodVsEvil
From the Uplifting News Department, an event that was brought to our attention by Wandering.shop member David Croyle. Specifically, that time that the administrators of rpg.net bluntly declared that their website is officially a No Nazis Bar.
There were no follow-up questions: https://wandering.shop/@croyle/113980700961699526
Give me your best software engineer blogs
I'm looking for recommendations of good blogs for programmers. I've been asked about what I would recommend by younger folks a few times these past few months and I realised I don't really have a good list that I could just share with them.
What I'm interested in are blogs that don't focus specifically on any particular tech but more things like Coding Horror that are just for devs in general. They don't have to be for beginners. It'd also be interesting to see which of those are most popular in our little circle, so please upvote comments that contain recommendations you agree with.
I'm implicitly assuming stuff shared by folks here is going to be sensible, well-written blogs, and not some AI shill nonsense or other tech grift.
Note that I'm specifically interested in the text medium, podcasts or YT not so much.
The System is Borked, We Need an Upgrade
Rojava has built what seems like a robust, equitable, bullshit-resistant mutual aid system in the face of incredible resistance. The idea of a system that can be an autonomous administration in some areas while operating--possibly legally--in parallel with a nation-state government in others is something I find very appealing.
I'm having a hard time understanding how the underlying system works in detail. I think this is largely due to a language barrier.
Any recommendations for Bookchin/Öcalan type reading for beginners? I've procrastinated on it because I hate reading theory (and it's always embarrassing to need hand holding at my age), but needs must. I haven't had much luck turning up English language stuff that lays out how the system works in a way I could share with a casual observer.
Post your IT redundancy tales here
I'm in our daily standup and it's turned into exchanging fucked up sysadmin redundancy tales.
One place I worked lost a machine room. They'd fired people so fast that nobody remembered where the boxes were any more.
I knew, but they didn't ask me. Oh well!
The cycle of IT binge and purge is eternal. Post your tales here.
Random Positivity Thread: Happy Computer Memories
Time for some warm-and-fuzzies! What happy memories do you have from your early days of getting into computers/programming, whenever those early days happened to be?
When I was in middle school, I read an article in Discover Magazine about "artificial life" — computer simulations of biological systems. This sent me off on the path of trying to make a simulation of bugs that ran around and ate each other. My tool of choice was PowerBASIC, which was like QBasic except that it could compile to .EXE files. I decided there would be animals that could move, and plants that could also move. To implement a rule like "when the animal is near the plant, it will chase the plant," I needed to compute distances between points given their x- and y-coordinates. I knew the Pythagorean theorem, and I realized that the line between the plant and the animal is the hypotenuse of a right triangle. Tada: I had invented the distance formula!
Nix project: ban? What ban?
discourse.nixos.org Should jonringer get his commit bit back?Hi, I haven’t read this thread and I don’t really care to read all of it. I’ve always intended to get back into the Nix community after the issues with community management are sorted to my satisfaction. If jonrigner gets his commit bit back, I’m gonna be gone for good. Create whatever future you...
They invited that guy back. I do have to admit, I admire his inability to read a room.
"So, rather than just tell students that they’re in for a rough ride if they cram my prompt through ChatGPT, I show them."
chelseatroy.com How does AI impact my job as a programmer?Four ginever glasses with different flavors of liqueur sit on a mirrored table at Distilleerderij’t Nieuwe Diep in Fevopark, Amsterdam. Only one manufacturer makes these traditional glasses, …
this is AI but it felt a lot more guy with broken gear
El Reg gets around to Nix drama
www.theregister.com Nix forked, but over politics instead of progressAux.computer fragments the community – but doesn't fix the technological objections
...except Liam can't decide whether to be a boomer or a piss baby about it.
Switching to Linux as a Game Developer: surprisingly workable
brodybrooks.com Switching to Linux as a Game DeveloperI recently found that modern Linux distros are actually up to speed for almost all game development tasks and also gaming! Some notes on my experience transitioning.
Lix: a Nix evaluator fork focused on correctness and doing right by its community
lix.systems LixLix is an independent variant of the Nix package manager, developed by a team of open-source volunteers, and maintained by and for a passionate community of users.
it can’t be overstated how important the Nix evaluator is to the Nix ecosystem; it implements the Nix language and package manager, maintains the store, has a hand in the low-level workings of every Nix tool, and is the focus of the push by Eelco and friends to commercialize Nix and keep it appealing to military-industrial interests.
all of the above is why I joined the Aux CLI SIG, which focuses on maintaining a fork of the Nix evaluator for the Aux ecosystem. but just now I saw the announcement for Lix, a Nix evaluator fork that focuses on modernizing the codebase (including gradually replacing C++ with Rust), maintaining correctness (something the upstream evaluator has been notoriously struggling with lately), and doing right by its community. I found myself nodding along to their description of the project and feeling something I haven’t felt since I read the open letter — I’m finally feeling excited for the future of the technology behind Nix.
I have no idea if Lix will become Aux’s chosen evaluator fork, though the Aux CLI SIG can help determine that collectively (and I’ll have many more details on Aux in a post later tonight). here’s what’s truly exciting though: by following Lix’s install steps and pulling auxpkgs-unstable, we can have a package ecosystem and NixOS fork that’s completely independent of the Nix community, and we can have it right now. I’m so excited by that news that I’m going to spin up a host just to give Lix+auxpkgs a try later tonight.
here’s the Aux thread about Lix; so far, there’s a lot of high-level support and excitement for using it as Aux’s evaluator.
The NixOS community is relitigating quotas, now on Zulip
NixOS is electing a committee that will elect the new governing body and design its systems.
One popular proposal is for this committee to consist of five people, of which two are intersectionally marginalized. (That is, marginalized in at least two ways) That is, of course, a quota.
Aaron Hall, who objects to all of this, has arrived.
> I value fairness and treating everyone equally regardless of their class status. I would be wary of any statements that make some users feel they will be treated less preferentially to others due to their class status, sowing distrust and conflict.
> It's a meta comment about distrust and conflict. There has been several comments made on this thread about privileging some people over others. We're on the internet. Nobody knows who is what class. I suggest we not make those kinds of comments because they are controversial and will lead to arguments and distrust in the broader community if users think they will be treated unfairly because their class is being unprivileged.
> I know everyone looks at statements that privilege some over others and thinks they are sketchy. (In what way are they privileged? How does that work? Does that mean we get suboptimal decision making so that some class-privileged person can have a seat of responsibility and privilege?) > > Nix is very cutting edge, and we'd like to see more diversity. Diversity will come with growth. Controversy will stifle growth. These kinds of statements are going to cause controversy and conflict, stifling the growth that will result in diversity. Instead you may be able to rope in tokens of diversity, but you won't actually achieve real organic diversity because the growth just isn't there.
> > Can you explain what did you put in place to obtain that diversity, can you qualify a bit that diversity? I'm looking at statements like "There was BIPOC", etc. Also, how did you measure that diversity? > > We grew. We advertised on Meetup.com. We let companies know we existed so they could host us. We let colleges know we existed so students could find us. We were open to everyone. We made every effort to help everyone who was trying to help themselves. > > One of the things we did that helped: We treated people fairly. We did not talk about elevating anyone with privilege over others because of their class. > > Who? Black (native, island, African), White (European, Russian, native (all ethnicities)), Asian (Korean, Chinese), Islanders, Native American, Transgendered, very old, very young. etc.
I'm highlighting this because it's a reoccurrence of the discussion Jon Ringer kept having in apparent bad faith.
an open letter to the NixOS foundation
this thread fucking sucks for me to have to post, but the linked open letter is an important read. none of the systemic issues pertaining to marginalized folks and commercial/military-industrial interests in the Nix community I’ve previously written about on TechTakes have been solved; in fact, they’ve gotten worse to the point where the Nix community moderation team is essentially in the process of quitting. that’s the beginning to an awful end for a project I like a whole lot.
even if you don’t give a fuck about Nix, the open letter is an important read because the toxicity, conflicts of interest, and underhanded tactics detailed in it are incredibly common in the open source space. this letter could have been written about a multitude of infamously toxic open source projects; Nix is lucky that it has marginalized folks involved who care about the direction of the project and want to make things better, but those people are actively leaving, after being burnt out by the toxic people and structures entrenched in Nix’s community. that’s a fucking tragedy.
Kai Lentit: Interview with Senior JS Developer 2024 (video)
YouTube Video
Click to view this content.
a blind man stumbles into the activitypub
since I haven't touched AP before (and figure other possible contributors may not have either), going to use this post as wayfarer bathroom graffiti
feel free to contribute your own learning and investigation as well
thread your Philthy feature requests
reply with features and bug fixes you'd like to see in Philthy, the lemmy fork that runs on this instance. no guarantees I'll get to any of them soon, but particularly low-hanging fruit and well-liked features can be prioritized.
Does A Software Engineer Have Scorpion Nature?
from my good friend Lucidity. Just in case you were experiencing any good cheer today!
ask me questions about awful.systems or NixOS!
the awful.systems server cluster runs on an open infrastructure based on NixOS and Nix flakes, and though it desperately needs cleanup in some places, it's still a pretty good example of how to use a Nix flake to deploy NixOS in production. feel free to browse the repo and ask any questions about how it works, or about Nix in general!
also, if I get hit by a bus, this can be used to redeploy awful.systems elsewhere. an existing admin who isn't in the hospital or the grave can import a database backup and get back up and running!
and as always, contributions are welcome.
the r/SneerClub archive welcomes contributions
codeberg.org sneer-archive-siteAn archival site for the posts from r/SneerClub, generated from a static data snapshot
the r/SneerClub archive at awful.systems is welcoming contributors. it's a statically-generated site (from this set of archived posts in JSON format) that uses a unique, high-performance Nix-based static site generation system. the current site desperately needs a new stylesheet (especially on mobile), but one area where I really need advice or contributions is the dataset.
currently, the SneerClub archives only pull in data from the
set, which I generated using Bulk Downloader for Reddit right before Reddit killed its API, but I'd love to merge the SneerClub_comments.jsonl and SneerClub_submissions.jsonl files into the data we're using to generate the site, since those have older data from ArchiveTeam. unfortunately, that data set is in a complete different format from the BDFR data. any advice for tools or techniques to merge those two data sets into one (or offers to contribute a merge script) is greatly appreciated. -
Philthy, the awful.systems fork of Lemmy, is seeking contributors
codeberg.org awful.systemsCodeberg is a non-profit, community-led organization that aims to help free and open source projects prosper by giving them a safe and friendly home.
the software we use to run awful.systems, which @[email protected] suggested I call Philthy (and I agreed!), is seeking contributors.
like upstream Lemmy, this consists of a Rust backend and a Typescript+React frontend. contributions to both are welcome; use this thread to discuss ideas and collaborate.
here's some contribution ideas off the top of my head (but all reasonable contributions are welcome):
- (frontend & backend) actually rebrand to Philthy, to prevent confusion between us and upstream Lemmy
- (frontend & backend) rewrite
to emphasize that this is a fork - (frontend) make the page header and footer more configurable; remove various links that aren't relevant to awful.systems
- (backend) delete posts from Mastodon when they're deleted on our end
- (frontend & backend) implement The Firehose, a big admin-only list of the posts and content leaving our instance
- (frontend & backend, ongoing) merge in changes from upstream Lemmy if there are features you wish our instance had
or make suggestions in this thread!
one major blocker preventing folks from contributing to Lemmy-related development I've seen is that a lot of people don't know Rust. if that's the case, I can offer the following:
- the Lemmy codebase is the worst possible place to learn Rust, but I'd love to start a thread for Rust tutorials and shared learning. it's honestly an excellent language in its own right, so I'd love to teach folks about it even if they don't end up contributing to Philthy.
- if you're good with React and/or Typescript and the feature you want to implement has a backend component, I don't mind handling the backend portion if I'm able.
welcome to FreeAssembly: a non-toxic collaborative community
this is a non-toxic place to collaborate on projects (programming, design, art, or otherwise) and share information; effectively, it's the awful.systems answer to Hacker News. this community has been in the planning phase for a long time, but the xz backdoor recently emphasized how severe the toxicity problem in existing open source communities is, and how important it is that we have a place to collaborate that isn't controlled by toxic personalities or corporate interests.
FreeAssembly is starting its existence as a Lemmy community that enables collaboration on externally-hosted projects, but that doesn't necessarily need to be its final form. as we figure out the needs of this community, we can grow to service needs like code hosting and design collaboration. for now, we recommend hosting code on software forges like Codeberg (and we recommend avoiding github if possible, though it's well-understood that this isn't easy for established projects). we also want to explore the best options for designers and artists to collaborate without making them dependent on large corporate infrastructure.
there are some expectations around posting to FreeAssembly. see the sidebar for details.