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Buying a home in the US has never been this hard
  • My bank still raised my mortgage by 20% because apparently they can't set up an escrow properly and apparently that's my problem now.

    This just happened to me, it's because insurance for the year jumped 30%. šŸ¤Æ I don't like it, but it's difficult for the mortgage company to predict that kind of shit. You can change your insurance, and I went looking, but everything I found was even more expensive.

  • Scientists Propose New Way to Find Aliens: Detect Their Failing Warp Drives
  • We need to just work on making our own. Then the Vulcans will find us.

  • Winklevoss twins say they each donated $1M in bitcoin to Trump
  • Trump loves crypto now? Oh that will guarantee a win.

  • ā€˜Save the Children Convoyā€™ Finally Ends, Leaving Farmer With Piles of Garbage, Rancid Food and Unpaid Bills
  • I know I don't have to say this in present company, but with these kinds of people, it's always projection. Like it can't not be projection. I actually just learned there is a term for it: reaction formation.

    Put another way, we can be pretty sure these people are dangerous for children. Very dangerous.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • Can't. Google shanked them all with anticompetitive behavior. So instead, I think I will do all I can to punish them for that.

  • Study Finds That 52 Percent of ChatGPT Answers to Programming Questions Are Wrong
  • That opinion and a dollar will get you a cup of coffee at McDonalds.

  • A cool guide to Epicurean Paradox
  • Epicuro is a good example of why God doesn't exist: the universe doesn't make any sense if God exists. It's nonsensical if you try to place any intent on it. If it's simply the chaos of the physical order of matter, then it makes more sense. It's still bizarre that anything should exist at all, but at least you don't have to do the mental gymnastics required to justify its existence in the face of an all-powerful deity.

  • Study Finds That 52 Percent of ChatGPT Answers to Programming Questions Are Wrong
  • I think where it shines is in helping you write code you've never written before. I never touched Swift before and I made a fully functional iOS app in a week. Also, even with stuff I have done before, I can say "write me a function that does x" and it will and it usually works.

    Like just yesterday I asked it to write me a function that would generate and serve up an .ics file based on a selected date and extrapolate the date of a recurring monthly meeting based on the day of the week picked and its position (1st week, 2nd week, etc) within the month and then make the .ics file reflect all that. I could have generated that code myself by hand but it would have probably taken me an hour or two. It did it in about five seconds and it worked perfectly.

    Yeah, you have to know what you're doing in general and there's a lot of babysitting involved, but anyone who thinks it's just useless is plain wrong. It's fucking amazing.

    Edit: lol the article is referring to a study that was using GPT 3.5, which is all but useless for coding. 4.0 has been out for a year blowing everybody's minds. Clickbait trash.

  • Iran's president, foreign minister and others found dead at helicopter crash site
  • Wasn't this just a "hard landing" yesterday? Or is this a different event?

  • Former Green Bay Packers Quarterback Aaron Rodgers Suggests Religion Is Used To Manipulate People
  • He's actually worse than a broken clock. Even twice a day when he manages to be right, he's wrong - because he's so phenomenally stupid.

  • ā€œOut of controlā€: Legal experts call for recusal, reform over Stop the Steal symbol at Alito home
  • What a coward. The country can go fuck itself, so just own up to it you pussy. But no no, he's all "my wife did it." So not only can we go fuck ourselves, we're also rock stupid.

  • Trump without his fake tan and hair
  • You said the words I was thinking!

  • Nabiha Syed will join the Mozilla Foundation as [their] next Executive Director
  • I'm not reading all that. I just need one answer from any suit at Mozilla: are you going to sell us out or not.

  • Is this a crime? Thoughts?
  • Cottage cheese and fruit in general, but I'm partial to pineapple chunks. So good.

  • The Dark Secret at the Heart of the Jehovahā€™s Witnesses - Vice
  • Uhhh... there's a million videos of normal people who aren't using Michael Myers masks and a creepy voice changer who can explain to you why Jehovah's Witnesses are shit.

  • can't make this shit up
  • So... they think it will... vaccinate them?

  • DOJ requests judge order Steve Bannon to begin prison sentence
  • Ah yes, the old "do criminal shit and then when you're held to account for your criminal shit, scream loudly about how they're trying to 'silence' your voice" routine. We know it well.

  • Jake would have kicked Alexander's ass change my mind

    Alexander, although being a Klingon by birth, was weak, having been raised by his only half Klingon mother among humans rather than Klingons. Whereas Jake, although human, was raised with a mind to take care of himself because of his absent father.

    I believe Jake could take him. Hell, I believe Nog could take him.


    Question: When will a comment you made on the Fediverse not show up on your user page?

    I've noticed recently that a couple comments I made don't show up in my user page. If someone responds to my comment I can get to it through the notifications page, otherwise, I have no way to find/see it.

    The message I can see through responses I can see was posted on to, but I only ever use my account, so I assume the reason it doesn't show up on my user page has something to do with federation, but I just made a post that shows it was posted on but it shows up on my user page. Is there any way to know when a post you're making might not show up on your user page?
