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Freedom and safety

Today I was attending a lecture about blockchain and cryptocurrencies and the lecturer said that freedom and safety don't go together. You can have more freedom by abandoning safety. Would you agree?

European Instances or Bust!
  • Yeah, remove buyfromeu on

  • EU, life expectancy reaches 81.5 years
  • Did you choose this number on purpose?

  • Decentralization UngratefulLilToad

    Cons of decentralization

    What cons of decentralised social media do you see? I read that it's mostly about moderation challenges and regulatory compliance. What do you think?

    What do you think about the idea of banning Twitter in the EU?
  • There are still some ways to use banned apps and programmes. Besides it takes away opportunity of making your own decisions and creates the atmosphere of censorship.

  • what happened here?

    Why there's so many nsfw out of sudden lol

    Fairphone & Ubuntu Touch
  • Are there any important apps that don't work?

  • Fairphone & Ubuntu Touch
  • What about Fairphone with /e/OS?

  • Fairphone & Ubuntu Touch

    What's your experience with Fairphone and Ubuntu Touch as an operating system? Or maybe you have other recommendations for European phones.

    Samsung with some European operating system would work too.
