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Stillhart Stillhart
Posts 13
Comments 292
Linux for Kids?
  • Having your router limit internet connectivity time is effectively the same thing these days. There are some things they can do offline but not much anymore.

  • Linux for Kids?
  • Personally, I'd use the router to limit access to locations and times. It's more reliable, easier to do, and lets you be less picky with your distro.

    Using a DNS level content blocker like Adblock DNS is a great option, IMHO, and is super easy to setup.

    (For the record, parent of 8 and 11 yr olds)

  • Should I use Windows built-in shrink feature to move partition space to another partition?
  • I shrunk my Win10 partition from within Windows to make space to dual boot into linux so you definitely can shrink an active partition.

  • can we install from the Microsoft store?
  • Yeah I get it. It turns out subscription services are everywhere and have been for quite some time so there's no need to really inform people about the pros and cons at this point.

    Sure I don't own the games. But then again, I don't tend to replay old games ever. There are SO MANY new games coming out all the time, I've never understood the urge to go back and replay an old game. Chances are there's a new game out there that's the same idea but better.

    My only point here is that GamePass Ultimate is basically paying more to have access on Windows AND Xbox and I don't use the Windows version anymore. It will save me money when it's time to renew. Hooray linux!

  • can we install from the Microsoft store?
  • It's one of my only regrets from switching to linux full time last summer: the PC side of my GamePass Ultimate subscription is now useless because it requires Windows. I get it, but it still bums me out.

    On the plus side, I prepaid using some crazy scam/exploit/deal/whatever from SlickDeals so it cost me like less than $100 for three years. And since I still use it on my Xbox regularly, I feel like it was still a... <glasses>... slick deal.

  • Wafer-thin, stretchy and strong as steel: could ‘miracle’ material graphene finally transform our world?
  • Rule of thumb: if a headline is a yes or no question, the answer is always no.

  • Noob Question Thread: Ask Any Questions About Linux!
  • At this point, when do you even want a password to be shown? If you don’t need a password, get rid of it entirely.

    Do you still do this by just pressing enter when you change your password? (i.e. entering no password as your password)

  • Noob Question Thread: Ask Any Questions About Linux!
  • Short version: How do I install apps onto a different partition from the default in Pop_OS! (preferably from within the Pop Shop GUI)?

    Long version: I have a dual boot with Windows and I shrunk my Win partition to install linux and eventually realized I wanted more space on the linux side so I shrunk my windows partition again. But Linux won't let me grow the existing partition since the free space isn't contiguous. Since I don't want to reinstall everything, I just created a data partition and have been using that for Steam installs. But I am still running low so yeah, looking to move some apps and realized it doesn't actually ask me where to install when I install. I saw this thread and figured I'd just ask.

  • Perfect CD-ripping to FLAC with Exact Audio Copy - [The best guide I've ever read for ripping CDs with EAC]
  • Another blast from the past! I used to use EAC to rip CD's for You know, perfectly legally...

  • [Question] Do charging stations generally accept credit/debit cards?
  • Pretty sure they said they will have access to the Supercharger network. I don't see Tesla adding card readers to every supercharger. I think it's far more likely that the cars will talk to the superchargers just like Teslas do.

  • Top comment gets to choose my hostname
  • I've always been partial to "wintermute". Not many people will get that reference these days.

  • [Question] Do charging stations generally accept credit/debit cards?
  • I guess my point is that you don't really DO anything. You don't have to fire up an app and log in and shit. The charger talks to the car when you plug it in and it just goes. Not sure what your hang-up is with apps (no judgement here, but clearly there is one) but in this case it's pretty seamless and a lot more convenient than some other custom payment apps.

  • [Question] Do charging stations generally accept credit/debit cards?
  • I've only ever used Superchargers (I have a PHEV, but there's no need to charge that away from home). The Supercharger just talks directly to the car and handles it through your Tesla account/app. Once most cars are using the NACS connector in a year or two, I assume this will be how it works for them too.

  • Ford Will Offer Free Adapters For Tesla’s Supercharging Network This Spring
  • Oh, cool then. Thanks, I don't use Xwitter so I would have never seen that. lol

  • Ford Will Offer Free Adapters For Tesla’s Supercharging Network This Spring
  • At first I was like "oh that's dope, they're sending it to all owners, not just providing them for new cars purchased after the announcement." Then I realized they kept saying "eligible owners" and nowhere does it specify what eligible means. So I will reserve judgement for now.

  • Ford to supply over 1,000 Lightning, Mustang Mach-E EVs to Ecolab
  • I'm curious why this article is framed like Ford is doing someone a favor rather than Ecolab making a large purchase from Ford. Ecolab should be getting credit for shifting to electric. Not Ford getting credit for... selling stuff to people... you know, that thing is does every day.

  • GM should just bring back the Chevy Volt
  • My issue with the Volt is just that is was really crappy to be inside. It was a terrible Chevy interior combined with lack of space due to them trying to fit batteries into a platform that wasn't designed for it.

    Yes, it was great on paper. But when it came time to test drive one I was really turned off.

    Chevy should indeed bring back a PHEV option because they're just the most sensible choice for the most people until the charging infrastructure gets better. But the Volt kinda sucked so they should do something better like the Bolt.

  • GM should just bring back the Chevy Volt
  • That's how every PHEV works...

  • Hyundai's New Incentive Beats Out The Model 3 As The Cheapest Electric Sedan
  • You can just get an adapter. I have a Tesla wall connector and it works fine with my non-Tesla and a $100 adapter.

    The problem is that you can't use the Superchargers with an adapter. You can use the non-Supercharger ones... I forget what they're called... but not the Supercharger because of how it handles the money aspect.

  • Gamepass Ultimate on Linux?

    Hey all!

    So I switched to linux this summer and have been really enjoying it! Pretty much everything I want to play on Steam works with no issue. Everything else seems to get solved with

    But I do miss the PC side of my Gamepass Ultimate sub. Is there any way to take advantage of that on linux? I know on Windows you need to use the Xbox app to install things and I couldn't for the life of me figure out how to add them to Steam after that as a non Steam game (couldn't find the executables or whatever).

    Anyways, is there some lutris workaround or something for installing and playing Gamepass Ultimate games on linux? Or am I SOL?



    What's the point of cargo ships?

    Am I missing something? There's no arbitrage trading opportunities as far as I can tell so what cargo are you supposed to be hauling? Piles of looted succulents and notepads?

    (Serious question! I like space trading games but I don't see that as a thing and I really am curious if I'm missing something.)


    Is it just me or is Starfield kinda meh?

    Don't get me wrong, I'm not a hater. I actually was really excited for the game. But so far I am just not having fun.

    For a little bit of reference, I just finished playing thru Cyberpunk 2077 and then jumped right into Starfield. Maybe that was a mistake because I kinda just want to go back to Cyberpunk (and I will in a few weeks when the DLC comes out).

    But I'm noticing two really big issues with Starfield: first, the gunplay/combat is... let's call it underwhelming. I realize it's quite probably a skill issue and I need to just git gud, but holy crap, everything is a bullet sponge and I don't have that many bullets! Stealth seems to be pretty worthless at early levels as I don't have any high-alpha guns that can take advantage of it and, most of the time, I'm detected before I even see the bad guys. I'm just not enjoying this aspect of the game at all.

    The second big issue for me is that there's a loading screen every five seconds! Again, probably a me thing, but OMG, it's driving me nuts. Get into ship, loading screen. Launch from planet, loading screen. Fly to next planet, loading screen. Land on planet, loading screen. Leave ship, loading screen. I just want to go shoot things! Let me shoot things!

    Okay, found some spacers, time to... oh shit, out of ammo. Let me swap to a worse gun that still has ammo. Sigh. Okay, they're dead. Let me just heal up... oh shit, out of med packs. Sigh.

    Oh and wrestling with the UI is exhausting.

    Anyways, I realize that this probably isn't the place to find a lot of like-minded people. But I really do want to like this game. Any tips on maybe at least ways to make the combat less of a chore?


    Phone Recommendation for Cancer Patient

    Hi all. I'm in the market for a new Android phone and I was hoping you could help with recommendations.

    Thanks to my awesome friend cancer (and its awesome friends at Phillip Morris), I had my larynx removed and can no longer speak. Because of that, I use my phone as my main form of communication, typing out things and showing my phone to people. It's in my hand all the time and it's VERY important to me.

    Thanks to some of the side effects of the drugs that are keeping me alive, I am very sensitive to heat. My phone (Oneplus 7T) gets hot when I'm gaming, most phones do, and it can occasionally get too uncomfortable for me to use. It doesn't happen often though. My wife's Pixel Fold, on the other hand, gets too hot just from normal use. I've read this is a thing with the newer Pixel phones.

    So the most important criterion right now is that it can't get too hot. Even when charging.

    Second most important criterion is weight, since I'm constantly holding it and showing it to people... Or just sitting in bed texting. The Pixel Fold is cool and all, but too damn heavy to be lugging around everywhere.

    Third would be size. With the amount I type, a bigger screen means bigger buttons and fewer typos. I know that bigger tends to mean heavier so there's a balance to be struck between this priority and the previous one. One of the reasons I'm looking for help.

    Last, I tend to prefer a close-to-stock Android experience. But given the importance of my other priorities, this is lower on the list.

    Some other info: I live in the US, I'm on T-Mo currently but I only buy unlocked phones, price is obviously a consideration but not a constraint, don't care about camera, nice screen and high refresh would be nice to have.

    Thanks in advance for any help. It's such a pain to try to sift through all the phones every few years. I used to just pick the newest Nexus. Then the newest Oneplus. But Google and Oneplus aren't what they used to be and so I'm open to suggestions now. Thanks!

    Cancer Stillhart

    I need some help

    So thanks to my fun version of cancer, I had a total larynjectomy. My voice box was removed. Amongst all the other things I will never be able to do again, I can't speak on the phone.

    I have been trying to find an app that lets me type words and it speaks them INTO THE PHONE to the person on the other end. However much I try, I can't seem to find the right words to make Google understand what I'm looking for. I don't need something that speaks typed words out loud to the person standing next to me. I don't need an app that reads texts to me. I need to communicate over the phone line to the person on the other side.

    Can anyone here unlock the magic phrase that finds what I need? I am starting to suspect there's some law against it or something, which is why it's seemingly not a thing. I can't imagine mine is the only use case for such an app.

    Right now my poor wife is the one who has to make all my doctor appointments, order all my drug refills, call the plumber, whatever. I'd love to be able to help with that again. Can you fine folks help me out?


    Freelancer HD on Linux?

    So I'm very new to linux gaming. I swapped like last month and I've really been enjoying how well everything I've tried on Steam just works these days.

    But I was looking to try something a little more advanced next. I saw that there's a HD "remaster" mod for Freelancer (which is abandonware now, so easy to find for free online). As it's one of my all time favorite games, and I haven't played it in like 20 years, I thought it might be fun to check it out again.

    I saw that it is on lutris and tried installing it that way. The installation goes fine but after it's done, the lutris installer just hangs with "return code 256". Googling it didn't provide me any useful info other than one guy saying just to install it directly with an empty WINE prefix. I have no idea how to do that and it sounds like it might be more of a pain in the ass than I want to deal with.

    But I thought I'd just post here and see if anyone else has tried this and gotten it to work. I can always dual boot back into Windows but I'd rather not do that ever again if I can avoid it. For the record, I'm on Pop!_OS.


    Sync24 - Comfortable Void [Full Album]

    "Dance of the Droids" is a particularly dope track.


    Shpongle - Are You Shpongled? [FULL ALBUM]

    The original psybient album and the GOAT. My all-time number one "desert island album". Nothing compares.

    On a side note: couldn't be more excited by this community! Here's hoping it takes off! I'll try my best not to overload with suggestions early. :-D

    electric vehicles Stillhart

    Question for Chevy Bolt Owners

    I'm looking into replacing our aging second car and considering the Bolt EUV. My wife has only one requirement in a new car: she has to be able to turn on the heating/cooling remotely with the app like with our Tesla. Is this something the Bolt can do?

    I found a really old reddit thread that suggested that you can sort of do it by turning the car on remotely, which would turn on the climate if you left the climate on when you turn the car off. Not sure why they'd let you do this and not just put a climate button in the app but whatever works, I guess.

    I just saw that they're discontinuing the Bolt tho. Might be a dumb idea to buy a car that's hard to work on and being discontinued.


    Suggested Distro?

    It's time once again to bang my head against the wall of Linux gaming to see if I can make the switch from Windows. What's the flavor of the month for gaming distros for a Windows native that's not a moron but also wants something that just works once its set up?

    Bonus points if you can point me at resources for how to put Linux on my Windows box as a dual boot without breaking my Windows installation.

    EDIT - Tried Mint and Nobara and neither could figure out how to dual boot with Windows on a machine with two physical drives. I'm sure if I had a CS degree I could figure it out in short order but a little googling and messing around trying different things didn't work so I think I'm done. Maybe next time, Linux.


    Main color scheme

    So I'm seeing a peach/salmon color for my main color scheme on the app. I'd love to change that.

    I do wonder if it's just me. In Jerboa, when "dynamic" is selected for the color theme, it gives me the same color. No idea where that's coming from as my main color scheme is a vibrant red both in the Android system and on my desktop and icons.

    Anyhow, I've tried Connect, Jerboa and Liftoff and this is my favorite one so far. I'll be putting together more detailed feedback later but first impressions are great. Keep up the good work!

    Cancer Stillhart

    Fuck Cancer

    Hot take, I know. But it needs to be said before anything else.

    I seem to be surviving so far. A little over two years from my diagnosis. Radiation, chemo, several surgeries, and now immunotherapy weekly. The cancer seems to be gone for now, but my body is wrecked from all the treatments.

    Oh the irony.

    But I'm still here. Hugs and hope to everyone else dealing with this bullshit. If you want to talk, @ me. <3


    How do I see my own posts?

    Title basically. I can't figure out how to just show all my own posts. I tried searching using the the "created by" field but it still needs a search term so I can't just show everything.

    It was a single click on RES. I must be missing something. Help pzl!
