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Day 224 "Indifference" from 365 Tao: Daily Meditations
  • I stumbled on this trough my main feed, I'm not a subscriber, and I have never read any of these works. I know nothing of Daoism. However, when I read this I feel apathy, not enlightenment. Caring and connection will lead to enlightenment faster than apathy in my experience.

  • unidog
  • My spirit animal.

  • All news in Canada will be removed from Facebook, Instagram within weeks: Meta
  • It's the right thing to do, and as a Canadian I hope other countries join in. These massive tech companies figure they can just steal content and reap the rewards without sharing.

  • Welcome RIF users
  • Bye RIF :( Hello Lemmy :)

  • To all the new(er) Reddit refugees!
  • Wanted to post as part of the great migration.