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SturgiesYrFase SturgiesYrFase

Canadian, Stone Mason, Ex-Pat living in the UK.

Posts 9
Comments 1.6K
Windows 11
  • Nope

  • Windows 11
  • Psst... Linux was hit in April, you just didn't hear about it.
    I make this comment being a daily linux user. Arch btw.

  • Just why
  • So cursed

  • Dark oxygen made by deep sea 'batteries'
  • I mean, maybe the studies from the test patch saying that sea floor mining could damage the ecosystem for thousands of years might have been an indication that we probably shouldn't do it?

  • Dems Mock Trump as ‘Too Old’ to Run—Like He Did to Biden
  • Idk man, sometimes switching things up is nice, gets boring when you just do it in the same place all the time.

  • Dems Mock Trump as ‘Too Old’ to Run—Like He Did to Biden
  • No, we've been instructed to live in interesting times, and goddammit that's what we're doing.

  • -----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----
  • I have literally one friend who would get this, and I try not to bombard him with memes, as I can tell it gets on his nerves sometimes, even when he thinks it's funny.

  • Is everything the worst?
  • I mean, that's a nice info drop, but it doesn't really explain too much. Can you drop me a link to some of his stuff, so I can make my own mind up about it?

  • What girls want
  • I can get behind that

  • 'I'm supposed to be dead' says Trump after assassination attempt
  • He also fought in the streets against the communists with a whip and a handgun. Guy was a fuckin monster, but he wasn't like the pussy ass American wannabe fascist dictator.

  • Hes alive so this meme is OK right?
  • My wife and her cousin both have the name Hiroko, but the kanji is different so they're different names. It's like Lewis and Louis, or Stuart and Stewart. Anglophones seem to have a hard time grasping that, despite it being quite common in English

  • A little bit of patriotism - as a treat
  • One might argue it's people's fault for being in a situation where the animal, following it's natural behaviours and instincts, reacted the way it predictably would.

  • Aged like milk
  • Because they're hoping for a martyr?

  • We're cooked...
  • It arguably could have been worse if they'd killed him. Opening space for someone just as vile but actually intelligent, who could easily just roll through to president on the back of "Saint Trumpf the Martyr"....

  • "Hey Google, Turn my balls off"
  • Followed by 15mins of unsinkable ads

  • If you want to play that whopping Fallout London mod you'll need to downgrade Fallout 4's "next gen" version
  • It says in the article that it comes with a downgrader packaged in the installer. That said they're working with GoG, so the downgrader might not work for the steam edition.

  • Gonna keep doing this until November
  • Had a guy just yesterday stand at the urinal next to me with 15 vacant ones to my left. He didn't talk to me, but he did do that thing young kids do and take his trousers and underwear down to his knees. It was.....weird.

  • I bought a Surface Pro 4 - Update

    So I posted a few weeks ago asking for opinions on the Surface Pro 4, trying to decide if I should pick one up and slap Linux on it. Opinions were.....mixed.

    I got a decent deal on one, and that's partly why it's taken me so long to post an update. It was cheap because the previous buyer had returned it to the seller claiming that there were power issues. The seller said they hadn't encountered said issues in the hour or so of testing they did, and I call fucking bullshit! Once powered off or restarted it was taking up to 48hrs before it would grace me with booting up. And usable time ranged for 15mins to an hour before system lockup resulting in either a freeze until battery run out, or immediate system shutdown, and another 12-48hrs wait to power it up again. Obviously this is suboptimal.

    Part of the issue, possibly unsurprisingly, was windows and the stripped down BIOS. After turning off secure boot, turning off the "battery saver" mode(restricts charging to 50% of total capacity) and scrubbing windows off the drive like a crusty booger...things have improved. I'm still unable to restart the device, restart powers down, but no power up. Wait times to power up again went from probably 36hrs average to 2hrs average, and if I just don't turn it off, the system is stable.

    My time with Nobara on the surface has been really enjoyable, everything is just stock, I've not wanted to muck around too much and get attached in case I can't figure out the actual root cause of the power issues. As such, not really much else to report other than Nobara running well, and pretty much everything running as well or better than when windows was installed. Touch functionality works slightly differently in Nobara than Windows, but that's not really a bother for me.

    If any of you greybeard wizards has any ideas on what might be happening with the power cycle issues I'd appreciate some suggestions. I think it may be a battery issue, but I'm waiting on a hot air station to be able to open it up and have a proper look at it's guts. Doesn't seem to have anything to do with temps, that was my first thought but that didn't pan out.


    Thinking about buying a Surface Pro 4/5

    Just putting out feelers, anyone here run Linux on a surface pro 4 or 5? What distro did you use, and how did it go?

    Edit: I've pulled the trigger on a Surface Pro 4. I'll make a new post in a week with my early impressions, which distro I've gone with, etc etc etc.


    OpenVPN and NoIP not playing nice

    I've got OpenVPN running, and the NoIP DUC running, if I setup OpenVPN to use my current IP everything works well, can connect, and more importantly can access the Internet. If I configure it to use my DynDNS through NoIP then it allows my to connect, but I then have no access outside my local network. If I was just trying to access a server that would be fine, but obviously this is supposed to be a VPN.....


    Is there any interest in "Homebrew Music" Community?

    I've been making tunes for 20+ years, I'd like to post some somewhere for you people to probably not enjoy much as it's a bit shit.

    cute dogs, cats, and other animals SturgiesYrFase

    My boy Jin, basking...and also pretending I hadn't just fed him dinner....

    A place to share your artwork, be it drawing, music, or something else! SturgiesYrFase

    Slave Labour - Owl Head

    Track I made a few months ago, and a picture to go with it by one of the AI generative programs.

    Slave Labour - Owl Head


    Can't figure out how to reply to items in Inbox

    Prior to 0.0.33 there were all the buttons below messages, vote arrows, show context, mark read and reply. Have they been hidden and I just don't know how to show them? Is this a bug? Am I dumb?

    EDIT: Added my bug report as embedded post link.

    EDIT²: Closing my bug report, solution is to long press on the username area of the message.

    0.0.33 update log should mention this. It's a good feature, but frustrating if it's not mentioned in the documentation.

    Edit³: I believe that the line in the changelog:

    "Comment action bar improvements by @twizmwazin in #453" Refers to what is happening, I'm not entirely sure.


    Hoping to drive more engagement here, sooooo....

    What's everyone reading? I'm on book 10 of the Wheel of Time, and Creatures of Light and Darkness by Alan Dean Foster


    I'm currently using the playstore version, should I be using the fdroid version?

    The title, also here's a picture of my cat to drive engagement.
