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Super_Stone Vii
  • Unironical Anarchocommunist
  • Any pronouns accepted
Posts 1
Comments 37
Why so sad?
  • Funny how when it comes to veganism that everyone suddenly only eats the flesh pf animals they knew personally and that were cuddled to death. Do you ever order food made with animal products when eating out?

  • Supermarket plastic bag charge has led to 98% drop in use in England, data shows
  • In many places the cities were retrofitted for car centric infrastructure already, why couldnt it happen again?

  • What's a word you haven't heard used in years?
  • We actually have a word for that: unauffindbar

  • Believe me when I say, SF hates you and does not want your friendship
  • I like the irony of deadnaming the company of a transphobe.

  • The Weekly 'What are you playing?' Discussion - 27-07-2023
  • There are four acts in total, although the last two are more rushed than the first two. Act two is way bigger than one and I would recommend looking at a level map if you feel stuck somewhere, since fights with higher leveled enemies are mostly just impossible.

  • Table Flip Time 🙃
  • He doesnt use it outside of school stuff and even then prefers to write things on paper, I dont think that he has to make disincentives.

  • Table Flip Time 🙃
  • An acquaintance of mine has a 36 characters long passcode for his tablet that he manually puts in every time he wants to use it.

    And you can use password managers to make secure passwords without ever having to input them yourself.

  • Somehow, TikTok is sending me notifications even though I don't have the app. And in order to disable them I have to install it.
  • You have some kind of swear word filter. They said 'bitches' or if that also gets censored, the plural of female dogs, but as a verb.

  • What's your favourite keyboard app? ⌚
  • I just wanted to have a keyboard thats not cluttered with tons of superfluous features so I use simple keyboard configured in a way that it only types and nothing else. I even turned off spellcheck and autocomplete, though that is mostly due to me having bad experiences some years back.

  • Italy begins stripping lesbian mothers of their parental rights
  • The group who they really came for first was the LGBTQ

    Thats still not really taught in german schools (or at least mine) even though we have this subject at least a whole year in history class.

    And whats also not taught is that the more that ten thousand gay people that were thrown in KZs were only rehabilitated in 2001 and those that were sentenced after 1945 in 2017. After the Nazi regime was over the persecution of queer people did not just stop.

  • We did it folks!
  • I just watch it on my desktop or laptop tbh

  • I'm tired of the inequality
  • I am not american and I dont want to be one. The feed for animals raised for their meat in the EU and a lot of other countries that have industrial animal farms is comprised out of several plants and nutrient supplements, and a big part of that feed is soy and corn, both things that are grown mostly to feed animals.

  • I'm tired of the inequality
  • Wait until you learn what cattle gets fed. Spoiler: it is soy

  • ich_iel
  • Das letzte mal, dass ich Radio gehört habe, haben die direkt nachdem sie was von den aktuellen Hits gesagt haben "take on me" gespielt.

  • rule
  • Yep, I got it to make this a few months back and found the picture again while searching for something to post here that isnt just porn or crappy selfies.

  • Denuvo wants to convince you its DRM isn’t “evil”
  • For me, a lot of times it is just like a demo of the olfen days. I play a bit and then decide if I want to buy it. And if not then I have had some fun at least.

  • rule

    Earbud doorknob rule
  • A lot of good IEMs and headphones still come with cords because bluetooth has worse soundquality.

  • The Superior Seige Weapon Rule
  • I am 180cm tall and weigh 70 kg. Granted I am an organism without any muscles but even my very buff brother weighs less than ninety kg.

  • super rule
  • Volkswagen sells their ketchup in glass bottles iirc.

  • Dreams rule
  • I dont even remember my dreams and the few times I do it feels like a deja vu afterwards. I guess this either means that I have no imagination or that my memory is so shitty that I forget my dreams instantly, Im not quite sure which is more probable.