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Posts 22
Comments 305
  • Im just saying everybody can learn basic terminal commands, because on Linux you're on your own

  • me🦊irl
  • Yep as you said not everybody is made to use a computer, but everybody can learn how to with a minimum of will

  • Gentoo bans AI-created contributions
  • Chat-GPT seems to have some issues with excessive amount of code

  • me🦊irl
  • you will never in a million years get the average computer user to use a terminal.

    We used to back in the 20th century, when computer didn't had GUI

  • me🦊irl
  • Wrong example, Manjaro is probably the less stables distro i've tried, and thoses issues seems to be common when you look at the forum

  • me🦊irl
  • Maybe, but it mean Manjaro has serious Hardware compatibility issues with most.

  • me🦊irl
  • If you don't like using the Terminal use Mint, but even this one require some basics terminal skills that everybody could learn fast. Linux is made this way.

  • me🦊irl
  • Linux was never meant to be "user-friendly", Windows and Linux are 2 differents things, but i know this fact is hard to accept tho.

  • me🦊irl
  • Used Manjaro in the past, probably the worst distro i've tried. Multiple screens issues, kernel issues, keyboard and mouse issues, and when i look at the forum thoses are commons on Manjaro

  • me🦊irl
  • The terminal is not an accessory like on Windows, it's apart of the daily Linux experience

  • Greatest satisfaction
  • What Linux distro Thomas Shelby would use if he was a Linux user ?

  • Is Mull a good private browser for android?
  • I used FOSS Browser, now im into Tor Browser

  • Anon figures out the secret to charisma
  • If you ever fell like you were a weird or creep person, remember 4chan users exist.

  • fnv rule
  • My favorite faction is probably the Disciples of Apocalypse, they aim to make a better world by puting their knowledge at the service of the people, they also help sick and wounded people for nothing in exchange.

  • least paranoid arch user
  • He never hided it, his video are kinda great tho

  • What all youtube channels can you recommend so that i don't fall behind on movies and series trailers ?
  • I use Tubular, which is a fork of NewPipe but with the SkipSponsor extension

  • least paranoid arch user
  • Lmao this dosn't make any sense

  • least paranoid arch user
  • Mental Outlaw is a Gentoo user, BTW

  • Is Fallout serie on Prime Video good or bad ?
  • They gonna put New Vegas in the next season ?

  • Is Fallout serie on Prime Video good or bad ?

    I've the opportunity to watch it and i want to know if it's worth it or not, because game-based shows are known to be not that great.

    Edit : at the moment i write this, im at episode 3, they seems to have respected the game's lore even if i disagree with the cause they choose in the scenario to force the hero to left the vault.




    How about rule!


    Roses are rule


    Terminal rule


    I finished Rullout : New Vegas


    Now let's see Paul Allen's rule


    Windows dropped new feature called "sudo"

    I don't think i need to explain how it works, should i ?


    Great news from 2023


    Nvm rule


    Issue with Voyager(unofficial FOSS Lemmy client for android)

    Since a couple days, Voyager keep disconnecting me at a iregular interval, so i wanted to know if others Voyager/any other clients users have the same issue and how to fix it.


    My dishes deserve the best


    My Guitar(Harley Benton ST-20HSS SBK Standard Series)


    OpenCalc : terminal-based calculator GitHub - ToujoursTitou2/OpenCalc: terminal-based calculator

    terminal-based calculator. Contribute to ToujoursTitou2/OpenCalc development by creating an account on GitHub.

    GitHub - ToujoursTitou2/OpenCalc: terminal-based calculator

    v1.0 : support a basic amount of operation(addition, exponent, square root, division, etc...)


    FOSS Oasis


    Makima said no bloat


    Librewolf is Firefox but better




    OpenBattery : Terminal-based battery monitor GitHub - ToujoursTitou2/OpenBattery: terminal-based battery monitor.

    terminal-based battery monitor. Contribute to ToujoursTitou2/OpenBattery development by creating an account on GitHub.


    OpenBattery : Terminal-based battery monitor
