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[DEV] The first pre-release for Community Pixel Dungeon has been released!
  • The post has been updated with a link to 0.1.1 hotfix and the link to list of all features currently in the mod.

  • [DEV] The first pre-release for Community Pixel Dungeon has been released!
  • seems like the picture overrides the link on Lemmy; great platform!

  • [DEV] The first pre-release for Community Pixel Dungeon has been released! Release Community Pixel Dungeon 0.1.1 · TrashboxBobylev/Community-Pixel-Dungeon

    (0.1.1 fixes bug with glyph crashes and allows desktop builds to be "debug".) This is what I would call a first "testing release", not fully complete, but something to be already enjoyable and test...

    Release Community Pixel Dungeon 0.1.1 · TrashboxBobylev/Community-Pixel-Dungeon

    This mod has been conceptualized back in October as dedicated thing for 10th anniversary of Pixel Dungeon becoming free and open source software, but only now I dedicated the time to start making it. The core idea is that I am not the one, who design the features and new items, it's people from community of this game!

    Currently this mod has 20 unique features from ideas of 21 people on PD's discord, all listed here:


    [DEV] Experienced Pixel Dungeon 2.18.1 has been released! Release Experienced Pixel Dungeon 2.18.1 · TrashboxBobylev/Experienced-Pixel-Dungeon-Redone

    This release fixes some urgent bugs and issues, that came with 2.18. internal version number: 511

    Release Experienced Pixel Dungeon 2.18.1 · TrashboxBobylev/Experienced-Pixel-Dungeon-Redone

    Fixes some of urgent bugs, like crashes with trinkets or telekinetic grab.

    That's mostly all, there is also some balance tweaks to forgotten things like Vampiric.


    [DEV] Shorter PD has been updated to 1.4.0! Release v1.4.0 · TrashboxBobylev/Shorter-Pixel-Dungeon

    This release ports everything from Shattered PD 2.4.1. internal version number: 781

    Release v1.4.0 · TrashboxBobylev/Shorter-Pixel-Dungeon

    This release ports stuff from Shattered 2.3 and 2.4 and reimplements rare mobs.

    Some were asking what is wrongdifferent with this mod: it makes the game 25% shorter, like chapter length and mob and equipment stat increases.


    [DEV] Experienced Pixel Dungeon 2.18 has been released! Release Experienced Pixel Dungeon 2.18 · TrashboxBobylev/Experienced-Pixel-Dungeon-Redone

    This release ports all Shattered 2.4.1 changes, which include trinkets, duelist rework and alchemy rework; some changes were made to Experienced's content to reflect this, including renaming Black ...

    Release Experienced Pixel Dungeon 2.18 · TrashboxBobylev/Experienced-Pixel-Dungeon-Redone

    Shattered's trinkets are finally (after 11 days of waiting!) here, alongside with some aesthetic changes, buffs to underused and overused stuff and patches to world-importance bugs like warhammer stunning.

    Don't know what else to say... go look for reaching another cycle!


    [DEV] Summoning PD: Reincarnated 0.3.0 has been released! Release Reincarnated-0.3.0 · TrashboxBobylev/Summoning-Reincarnated

    Commits c2857e9: ReInc 0.3.0: fixed staff generation not actually rolling staffs (Trashbox Bobylev) 71114cc: ReInc 0.3.0: attunement bonus from wizard now properly works during generation (Trashbo...

    Release Reincarnated-0.3.0 · TrashboxBobylev/Summoning-Reincarnated

    The 100+ days of waiting and development hell are finally over...

    This release introduces:

    • Shattered PD 2.3.2 port
    • minions port/overhaul, with 8 staffs to find in the dungeon with reworked abilities and stats
    • ports of few features from original Summoning, like healing gas, hordes, scimitar rework, clean water, frostburn...
    • rank manager spell, the new way to manage ranks
    • attunement rework to be like strength, but for magic
    • hunger adjustments, staffs in journal and other QoL
    • bugfixes for things from original Summoning

    [DEV] Experienced Pixel Dungeon 2.17.2 has been released! Release Experienced Pixel Dungeon 2.17.2 · TrashboxBobylev/Experienced-Pixel-Dungeon-Redone

    This release fixes some more bugs and issues, and removes Dwarf King's second phase, with tripling his HP to compensate. This is reupload, that removes the monster scaling with time. internal vers...

    Release Experienced Pixel Dungeon 2.17.2 · TrashboxBobylev/Experienced-Pixel-Dungeon-Redone

    Don't you love forgetting about some tiny details (or, rather, dwarf-sized) and then being told that it makes the game unbeatable and having to cope with working on this abomination of a variant for few more hours? Me toon't.

    At least DK's phase 2 is now gone.


    [DEV] Experienced Pixel Dungeon 2.17.1 has been released! Release Experienced Pixel Dungeon 2.17.1 · TrashboxBobylev/Experienced-Pixel-Dungeon-Redone

    This release fixes fishing crash and adds even more balance changes, not implemented in 2.17, and suggestions from community members. internal version number: 504

    Release Experienced Pixel Dungeon 2.17.1 · TrashboxBobylev/Experienced-Pixel-Dungeon-Redone

    Okay, so 2.17 happened to have crash with fishing, so I fixed that and did some more balance and difficulty changes, nerfing Haste and Fate Lock and tweaking new bags.


    [DEV] Experienced Pixel Dungeon 2.17 has been released! Release Experienced Pixel Dungeon 2.17 · TrashboxBobylev/Experienced-Pixel-Dungeon-Redone

    This release switches most of character and equipment stats from 32-bit numbers to 64-bit numbers, letting players obtain up to 9 quintillion upgrades on one item and deal trillions of damage! Also...

    Release Experienced Pixel Dungeon 2.17 · TrashboxBobylev/Experienced-Pixel-Dungeon-Redone

    The biggest feature of this release is many stats and numbers have been improved to be scaled up to 2^63 (~9 quintillions)! This means many more opportunities to upgrade your gear into heavens!

    This release also adds Burnt Bag, some more funny items, cycle 5 and balance changes.


    [DEV] Experienced Pixel Dungeon 2.17's beta testing has begun! Release Experienced Pixel Dungeon 2.17, beta 1 · TrashboxBobylev/Experienced-Pixel-Dungeon-Redone

    This release ports Shattered PD 2.3.1's changes, implements few QoL fixes and, most importantly, increases the limits on game's numbers from 32-bit to 64-bit! This is a pre-release build of the gam...

    This release ports Shattered PD 2.3.1's changes, implements few QoL fixes and, most importantly, increases the limits on game's numbers from 32-bit to 64-bit, like health, xp, damage, item count and gold! Now you can hold trillions and trillions of stuff with billions of upgrades on them in your inventory!

    This is, of course, pre-release due to sheer amount of code changes. Things can break, not work or behave weirdly. Scroll of Debug is included to test stuff.

    The link to Google Play version of beta:

    [DEV] Upcoming Lunar New Year item!
  • I thought we were having Steamed Flesh.

  • [DEV] Experienced Pixel Dungeon 2.16.3 has been released! Release Experienced Pixel Dungeon 2.16.3 · TrashboxBobylev/Experienced-Pixel-Dungeon-Redone

    This release fixes few annoying bugs from previous releases of 2.16.x, like OOF thief stealing fate locks. The link to Google Play version:

    Release Experienced Pixel Dungeon 2.16.3 · TrashboxBobylev/Experienced-Pixel-Dungeon-Redone

    This release fixes stuff like oof thieves stealing tickets and fate locks, and also few crashes.


    [DEV] Summoning PD: Reincarnated 0.2.0 has been fully released! Release Reincarnated-297757b · TrashboxBobylev/Summoning-Reincarnated

    Commits 4f71f30: ReInc 0.2.0: ropes are no longer consumed when there is no effect or action was a failure (Trashbox Bobylev) 1d5bda0: ReInc 0.2.0: reimplemented custom fuse freezing (Trashbox Bob...

    Release Reincarnated-297757b · TrashboxBobylev/Summoning-Reincarnated

    EDIT: the bugfix patches have been uploaded, fixing few untested inconsistencies, legacy behavior and bugs.

    Hello, the community, it is been my birthday on January 4th, so I have made a new Reincarnated release to celebrate with all of you!

    The new things include:

    • Adventurer (with some exclusive talents)
    • All reworked bombs
    • Ropes
    • Conducts (most of them)
    • Reworked Runic Blade
    • Reworked Hunger system
    • Email feedback button from ExpPD
    [DEV] Experienced Pixel Dungeon 2.16.2 has been released!
  • It is not meant to be taken too seriously, but yeah, I do have personal issue with how Experienced is significantly more popular than other mods, such as Summoning and RKA, despite ExpPD's obvious flaws and many breakouts from integer overflow or similar issues.

  • [DEV] Experienced Pixel Dungeon 2.16.2 has been released! Release Experienced Pixel Dungeon 2.16.2 · TrashboxBobylev/Experienced-Pixel-Dungeon-Redone

    This release fixes few remaining issues from 2.16, adds Chinese translation, buffs bbat and brings back some enchanting things. The link to Google Play version:

    Release Experienced Pixel Dungeon 2.16.2 · TrashboxBobylev/Experienced-Pixel-Dungeon-Redone

    So uh, New Year 2024, adventurers in here!

    Here is your flimsy prize!


    [DEV] Summoning: Reincarnated has began! Releases · TrashboxBobylev/Summoning-Reincarnated

    The port of Summoning PD's features to latest Shattered engine version - TrashboxBobylev/Summoning-Reincarnated

    Releases · TrashboxBobylev/Summoning-Reincarnated

    So, yeah... This is a new thing connected to Summoning PD, to port its features to the newest Shattered.

    The full philosophy of this project is detailed in the game's changelog, but that's what is now implemented (only started today):

    • Armored Cloak
    • Shop weapons
    • Different spirit arrow sprites for augments
    • Buffed bombs
    • Crash handler and debug scroll for testing
    • Interface and icon changes
    • Development snapshots

    [DEV] Shorter PD has been updated to 1.3.0! Release v1.3.0 · TrashboxBobylev/Shorter-Pixel-Dungeon

    This release ports everything from Shattered PD 2.2.1. internal version number: 737

    Release v1.3.0 · TrashboxBobylev/Shorter-Pixel-Dungeon

    I am trying to remember, I swear...

    Anyway, this release ports ShPD 2.2, so new blacksmith quest and stuff are available!


    Doukutsu Randamu v1.43 has been released! Update 1.43 (Gamekutsu Rebaldamu) - Doukutsu Randamu by TrashboxBobylev

    This major patch rebalances or overhauls the majority of equipment in the game, including underused or underpowered ones, adds new Defended gimmick, reworks underwater breathing and fixes many gamepla...

    Update 1.43 (Gamekutsu Rebaldamu) - Doukutsu Randamu by TrashboxBobylev

    This community has subscribers, huh. Anyway, here is rebalancing release.


    [DEV] Rat King Adventure 1.5.3 has been released! Release 1.5.3 · TrashboxBobylev/Rat-King-Adventure

    The lovely update to RKPD2 just doesn't come, so here is another minor patch, that adds more special seeds, nerfs warp changes and buffs some underused items, like Summon Elemental or wand of His R...

    Release 1.5.3 · TrashboxBobylev/Rat-King-Adventure

    I start to forget I even have an account on this site...

    Anyway, there are new special seeds, warp effect nerfs and more balance changes. and more waiting for RKPD2 update


    [DEV] Experienced Pixel Dungeon 2.16 has been released! Release Experienced Pixel Dungeon 2.16.1 · TrashboxBobylev/Experienced-Pixel-Dungeon-Redone

    This release ports things from Shattered PD 2.2.1 and adds new content, including reworked blacksmith favors, new music for arena and Black Mimic, OOF thief, new weaponry and more balance changery....

    Release Experienced Pixel Dungeon 2.16.1 · TrashboxBobylev/Experienced-Pixel-Dungeon-Redone

    Edit: 2.16.1 has been released as well, fixing hero perks crash and changing how artifacts transfer levels from transmutation.

    I forgot to do that yesterday... So this update ports new blacksmith quest, with new goodies from it, dangerous OOF thief and new music for Arena and Black Mimic. Aaaand some balance changes, don't worry about them....


    10th PD anniversary mod suggestion box is now open! 10th PD anniversary suggestion box

    Here you can suggest your ideas to implement in collaboration to celebrate 10th anniversary of Pixel Dungeon becoming open source, creating modding community we know and love today. The collaboration mod will be based on Shattered PD. Yes, this is 9 months early, but there is a lot of work to be do...

    10th PD anniversary suggestion box

    Hello, the next year is 2024, which means that it will going to be the 10th anniversary for Pixel Dungeon game becoming Free and Open Source Software by publishing its source code on GitHub, July 29th 2014!

    Therefore, I am announcing that suggestion box for the event is now open (even if it is 9 months early)! You can suggest your own ideas in it for the anniversary mod that I am going to be directing.


    [DEV] Experienced Pixel Dungeon 2.15.4 Release Experienced Pixel Dungeon 2.15.4 · TrashboxBobylev/Experienced-Pixel-Dungeon-Redone

    This release fixes another few crashes reported from emails and Google Play, nerfs the popular items, buffs bartering and cheese and adds cheese chunks. The link to Google Play version: https://pla...

    Release Experienced Pixel Dungeon 2.15.4 · TrashboxBobylev/Experienced-Pixel-Dungeon-Redone

    Hi, everyone, this is a release for ExpPD (yes, I still remember about it). It fixes a bunch of crashes I heard and adds cheese chunks.

    I hate the new Duelist sneak :(
  • this is why Summoning's Warrior rework is better concept than duelist

  • [DEV] Shorter Pixel Dungeon 1.2.0 has been released! Release v1.2.0 · TrashboxBobylev/Shorter-Pixel-Dungeon

    This release ports everything from Shattered PD 2.1.4. internal version number: 736

    Another side mod, this one just makes the game feel shorter (and has some balance changes).

    This release ports the latest ShPD version.

    P.S.: now on google play as well! Download here.
