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Ulzana David Barkin

I'm a retired licensed boiler installer, who decided to become an Ornithologist. I support DSA, and I write a hell of a lot of satire. I'm a photographer, Ornithologist, Poet, and I read as much history as humanly possible...

And the background photo is of a Dinosaur that I photographed at Plum Marsh.

Aside from all that, I live in the East Village of Manhattan.

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Comments 5
Be on the lookout for CIA propaganda! Tankies LOVE dissenters!
  • @[email protected]

    I blocked this fanatic, who pretends to know things...

  • Be on the lookout for CIA propaganda! Tankies LOVE dissenters!
  • @sab @db0 @boredtortoise @novibe

    I have an astonishing book at home released by the Soviet Union while Stalin was head of the Communist Party.

    It's a verbatim summary of some of the purge trials, and the lawyers for the defendants might as well have been the prosecutors.

    In fact it reads like fiction, except that it's a real book. Beyond belief that Anyone could support this mass murderer.

  • Be on the lookout for CIA propaganda! Tankies LOVE dissenters!
  • @sab @db0 @boredtortoise @novibe

    Actually he completely supported those he fought with. The "Poum" were Trotskyists, and could call themselves Communists.

    Orwell had no problem with them, and there's Nothing in "Homage to Catalonia which attacks their ideals.

  • Be on the lookout for CIA propaganda! Tankies LOVE dissenters!
  • @sab @db0 @boredtortoise @novibe

    Imagine hating Stalin with his massacres of real Communists, and being called an Anti-Communist? 😂

  • Be on the lookout for CIA propaganda! Tankies LOVE dissenters!
  • @novibe @sab

    Orwell fought in Spain against Franco. You have some odd definitions of "Anti_Communist."

    He hated Stalin? So did everyone who could read and write.